featuredThis is a new edit of our original Multi Storage Shed.
Changes as requested:
1) Straw and Hay Bales have been removed.
2) Capacity has been raised to 500,000 Litres.
This small building can hold the following products,
Potato, Sugar Beet, Woodchips, Straw, Grass, Hay, Forage (TMR) and Silage (Update 1.1)
Output is via the spout on the outside of the building and is used the same way as the normal farm silo. All the products totals added to this shed, except the Forage (this is displayed at fill trigger) will be displayed in the standard Esc menu as a total.
The building does also contain lights so it looks swish in the night also.
The Tip Trigger inside does reach to the doors on both sides so if you have a modded tipper that does not fit you can reverse up to the door and tip that way
As always log is clean.
Tested in SP and MP.
GTX Mods
As we do not have comments activated on this site please provide feedback or report any errors or requests via our website.
Model and Textures: Mourice
Idea / Concept and Testing:GTX Mods
Again a big thankyou to Mourice for the use of his Building....
24 Dec 09:20Version 1.1
As requested Silage has been added.
27 Nov 03:13Version
by GTXMods
ago over 8 years
by GTXMods
ago over 8 years
by GTXMods
ago over 8 years
by GTXMods
ago over 8 years