All players start with six lives. Usually the players use a die to keep track of their lives, counting down from 6 to 1 as they lose lives.
The first player rolls the dice and keeps their value concealed from the other players in or under the container. The player then has three choices:
Tell the truth and announce what has been rolled.
Lie and announce a greater value than that rolled.
Lie and announce a lesser value.
The concealed dice are then passed to the next player in a clockwise fashion. The receiving player now has two options:
Believe the passer, roll the dice and pass it on, announcing a higher value—with or without looking at them. (For a poor liar it may be sensible to not look at the dice.)
Call the passer a liar and look at the dice. If the dice show a lesser value than that announced, the passer loses a life and the receiving player starts a new round. However, if the dice show a greater or equal value, the current player loses a life and the next player starts a new round.
Some players play with a third option: Pass the dice to the next player without rolling or looking at them, announcing the same or a higher value. This relieves the original passer of all responsibility. This choice rests on the assumption that the previous player announced a lesser value than they rolled, which may be a sensible choice if they want to get at a player further down the line.
Note that each player must always announce a value greater than the previous value announced, unless she or he is passed a Mia in which case the round ends.
If Mia is announced, the next player has two choices:
They may give up without looking at the dice and lose one life.
They may look at the dice. If it was a Mia, they lose two lives. If it wasn't, the previous player loses one life as usual.
The first player to lose all of their lives loses the game.
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