Modell: scs, FrankBrasil
Textur: scs, FrankBrasil
Script: scs, FrankBrasil
Idee / Konzept: scs, FrankBrasil
Tester: scs, FrankBrasil
Sonstige: scs, FrankBrasil
04 Jan 15:26Version 2.0
TRUCKSHOP ETS2 FOR ATS BY FrankBrasil V2.0 [1.29.x]
European trucks from ETS2 for ATS.
This is an update of the old mod "Mod_TruckShop_Ets2_no_Ats_v1" from the author FrankBrasil.
Added: update for Daf XF105 and Euro6; Scania 2016; new checkpoint.
Almost all registration has been updated. Changed the mode of wipers.
Changes in physics: stroke, weight and stiffness of the front and rear suspensions; depreciation
driver's seat; weight, tilt angle and cab damping; reduced braking efficiency;
the inertia of the road train is increased.
Present in traffic. Speed ??for traffic patterns of European trucks
increased to 105 km / h. Buy in the showroom in the city of Bakersfield. Registered
in the orders of agencies.
Test on the version -
26 Jul 19:53Version 1.0
by mods80
ago about 7 years
by mods80
ago about 7 years
by mods80
ago about 7 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
1 Comments for Mod TruckShop ETS2 in ATS
Genial Thx !!!!
Recommended, super mod, for which we do not like the American scrap
Zu empfehlen, super mod, wofür wir nicht wie die amerikanischen Schrott