Modelleicher's Map

V 0.9.5 FINAL BETA Release mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Half-timbered house in the repentance Klamminger: Dennis Busch


Lowpolystall (from LS 09): Planet LS


Lowpolybäume: origin unknown, unfortunately


Equipment dealer workshop: Maxter


: Road Package by Fatian


Bus stop in the village: Test objects Pack by Börndi


Swath and mown grass textures: Luis


The remaining buildings date from Giants with some white textures and revised by me.

rotationDoors.lua translationDoors.lua and also come from me.






The map is now as already mentioned in the final beta stage. I.e. she is almost finished.


(Now the same text as in the previous versions already ...)

But the map itself .. The terrain is reminiscent of the southern foothills of the Swabian Alb and near the Danube river moss. Of course I have my own ideas while also co-sponsored. There is an old-fashioned farm in the middle of the map, but also two large halls next to it, so you can play easily with modern machinery. The cows are found in the pasture away from the scene.

Grain is sold at the WLZ, the dealer is located at the edge of the village.


The field layout is odd and different, very small fields and meadows, and more so for what it everyone. Also, there was still plenty of streams and rivers on the map.


But enough of the text in the zip is located in the "Manual" equipped with a manual consisting of text screens on which everything is explained significant (Where you find what etc ...)


In addition, all credits and even more settled in graphical form the zip.



Changes to the Final Beta:

- Much ... (Ok, I count at times)

- New, larger and more detailed village

- A main road across the map

- Spread a little grass on the field margins, etc.

- Small and large shrubs anywhere on the map

- Trees and woods through which the main road to go

- Used some of the details

- Set new houses and many fences

- Traffic and the milk truck drives like it should result in pasture

- All doors of the barn on the remorse Klamminger open now (not just the big ones)

- The fence at the shelter at the dealer and the dealer got stolen so that collision, the vehicles do not always impose it

- The terrain in some parts reworked and adapted

- The beach next to the courtyard was rebuilt reduced, and there were added another two houses to repentance village

- RotationDoors.lua and translationDoors.lua new or revised, both available now for as many goals on the map, you can specify separately for each goal at the trigger will go as far to the gate / to rise the speed with which the gate is also possible to determine in which direction the translationDoors.lua rise to the gate ..


- Well, and many more which I know little things no longer as accurate, just ..




- Terrain leveled at the dealer because the tractors were building there in a hole

- Milk Truck trigger was turned off, users still visible from debugging

- Deleted non-functioning spline at the end of a road, was seen IG

- Set three trees in repentance Klamminger because on the one side still looked so empty .. (No bug, only incidentally for fun xD)


- Crammed with small bonus because the fixed version comes so late ...



Snapshot LS 11 Mod. Yep, I've just been the LUA reingekloppt in the moddesc the map .. What is the difference from the LS 11 standard tool?

1st go to F12

2nd The important difference, you can choose between IG *. jpg and *. png .. JPG is only about one third as large in LS and feel virtually no difference in quality .. This saves space, time when you upload the screen shakes and it is not all too strong in the screening game.

Screens are stored under MyGames / SnapShots /. The settings menu calls her female with Ctrl, Alt and O, there you can switch between jpg png unds, as is standard set .. jpg



Fachwerkhaus auf dem Reuendorfer Hof: Dennis Busch

Lowpolystall(aus LS 09): Planet LS

Lowpolybäume: Ursprung leider unbekannt

Ausstattung der Händlerwerkstatt: Maxter

Straßen: Straßenpaket by Fatian

Bushaltestelle im Dorf: Testobjektepack by Börndi

Schwad und gemähtes Gras Texturen: Luis

Die Restlichen Gebäude stammen von Giants teilweiße mit überarbeiteten Texturen und von mir.
rotationDoors.lua und translationDoors.lua stammen ebenfalls von mir.

  • 14 Aug 16:23
    Version 0.9.5 FINAL BETA Release


checksum: 388e14da75b7a26983c4c0d908846330
Version: 0.9.5 FINAL BETA Release
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Modelleicher
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Modelleichers Map
description in shop: Modelleichers Map Final Beta Release 0.9.9 Fixed Version

14.08 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.07 / 29 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 0.9.5 FINAL BETA Release
Farming Simulator 2011
113 MB 3518
14. 08 2011 3,518

2 Comments for Modelleicher's Map

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  1. ist die map auch was für low ? xD

    1 replies

  2. marsell 14. 08 2011

    Die map ist gut weiter so
