- Power: 96 kW / 130 hp; - Speed: 42 km / h; - Fuel tank volume: 130 l .; - Cost: 47,500 €; - Choice of the main color and the color of the rim; - Various variations of the choice of grilles on the hood; - Choice of plugs for the engine compartment; - Choosing an air conditioner; - Installing gps with a monitor in the presence of a GPS mod in the game; - Adding a tool box with a fuel tank; - Choice of two types of a monocyclone and a pipe with a monocyclone; - Added a sticker on the hood SAREKS; - Installation of a flashing beacon; - Choice of two types of wheels; - Choice of front loader mounting; - Animated pedals, seat, cooling fan; - Dynamic hoses; - Leaves traces, gets dirty, gets old.
Autors: Weder.Umbrella666/edit_IGORyaN/SD_Team/VLADISLAV_ROMAKIN
24 Sep 17:10Version 2.0.5
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