ATTENTION it is not a mod!
This is an XML that increases the number of farms from 8 to 16 farms.
Since we have a multiplayer server and are running out of Farms, I experimented a bit and found out that you can create more than 8 Farms.
I have expanded the farms.xml to 16 farms and share them with you (of course you can do it yourself, but it is easiest for people who do not know much about it)
Installation of the xml
1. Create multiplayer savegame
2. Save and exit the game (no farms needs to be created)
3. Open Savegame and replace farms.xml
4. Start savegame and a farm turns 16
Since there are only 8 colors for the farms , each color is 2 times!
If you delete a farm from 9 to 16 it is gone and cannot be created again!
Idee / Konzept: BD_Modding
Tester: BD_Modding
10 Mar 19:49Version 1.0
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