here's a trailer from the category Construction Trailer
It is a Construction sand Trailer
the trailer was me "Micha-BF3" newly converted and rebuilt as it had only error ....
the trailer was equipped by me with several new parts, and remapped part ....
the original is the standalone Asphalt Tipper Trailer
Author: man1997
It is here again, as usual a standalone trailer with its own charge "Construction sand tipper"
the trailer may only be uploaded with the original link DL in other forums !!!
the trailer may only be uploaded with the original DL link in other forums !!!
Trailer runs under ATS
simply the SCS have in your mod folder and fun, it do not need a new game to start ....
orginal basic Trailer "standalone Asphalt Tipper Trailer" by "man1997"
Conversion and conversion to ETS 2 by "Micha-BF3"
Wheels by Road Hunter
Modell: "Micha-BF3"
Textur: "Micha-BF3"
Script: "Micha-BF3"
Idee / Konzept: "Micha-BF3"
Sonstige: orginal Grundtrailer "Standalone Asphalt Kipper Trailer" by "man1997", Wheels by Roadhunter
17 Feb 10:11Version 2.0
NEU Schilder wurden dem ATS angepasst und von Deutsch auf Amerika abgestimmt
Skin wurde farblich nochmal geändert -
15 Feb 12:23Version 1.0.0
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