With this mod you can pick up milk the cows and drive sales.
- MilkFillTrigger: Ermögtlicht the collection of the milk with the cows. This trigger must be placed.
- MilkSellTrigger: Placeable sales point of milk
As of version 1.1.0, it is possible to incorporate the trigger with the GE. These include the script and take l10n messages in the Moddesc.
Required Mods:
- Kotte Universal Pack LS17 of Farmer_Andy (is mandatory, as only so that the milk can be transported)
Thanks go to the LS-Modcompany Team for providing the test server to Psycho (test on the server) and joker301069
Credit: kevink98 (script), Marhu (parts of the Liquid trigger LS15), Giants (trigger marker)
The mod may only be published with orginalem download link on other sites!
Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants
Script: kevink98
Idee / Konzept: kevink98
Tester: LS-Modcompany
02 Dec 17:42Version
by kevink98
ago over 8 years
by kevink98
ago over 8 years
by kevink98
ago over 8 years
by kevink98
ago over 8 years
1 Comments for Milk trigger (collection and sale)
can the value for the sale of milk be adjusted? ive noticed you only get half the value when you sell the milk through your triggers compared to just letting the milk sell normally . placed with GE rather than the placeable version