
V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Nordeifel v1


Here I present you my short before Nordeifel map.


Biogas plant (original replica)

-Sindlungs Yard

-Getreidespeicher (Hall at the rear end)

-Gülle / Dung-mod is just as installed

-and so on ..

Please Look at the pictures and bleats not around for any nonsense.


I have a part of the old Ls 2011 North Eifel taken because I really liked it.

This is the V1 of the map if there are problems git I'll fix in the next version well as possible, if complaints should occur announces you directly to micht then you can outside the Com. clarify.



If there are any discrepancies because of the objects on the map please get in touch directly with me, then I'll think of something.


I wish you much fun on the northern Eifel

Mfg Johni989



--- Please note that it is only the original link is used and the map is not rebooted invites or posted on another site .---





Fendt211,Joel,giants software, eifok,4ndi, lagacy,niggels, vertexdezign

  • 06 Dec 15:14
    Version 1.0

    Neuer DL link


checksum: deaaeb9f5ca66e1022bd7bff56c0f853
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Bastian, Joel
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Nordeifel V2
description in shop:
Wilkommen in der schönen Eifel ;)

06.12 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.83 / 6 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
185 MB 17057
06. 12 2014 17,057

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