Dear Modhoster community goes along with me and the Euro Truck Simulator 2 in the version 3 the new Radiostreams.Da I got good feedback and once again any suggestions, I present to you now after a long labor before my new 3 live_streams.ssi file with many new radio stations in Germany, Austria, Netherlands and International.Ich you can not give any warranty that the mod works with all patches but so far the new file came cope successfully with any version without error, I had to install every einzellnen stream manually into the game and the game time and time again to start anew and to set up all the streams successfully brought wurden.Alle stations are to be found as usual in the game menu under radios and there can be switched werden.Diese version runs on the patch 1.0 and 1.1.3 and 1.2.5
If you have further suggestions or wish I pray this time to send a personal message that you can send me, this will beantworten.Sollten any messages I received daily watch that happen the comments under the Mod only way for info :)
As always, I give back to this point, a special thanks to the following users for your needs:
unimog3 <<<<< Wish to: HR3, and ANTENNE BAYERN Bayern 3
Claas Ares <<<<< Wish to: Radio 538
MB Trac 1800dup2 <<<<< Wish yourself: I love radio, Bavaria and HIT Radio Augsburg
coconut claus <<<<< Wish to: Bayern 3
Marcel12dup1 <<<<< Wish is: I Love Radio
kamoku <<<<< Wish to: Radio PSR
dodge ram srt10 <<<<< Wish to: Radio Rainbow
Landi <<<<< Wish to: Radio21
Schlüter Fandup1 <<<<< Wish is: Hit Radio FFN
BLENDER <<<<< Wpnschte are: Upper Echelon radio and PVP Jamz * Special Wish Hiphop *
King Leon <<<<< Wish is: Ego FM, Bayern 1-3, HR 1 and 3 and OE3 (Austria 3)
Important note:
These streams were again revised in my game with the version 1.2.5 patch and successfully tested.
The file is packed again in worden.Ich Win Rar archives have there still a readme text document annexed to the listing of all streams and installing these Version.Bitte previously noted the readme file!
This is not a mod pack to her in the modfolder it can are the originals. Ssi file in Euro Truck Simulator 2 folders will be replaced preclude the scripts are already all loaded and the game needs can only be started
As with the other version, it may be that the PC. Briefly unresponsive when you switch the transmitter will, but do not worry, this only happens because the connections must be established to the server
The file can be easily extended without my permission or be revised and made available on other platforms for disposal
So now a lot of fun with the new radio stations regardless of whether you :) on German, Polish or Austrian roads since
From the other versions adopted and revised:
Techno Base FM
Hard Base FM
Delta Radio
Radio Hamburg
Ostseewelle Hitradio Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Bayern 1
Hit Radio FFH
MDR Jump
Radio ONE
SWR 1 Baden Württemberg
Radio Nora
N Joy
NDR 1 Welle Nord
Bremen Eins
Star FM (Maximum Rock)
RauteMusik FM (Oldies, Olie, Hardstyle, Techno and much more ... ...)
JAM FM (New Music Urban Hits & Dance Black N)
Hardstyle nu
Dance Attack eu
RTL 89.0
AT Kronehit
Sunshine Live
Energy Sachsen
Planet Radio
90 Eleven your football radio
Newly added transmission:
- OU 3 (Austria 3)
- HR 1-3
- Ego FM
- Upper Echelon Radio (Hip-Hop, RNB) special request!
- PvP Jamz (Hip Hop, RNB) special request!
- Radio FFN Lower
- Radio 21
- Radio Rainbow
- Radio PSR
- Hit Radio Augsburg RT1
- Radio 538 NL
- I love Radio
- Antenne Bayern
- Bayern 2 and 3
The Final Word:
A comment, acknowledgments or positive feedbacks I'd be very freuen.Jede einzellne request for mod I'll edit and give an answer.
Unfortunately, I can not guarantee that all streams also take in the longer term because each run radio stations to stream from ändert.Sollte this be the case then I will try to find all the stations not to run again for the run bringen.Solltet her a transmitter is not working please let me know I'll take care of drum
15 Mar 23:32Version 3.0
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