V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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 Hello friends Farming Simulator Today I present my first plow LS15, I hope, 
I have a good job with it, and that you will love.
 This model of the Italian firm Moro Plough, a model for heavy and deep. 
the PNT 20A
, Are the following features:
 - Paintings plowed into and out of the groove 
 - Hydraulic variable working width 
 - Displacement parallelogram 
 - Security screws. 
 - 5 plowshare. 
 - Distance bodies: 100-110 
 - Working width for the body: 30-70 
 - Working depth: 40-45 
 - Height: 207 
 - Weight: 3300 
 - Power PS: 300-340. 
 The mod is a replica in skal 1: 1 of the original model are as follows the 
Functions of the model:
 1 fully animated; 
 2 washable, 
 log.tx clean, and found no problems SP / MP! 
 Model and Script: Ago-modding; 
 design of the tires: fin050808. 
 Thanks to my team (Team Modhoster) Especially in meyer123 and fin050808 for testing. 


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Licenza Creative Commons
MORO RAPTOR PNT 20A LS15 v.1.0 by Ago-modding is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-NoDerivatives 4.0 License internazionale .
Based on a work at .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license 'may be available at




  • 25 Feb 19:13
    Version 1.0


25.02 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.05 / 74 Votes


nach 59 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
11.4 MB 13089
25. 02 2015 13,089

3 Comments for Moro RAPTOR PNT 20A

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  1. Joe`s farm dk 28. 02 2015

    hello oohh well 300 ps for a 5 shard/row plow, mmm seam too me a bit too much of this plow need, have 4 farmers runing a 4 shard/row plow with a tractor with no more that 130 ps or hk, it is good no dubt about it but for me, the demand for ps is too great, but thank for sharing and let it flow :D best regard

    1 replies

  2. SCANN 25. 02 2015

    You make the game get even better. Thank U

  3. mikii22 25. 02 2015

    thank you....I hope you release your fendt 724 soon.
