Your waters are a bit boring for you and you want a bit more variety in them? How about some fresh and fast growing waterplants? Soon it will be full of life. Just wait and see.
You can find the waterplants in the construction menu -> landscaping -> plants.
Included waterplants:
- Reed Mix 1 M, price: 200 $, Slots: 7
- Reed Mix 1 L, price: 250 $, Slots: 7
- Watergrass 1 S, price: 50 $, Slots: 5
- Watergrass 1 M, price: 75 $, Slots: 5
- Please place the plants directly on the water. Without water, the plants will otherwise sink into the ground.
- To sell the Reed Mix 1, click on the frogs or the autumn leaves.
- To sell the Watergrass 1, click on the lily pads.
If you need help, you can reach me in the forum:
LMoonlight [MA]-
13 Aug 06:47Version 1.0
by warni
ago over 2 years
by warni
ago over 2 years
by warni
ago over 2 years
by warni
ago over 2 years
by warni
ago over 2 years
by warni
ago over 2 years
1 Comments for Natural Waterplants
Bezugnehmend auf eure Kommentarregeln Punkt 6, bitte ich darum, dass für den Download auf der Modhoster Seite nur der Orginal ModHub Link zu meinem Mod verwendet wird. Bitte ändert es entsprechend. Vielen Dank für eure Mithilfe.
MfG LMoonlight [MA]