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Model - Profarm, SiiD
Programming - SiiD
Amendments visual and scripted - SIID, M?ody98, Marlin, vnsfdg2, AgroTechnik
New Holland CX8090:
- Washable
- Full animation (joystick, all actuators, ladder)
- Animation seat and the panel move on holes
- Manual unloading grain
- Full lighting
- Capacity grain tank 10500l
- Capacity fuel tank 1000l
- speedometer
- fuel gauge
- An indicator of full grain tank
- The sound information and roosters are switched on at 80%
The package is a combine harvester New Holland CX8090, and 3 headers 18,25, 32 ft,
Model: SiiD, Profarm
Texture: SiiD, Profarm
Script: SiiD
Idea / Concept: SiiD
Testing: SiiD
Other: M?ody98, AgroTechnik, Marlin, vnsfdg2
19 Jun 18:37Version 1.01 beta
- Repair errors in the log
by SiiD_Poland
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
by Wildflower
ago almost 9 years
19.06 2016
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1.01 beta
19. 06 2016
6 Comments for New Holland CX8090
come the combine in the ls 17 ? is the best harvester
A wonderful mod, thank you.
Might it be possible for you to take care of those two log warnings?
textures/main_vis.dds width or height doesn't equal 2^n
textures/main_vis_normal.dds width or height doesn't equal 2^n
Love the combine.
From the model I like this one most. I would really appreciate, if this mod would get cameras for the pipe and the header.
I love to play 1st-person and the cameras help.
I have an error message when i download this zip and try to open it. The archive is either in unknown format or damaged. Why?
Tested your combine, very nice details!
Movement of header and cabine!
Sharp details!
Perfect between the small NH and big NH from Giants, for small and midlle farms!
I still need to check the log later!
Staying on my farm :-)
BTW, could you add BELGIUM in your numberplates??? :-D
Thank you for sharing 4*/5*
Many thanks for your harvester but he isn't error free. I write you an private message and I send you the log errors. If you fixed these errors, than i will review your mod. Thank your for your work :)
thanks for the information, so it seems bete you to notice all the drawbacks