V update auf 1.39 mod for American Truck Simulator

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MHAPro ATS 1.6 (support version 1.6.x Compatible with Steam and higher):
1. new highway from Stockton to Sacramento (CA) -highway 99
2. new highway from Sacramento to North -connection to highway 80
3. new part of Sacramento
- company McDonalds
- company Petrol with big TA parking
4. new road connection from highway 99 to Sacramento
5. new big cross highways 80 and 99
6. overlook highway 40 - Barstow / Kingman
- new trucks on parking places
- new parking places etc.
7. overlook Kingman
- company Burger King
- company MHA service
8. overlook Camp Verde
- company Road work
- company Burger King
- company MHA Service
- new roads
9. overlook Flagstaff
- company hms_con_svc - new position
- company Premiere
10. Phoenix city
- company Ikea
11. overlook highway 8 from cross to cross Phoniex El Centro
12. overlook Yuma
- company McDonalds
- made some death roads to city life in roads
13 parking places on highway 8
14. overlook El Centro
- company MHAService
- company MHA Constr
15. totaly new sign Billboard - Because of SCS update
16. fixed some mistakes and bugs
17 village Niland
- company gal_oil_gst
- company re_train
18 city Tucson
- company MHA Service
- company gal_oil_gst
19 open racing track in Tucson
20 new road from Tucson to racing track
21 village Mecca
- company gal_oil_gst
- company mha_constr
22 fixed collision on Prefab transport216
23 new small town Coachella (CA)
- company Burger King
- company Petrol
- company cha_el_mkt


Modell: Heavy Alex
Textur: Heavy Alex
Script: Heavy Alex
Idee / Konzept: Heavy Alex
Tester: Heavy Alex
Sonstige: Heavy Alex

  • 15 Dec 21:47
    Version update auf 1.39

    [ATS] MHAPro Map by MsHeavyAlex (1.39.x)

    MHAPro Map - Map of Europe, this map rebuilds and saturates the standard map, adds new cities and towns.New unusual companies, new objects, junctions and roads.Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example RusMap, EAA, PJ Indo Map, etc.
    For its proper operation, the DLC cards "Going East", "Scandinavia", "Vive La France" and Italy are Required. MHA Pro adds new cities, roads, junctions and towns to American Truck Simulator.

    Features MHAPro Map ATS:
    - New unusual companies, new facilities, interchanges and roads;
    - Complicated unloading in some companies (optional);
    - New gas stations, parking lots, parking lots, and many other objects;
    - 64 cities;
    - 63 companies;
    - Must have in the game: DLC New Mexico, Oregon and other map extensions;
    - Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example Viva Mexico;

    DLC Special Transport Routes:
    1. From Phoenix Airport to Sierra Vista Coastline Mine
    2. Kingman Plaster & Sons to Flagstaff Plaster & Sons
    3. Oakland Harbor to Huron Bushnell Farm
    4. From Fresno (Bitumen) to Bakersfield (Crops)
    5. From Eureka HMS to Redding BITUMEN
    6.San Rafael (Darchell Yzau) to Eureka (Darchell Yzau)
    7. Yuma (wallbert) to Tucson (Plaster and Sons)

    Changelog 1.39
    1. new Sacramento (CA) place - Airport
    - company mcDon_whs
    - company airport
    - company chm_che_plnt
    2. new city Roseville (CA)
    - company Target_whs
    - company dg_wd_saw1
    - company hf_wd_pln
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    - company 42p_print
    - company DHL_logis
    3. new connection to highway 99 to North - Yuba City (CA)
    4. new normal road from highway 5 to Sacramento (CA) Airport
    5. new company Food_fact in map MOD
    6. new city Cuba City (CA)
    - company food_fact
    - company oh_con_hom
    - company Gallon (gas station)
    - company wal_mkt
    - company tid_mkt
    - company mha service
    - company pns_con_whs
    7. new roads and connections to Cuba City (CA)
    8. new connection road from highway 80 to Roseville (CA)
    9. new connection road from Roseville (CA) to Cuby City (CA) - classic road
    10. new connection road from Roseville (CA) to road 395 - Reno (NV)
    11. The WS dealers are in the MHAPro map:
    - Stockton CA - on the place
    - Oxnard CA - on the place
    - Lewiston ID - on the place
    12. city El Centro - rebuilded
    13. CA 111 - truck stop added
    14. highway 99 from Cuba City (CA) to Chico (CA)
    15. new city Chico (CA)
    - company dmc_car_dlr
    - company wal_mkt
    - company Volvo dealer
    - company Petrol
    - company sc_frm
    - company pns_con_sit
    16. new highway connection from Chico (CA) to Redding (CA) - road 99
    17. new connection on Redding (CA) with highway 99
    18. new signs on whole highway 99
    19. new "cut scene" in Chico (CA)
    20. new "cut scene" in Cuba City (CA)
    21. new "cut scene" in Roseville (CA)
    22. Updated "cut scenes" in IDAHO country (10 of them)
    23. fixed some small issues in Oxnard (CA)
    24. new small city McCall (ID)
    - garage
    - company service mha
    - company bn_farm
    - company lowes_mkt
    - company pns_con_sit1
    - new roads inside the city
    25. new roads in McCall (ID) city
    26. new samll city Horseshoe Bend (ID)
    - company car_small
    - company bn_farm
    27. new small city New Meadows (ID)
    - garage
    - company hms_con_svc
    - company cm_min_gry
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    - company cm_min_str
    - new roads inside the city
    28. new small Baker city (OR)
    - company cm_min_plnt
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company cm_min_gryp
    29. totally new road from N.Meadows (ID) to Baker city (OR)
    - with all connections
    - new companies on road connections
    30. ALL CONNECTIONS on DLC COLORADO are finished !
    31. new small Bluff (UT)
    - garage
    - company ed_mkt
    - new roads inside small city
    - company roadwork mha
    - company wm_car_whs
    - company nmq_min_qry
    32. city Moab (UT)
    - company McDonalds
    33. fixed some problems with new 1.39 SCS updates
    34. some 40 new Cutscenes in map MOD (3 days work+testing)
    35. overlook city Durango (CO)
    - road 550 to the south and north
    - road 160 to the west
    36. new billboards in the map MOD
    37. new part road 95 from Fallon (NV) to highway 80 North
    38. fixed (still not finished) many line crosses on highways all over the map
    39. small city Panaca (NV)
    - company roadwork_mha
    - company wal_mkt
    - company nmq_min_str
    - company pns_con_whs
    - company nmq_min_pln
    - company nmq_min_qry
    40. new road (319) connection from Tonopah (NV) to Panaca (UT)
    41. new road (56) connection from Panaca (NV) to Cedar City (UT)
    42. new billboards in the map game
    43. fixed many small problems in the map mod
    44. changed some billboards
    45. overlook some parts in Colorado state - billboards

  • 31 Jul 01:56
    Version update auf 1.38 (30.07.20)

    [ATS] MHAPro Map by MsHeavyAlex (1.38.x)

    Changelog v1.38
    1. new cross north from Sacramento (CA)
    2. new big highway cross Sacramento - Yuba city (CA)
    3. new connection to the El Centro (CA)
    4. new roads cross El Centro (CA)
    5. connection to DLC Idaho (ID)
    - Logan to Pacatello (ID) - finished
    - Ogden to Twin Falls (ID) - finished
    - Lewiston (ID) to Kennewick (WA) - finished
    - Lewiston (ID) to Pendleton (OR) - finished
    6. new road US 370 from Pendleton (OR) to direction US 12 Lewiston (ID)
    7. Lewiston (ID) - new road open to highway 95 to the North
    8. connection to DLC Idaho (ID)
    - Spokane (WA) to Coueur d'Alene (ID) - finished
    - Spokane (WA) to Sandpoint (ID) - finished
    9. overlook Spokane (WA)
    - all roads around
    - highway 90 and all signs
    10. overlook Colville (WA)
    - all roads inside the city
    11. overlook road US 395
    12. overlook road US 20
    13. Las Vegas (NV)
    - re-changed Bitumen company
    - new Heart truck parking + gas station
    14. connection to DLC Idaho (ID)
    - Grangeville (ID) to South - highway 95 - finished
    - Boise (ID) to Ontario (OR) - finished
    - Boise (ID) to South - highway 51 to Elko (NV)
    15. connection to Elko (NV) from Boise (ID) - finished
    16. connection to DLC Idaho (ID)
    - Twin Falls (ID) to Jackpot (NV) - finished
    17. Sacramento (CA) - garage fixed
    18. new Jackpot look enter from Idaho
    - new look on some places
    - new road connection to city
    19. overlook road Twin Falls (ID) to Jackpot (NV) hw 93
    20. overlook city Twin Falls (ID)
    21. overlook city Pocatella (ID)
    22. overlook city Idaho Falls (ID)
    - hw 15 between Pocatella (ID) to Idaho Falls (ID)
    23. overlook city Salmon (ID)
    24. overlook city Ketchum (ID)
    - road 93 between Ketchum (ID) and Salmon (ID)
    25. overlook city Boise (ID)
    26. overlook city Nampa (ID)
    27. overlook city Grangeville (ID)
    - road 95 and 12 overlook
    28. overlook city Lewiston (ID)
    29. overlook city Coure d'Alene (ID)
    - road 95 between Lewiston (ID) and Coure d'Alene (ID)
    30. overlook city Sandpoint (ID)
    - road 95 between Coeur d'Alene (ID)
    31. fixed all (I hope) small and middle road problems in those cities
    32. fixed almost all signal in Idaho
    33. problem with semaphore system in update 1.38 - SCS confirmed problem


    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

  • 26 May 02:22
    Version update auf 1.37 (24.05.20)

    [ATS] MHAPro Map by MsHeavyAlex (1.37.x)

    MHAPro Map - Map of Europe, this map rebuilds and saturates the standard map, adds new cities and towns.New unusual companies, new objects, junctions and roads.Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example RusMap, EAA, PJ Indo Map, etc.
    For its proper operation, the DLC cards "Going East", "Scandinavia", "Vive La France" and Italy are Required. MHA Pro adds new cities, roads, junctions and towns to American Truck Simulator.

    Features mod MHAPro Map ATS:
    - New unusual companies, new facilities, interchanges and roads;
    - Complicated unloading in some companies (optional);
    - New gas stations, parking lots, parking lots, and many other objects;
    - 64 cities;
    - 63 companies;
    - Must have in the game: DLC New Mexico, Oregon and other map extensions;
    - Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example Viva Mexico;

    DLC Special Transport Routes:
    1. From Phoenix Airport to Sierra Vista Coastline Mine
    2. Kingman Plaster & Sons to Flagstaff Plaster & Sons
    3. Oakland Harbor to Huron Bushnell Farm
    4. From Fresno (Bitumen) to Bakersfield (Crops)
    5. From Eureka HMS to Redding BITUMEN
    6.San Rafael (Darchell Yzau) to Eureka (Darchell Yzau)
    7. Yuma (wallbert) to Tucson (Plaster and Sons)

    Changes for 1.37.x
    1. new city Indio (California)
    - new roads, junctions
    - new highway 10 junction
    - company wal_mkt
    - wal_food_whs company
    - company gas_station
    - company bit_rd_svc
    - company re_train
    2. new city of Crescent city (CA)
    - new roads
    - company Burgerking
    - company lowes_mkt
    - marina_wat company
    - sh_shp_plnt company
    - company gas_station
    3. city of Elko (Nevada)
    - company lowes_mkt
    - company target_mkt
    4. new city of Kenab (Utah)
    - new roads, crosses
    - company car_small
    - company pns_con_sit
    - company McDonalds
    - company cm_min_str
    - company cm_min_qry
    5. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed first cca 120 pieces - adverts
    6. overlook movers and fixed "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 70 pieces - vehicles
    7. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 55 pieces - bison
    8. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 90 pieces - cows
    9. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 60 pieces - planes
    10. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 85 pieces - cows
    11. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 77 pieces - workers
    12. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 54 pieces - workers
    13. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 124 pieces - firefighters
    14. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 145 pieces - flags
    15. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 35 pieces - people
    16. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 185 pieces - horses
    17. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 83 pieces - persons
    18. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 53 pieces - trains
    19. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 64 pieces - different things
    20. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 164 pieces - police officers
    21. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 62 pieces - paragliders
    22. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 77 pieces - security
    23. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 93 pieces - service man
    24. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 44 pieces - sitting persons
    25. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 67 pieces - towing ships and others
    26. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 48 pieces - walker casual
    27. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 38 pieces - waves
    28. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 78 pieces - weed
    29. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 115 pieces - workers
    30. overlook movers "look" in the game
    - overlook and fixed next cca 66 pieces - yachts
    31. New Small Town Springerville (AZ)
    - company gm_chs_plnt
    - bn_farm company
    - new roads
    - company dg_wd_saw
    - company ed_mkt
    - company cha_el_whs
    32. New Quemado Small Town (NM)
    - company bit_rd_svc
    - company sg_whs
    - hms_con_svc company
    - company ed_mkt
    - company gal_oil_gst
    33. new roads and connections
    36. Yuma (Arizona)
    - new roads
    - new garage place
    - new connections
    37. Farmington (New Mexico)
    - new roads
    - new garage place
    38. small place Needles (AZ)
    - target_whs company
    - company vm_car_whs
    - dealer truck mack
    39. Tacoma City (Washington)
    - company lowes_whs
    40. overlook road from The Dalles (OR) to Yakima (WA)
    41. overlook road from The Dalles (OR) to Kennewick (WA)
    42. overlook city The Dalles (OR)
    43. overlook road from Kennewick (WA) to Yakima (WA)
    44. overlook road from Yakima (WA) to cross with the road 90
    45. city Yakima (WA) - truck dealer Mack
    46. city Pendleton (OR) - truck dealer Mack
    47. overlook Pendleton (OR)
    - new parking places and other small things
    48. overlook Kennewick (WA)
    - company service_mha
    - company ed_mkt
    - new gas station
    - company premiere
    49. overlook city Bellingham (WA)
    - company Premiere
    - company Concargo
    - new road 9
    - re-located company dg_wd_hrv
    50. New Town Burlington (Washington)
    - company cha_el_mkt
    - new gas station + parking
    - DHL
    51. New Town Newhalem (WA)
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    - company ed_mkt
    - company mha_contr
    52. New City of Orondo (Washington)
    - bn_farm company
    - company service_mha
    53. city Wenatchee (Washington)
    - company bn_farm - moved
    - company Premiere
    - new roads of the city
    - company bit_rd_svc
    54. City St. George (Utah)
    - with a view of the city
    - company lowes_mkt
    - new roads inside the city
    - branded plasters of sons
    55. Cedar city (Utah)
    - with a view of the city
    - company service_mha
    - McDonald's company
    - company Premiere
    - branded plasters of sons
    - du_farm company
    - company airport
    56. new police control on the road
    57. exit to Tucumcari (New Mexico)
    58. The new city

    Tested on game version 1.37.x

  • 02 Dec 21:18
    Version update auf 1.36 (02.12.19)

    [ATS] MHAPro Map by MsHeavyAlex (1.36.x)

    Almost 100% rebuilds the standard map, adds new areas(roads, cities,towns), companies, roads, etc.
    You will find many new places and cities across the US States, new roads, companies in new places, etc.

    Must have all DLC extensions
    Special transport routes DLC:
    1. Airport Phoenix to the mine the coastline of Sierra Vista
    2. Kingman Plaster and sons at Flagstaff Plaster and sons
    3. Oakland Harbor to Huron Bushnell farm
    4. Fresno (Bitumen) to Bakersfield (Crops)
    5. Eureka (HMS) to Redding (BITUMEN)
    6. San Rafael (of Darcell of Esau) to Eureka (Darcell of Esau)
    7. Yuma (valbert) Tucson (Gypsum and sons)

    - updated for version 1.36.x and adapted to the new DLC UTAH

    New at 1.36.x
    1. Redding (California) - new part of road 299
    2. New intersections and connections around Redding (California)
    3. New signs around Redding (California) on highways 5 and 299
    4. Redding-new junction 44 and 299 with Eureka
    5. Redding (California) - Plasterer & Sons
    6. New roads in part of Placerville (CA)
    7. New DHL company in MOD MHAPro
    8. Placerville, California-DHL
    9. New road in Placerville (CA), connected by road from Oakdale to Rancho Cordova (CA)
    10. Las Vegas (Nevada) - DHL
    11. New road to DHL + connecting to highway 215
    12. Fixed some issues on the map
    13. Klamath fall (Oregon) - new connection through the city in the southern part of the city — new roads inside the city
    14. new Albany (Oregon) - dg_wd_saw — McDonalds WHS
    15. New company on the map MOD-McDonald's warehouse (whs)
    16. New company on the map MOD-marina_wat (Marina)
    17. new small town Pacific city (OR) - ed_mkt company-bit_rd_svc company-sh_shp_plnt company — marina_wat company
    18. Skip all the way 101 again after DLC Wash.
    19. New look again Astoria (OR) after DLC Wash.
    20. city of Astoria (Oregon) - lowes_whs company
    21. new small town Shanico (Oregon) - lowes_mkt company-dg_wd_saw1 company — bn_farm company
    22. rebuild in 1.36 — fixed some movers — fixed modified models — fixed some bugs — rebuilt in version 1.36
    23. with a view of Flagstaff (Arizona) - a new look at the roads — a new road in the city — a new dealership
    24. new look Santa Cruz (California) — new crosses — new road looks — new dealership — new connections
    25. Management has fixed all hms_con_svc companies after 1.36 changes in this company
    26. with ARTESIA view (new Mexico) - fixed some little things in town — fixed movers in town — Expressway 285 — full road with 82 view — new company dg_wd_hrv
    27. city of Alamogordo (new Mexico) - new company pnp_wd_pln
    28. fixed some minor bugs on mhapro map
    29. city of Sacramento (California) - new dealership 29. new small town Moro (Oregon) - bn_farm company-gm_food_pln company
    30. fixed terrain materials / documents
    31. fixed start loading pictures in the game
    32. fixed all warnings
    33. fixed all model errors in the MOD map
    34. city of Salem (Oregon) - company avs_met_scr
    35. new small town Crescent (Oregon) - DHL — new roads
    36. new dual connection from Kayenta (AZ) to DLC UTAH
    37. New little village Mexican Hat (Utah) - cm_min_qry company
    38. new company sun_farm on the map MOD
    39. new small town Delta (Utah) - bn_farm company-d_con_hom company — sun_farm company
    40. a new connection from the direction of Ely (NV) to the DLC UTAH
    41. the town of Ely (NV) — company gas_gst
    42. Completed connection near Las Vegas (Nevada)
    43. Completed connection to DLC UTAH near page (Arizona).
    44. overlooking parts of southern Utah
    45. check in the company — wal_whs (SCS changed the location for Parking trailers) — wal_food_whs — sg_whs — bit_rd_grg
    46. ??the city of Nasel (WA) — company tect company of Mapro service company dg_wd_saw1 company dg_wd_hrv
    47. New WA 401 road from Astoria (Oregon) to Olympia (Washington)
    48. exit to Olympia (Washington)
    49. exit 101 from Astoria (Oregon) to Aberdeen (Washington)
    50. Aberdeen (WA) - city view-ConCargo - wal_food_mkt-McDonalds
    51. New village of Kalaloch (Washington) - target_mkt
    52. new small forks village (Washington) - MOSS service company-car_service company-cm_min_qry company-cm_min_plnt company
    53. New village Potlatch (Washington) - marina_wat company
    54. exit North 101 road
    55. with views of the city of Port Angeles — new Parking spaces and other little things-opened up several new roads for traffic
    56. small town Fleece (Washington) — the company car_small company sc_frm
    57. Yakima (Washington) - sc_frm replaced

  • 25 Jun 01:58
    Version update auf 1.35 (24.06.19)

    [ATS] MHAPRO MAP 1.35.X

    1. new - part 2 - a detour around Las Vegas (Nevada)
    2. city of Las Vegas (Nevada)
    - McDonalds company
    - Lowe's_whs company
    - IKEA
    - Target_whs company
    - Airport companies
    - ABQ Cargo center company
    3. new (SCS) Tonopah in the MOD card (5 days of work)
    - company avs_met_sml (Asteel)
    - company pns_con_sit3 (Gypsum and Sons)
    - company MHA service
    - the company sc_frm_grg (Farm Garage)
    - the company sc_farn (Farne)
    4. all new connections to Tonopah (HB) from 4 sides
    5. Fixed a problem in the company Bushnell in Redding (California)
    6. New Small Town Fort Sumner (New Mexico)
    - bn_farm company
    - d_con_site company
    - company gas_gst
    - company cm_min_str
    7. New company gas_gst (for the transportation of gas, fuel)
    8. completed a detour around Las Vegas (Nevada)
    9. new OR 140 on MOD card
    10. Lakeview City
    - Target_whs company
    11. New Small City Adele (Oregon)
    - bn_farm company
    - ed_mkt company
    - company cm_min_qry
    - company cm_min_str
    - mcs_con_sit company
    12. New Little Town Denio (Nevada)
    - bn_farm company
    - pns_con_sit3
    - gm_chs_plnt company
    13. New NV 292 road with connection to Denio (NV)
    14. New Road OR 205 Communication with Burns (OR) - unfinished
    15. New road connection from the road OR 205 to the direction of McDermitt (Nevada)
    16. New Road OR 205 from Denio (Nevada) to Burns (OR)
    17. New Small Town Harfield (Oregon)
    - sc_frm company
    - bn_farm company
    - company st_met_whs
    18. New Small Town Vale (Oregon)
    - mha_car_yrd company
    - vm_car_dlr company
    - pns_con_sit2
    - sc_frm company
    - bn_farm company
    19. New Little Town Brogan (Oregon)
    20. New Road OR 26 from Vail (Oregon) to Brogan (Oregon)
    21. A new part of the road OR 26 from Brogan (Oregon) to Mount Vernon (Oregon)
    22. A connected road OR 26 from Vale to Mount Vernon (OR)
    23. New Roads Inside Mount Vernon (Oregon)
    24. The map is saved in update 1.35.
    25. More than 3 weeks working on the restructuring of all models and prefabricated structures for the new update
    26. fixed bugs in 1.35
    Fixed old map errors
    28. Update the map without errors in the new SCS update.
    29. map corrected and 100% rebuilt in new version 1.35
    30. fixed small errors in different places on the map
    31. replaced the place of delivery / loading on the company McDonalds
    32. replaced the place of delivery / loading on the company Burger King
    33. Fixed a problem with moving south from Bakersfield (California)
    34. MHAPro Map Connected to Washington DLC
    35. MHAPro map is connected to DLC_Forest_harvesting
    36. Fixed some minor border issues with the new Washington DLC
    37. Road OR58 is on the map MHAPro
    38. fixed compounds according to OR58

  • 25 Jan 00:07
    Version update auf 1.33 (24.01.19)

    Map of Europe, this map rebuilds and saturates the standard map, adds new cities and towns.
    New unusual companies, new objects, junctions and roads.
    Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example RusMap, EAA, PJ Indo Map, etc.
    For its proper operation, the DLC cards "Going East", "Scandinavia", "Vive La France" and Italy are Required

    DLC Special Transport Routes:
    1. From Phoenix Airport to Sierra Vista Coastline Mine
    2. Kingman Plaster & Sons to Flagstaff Plaster & Sons
    3. Oakland Harbor to Huron Bushnell Farm
    4. From Fresno (Bitumen) to Bakersfield (Crops)
    5. From Eureka HMS to Redding BITUMEN
    6.San Rafael (Darchell Yzau) to Eureka (Darchell Yzau)
    7. Yuma (wallbert) to Tucson (Plaster and Sons)

    Changes in v1.33.x
    1. many new parking place in companies
    2. overlook road 101 from Eureka to north
    3. new 229 from Redding to East in progress
    4. city Redding (CA)
    - company roadwork
    - company car service
    5. new city Weed (CA)
    - company gas station
    - company 42p_print
    - company dg_wd_saw
    - company dg_wd_saw1
    - company hf_wd_pln
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    6. new compnay Roadwork Base
    7. new small village Fall River Mills (CA)
    - company roadwork base
    - company wal_food_mkt
    - company pns_con_sit3
    8. new cross on road from Redding (CA) to Reno (CA) nbr 44
    9. new road in Redding (CA)
    10. update whole base for Load in game !
    11. city Tumcumcari (NM)
    - company pns_con_sit2
    - companies (parking places)ž
    12. fixed some small mistakes on map MOD
    13. fixed some parking places on the side of highways
    14. new small village Pastura
    - company wal_food_mkt
    15. new city part Quartzsite (AZ)
    - company lowes_mkt
    16. new overlook city Farmington (NM)
    - new parking places in city
    - new look
    - connection to Albuquerque (NM) road 550
    17. new village Canby (CA)
    - company tid_mkt
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    18. MHA constr. company are fixed after new update - was some mess in there
    19. new signs in game
    20. some old parking places are marked with area place
    21. new crosses and Detour road 215 around Las Vegas (NV)
    22. 2 new big crosses on Detour 215 - first part of work on Detour road
    23. fixed signs on road 15 from Las Vegas (NV) to Barstow (CA)
    24. new signs on Detour 215 road
    25. new gear Indicator for Kenworth W900
    26. fixed all Farm problems, after when SCS changed 3rd time Load places in ATS life
    27. fixed some other companies with similar problems
    28. overlook whole 101 road from south to the north
    29. new look Klamath Falls (OR)
    - company bn_farm
    - company sc_frm
    30. connect to road OR 140
    - I put part by part that road in my map
    - new look and good rules on the road
    31. new small city Bly (OR)
    - company pns_con_sit3
    - company bn_farm
    - company ed_mkt
    - company pns_con_sit2
    32. finished OR140 road connection from both sides
    33. new look city Lakeview (OR)
    - new parking places in companies
    - new look on roads
    34. new parking places in Eugene (OR)
    - in companies
    35. village Rome (OR)
    - company bn_farm
    36. village Riley (OR)
    - company bn_farm
    - company mha_car_yrd
    37. village Juntura (OR)
    - company bn_farm
    - company sc_frm
    - company bit_rd_svc
    - company cm_min_qry
    38. village Brothers (OR)
    - company mha_constr
    39. city Burns (OR)
    - company bn_farm
    40. village Maupin (OR)
    - company ed_mkt
    41. city Redmond
    - company bn_farm
    - company sc_frm
    - company McDonalds
    - company lowes_mkt
    42. new village Prineville (OR)
    - company tid_mkt
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    43. small city Mt Vernon (OR)
    - company pns_con_sit
    - company pns_con_sit2
    - company lowes_whs
    - company dg_wd_hrv
    44. new road US 26 in Oregon (connection between Redmond and Mt Vernon)
    45. new road US 126 in Oregon (connection between Redmond and Mt Vernon)
    46. new road US 26 in Oregon (connection between Mt Vernon and The Dalles)
    47. city Socorro (NM)
    - company bn_farm
    48. city Show Low
    - company sc_frm_grg
    49. city Coos Bay
    - company target_whs
    50. some new road signs
    51. overlook over whole 101 road from south to north
    52. city McDermitt (NV)
    - company lowes_mkt
    - company bn_farm

  • 09 Nov 13:39
    Version 1.32.5 update für 1.32 (03.11.18)

    [ATS] MHAPRO V1.32.5 1.32.X

    Changelog in 1.32.5
    1. many new parking place in companies
    2. overlook road 101 from Eureka to north

    64 cities
    63 companies

    The map rebuilds almost the entire structure of a standard map: objects, companies, service stations, garages, gas stations, cafes, and much more.
    Must have in game: DLC New Mexico and Oregon.

    Compatible with some other maps.

  • 20 Oct 00:23
    Version upd. 19.10.18 für 1.32

    [ATS] MHAPRO 1.32.X

    64 cities
    63 companies

    The map rebuilds almost the entire structure of a standard map: objects, companies, service stations, garages, gas stations, cafes, and much more.
    Must have in game: DLC New Mexico and Oregon.

    Compatible with some other maps.

    1. new small city Lee Vining
    - company MHA service
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company hms_con_svc
    2. new signs in town
    3. extension of road 198 in California from Huran to Santa Cruz
    4. Huron (CA)
    - new company bn_farm
    5. Santa Cruz (CA)
    - new company mcs_con_sit
    6. new signs on road 198
    7. Santa Maria (CA)
    - new company mcs_con_sit
    8. new connection roads around Santa Maria (CA)
    9. overlook texture asphalt on road 1
    10. new small city San Luis Obispo (CA)
    - company chm_che_plnt
    - company gal_oil_str
    - company mcs_con_sit
    - company mha_car_yrd
    - company vm_car_pln
    11. new company mha_car_yrd (car yard)
    12. new signs in around city Obispo
    13. new signs in map
    14. new look in enter Carson city from West and South
    15. new part of road and cross 50 from direction Placerville
    16. new part of road 395 from direction Bishop - South
    17. new road 95 from Yuma to Ehrenberg
    18. new road from El Centro to Yuma and direction Ehrenberg
    19. city Yuma (CA)
    - company sc_frm_grg
    20. Carson ciy (NV)
    - new cross in front of city
    - connection to new detour around city
    - new place for MHA constr company
    - new road look around city
    21. new company Lowe's in map MOD
    - company lowes_mkt (market)
    - company lowes_whs (warehouse)
    22. city Carson city
    - company Lowe's whs
    - company Lowe's mkt
    23. city Las Vegas
    - company Lowe's mkt
    24. fixed connection Holbrook (CA) to DLC Oregon
    25. fixed connection Eureka (CA) to DLC Oregon
    26. fixed connection from road 299 to DLC Oregon
    27. fixed connection cross McDermitt
    28. fixed new Errors on west coast caused by SCS with new crosses
    29. overlook Bend (OR) and road to Albany (OR) nbr.20
    30. overlook road 29 from Bend (OR) to south
    31. changed parking places on road 29
    32. overlook city Klamath Falls (OR)
    33. overlook road 139 (OR)
    34. overlook road 395 from 299 to south
    35. new small city Alturas (CA)
    - company MHA car yard
    - company road work
    - company MHA service
    - company farm stoke
    36. overlook 395 to north
    37. overlook road 20 from east to west
    38. fixed all central California crosses ... after 2,5 days work
    39. city Show Low (AZ)
    - company Plaster & Sons
    - company Stell & Metal whs
    40. city Las Cruces (AZ)
    - new weight station
    41. city Alamogordo (AZ)
    - new weight station
    42. city Roswell (NM)
    - company Stell & Metal wrk
    - company re_train
    - new rail road
    - new rail crosses on roads
    43. fixed all Farms - sc_farm
    44. fixed all Farms - sc_frm_grg
    45. fixed all Farms - bn_farm
    46. city Sky city
    - company Lowe's mkt
    47. city Albuquerque
    - company Lowe's mkt
    48. SCS road and Clifton city is in map MOD
    49. city Clifton (AZ)
    - company MHA service
    - company MHA road work
    50. city Clovis (NM)
    - company Lowe's_whs
    51. city Medford (OR)
    - company Lowe's_whs

    Connection in the manager:
    1 - MHAPro map ATS_1_32_for_ATS_v1.32_x_Free.scs

    2 - MHAPro map ATS_1_32_for_ATS_v1.32_x_Free.scs

    3 - MHAPro map ATS_1_32_for_ATS_v1.32_x_Free.scs

  • 28 May 02:11
    Version update 25.05.18

    MHAPRO (UPD. 25.05.18) 1.31.X

    MHAPro ATS 1.31 (in Support version Compatible with 1.31.1

    1. new company Concargo in map MOD
    2. small city Visalia (CA)
    - company re_train
    - company car_small
    - company bn_farm
    - company Concargo
    3. new signs around Sacramento (CA)
    4. new city Carrizozo (NM)
    - company McDonalds
    - company MHA Service
    - company pns_con_sit
    - company Car service
    - company pns_con_whs
    - company cm_min_str
    5. new roads and buildings inside city¸
    6. new city Corona (NM)
    - company cm_min_qry
    - company ed_mkt
    - company sc_frm_grg
    7. new roads to the farm and environment
    8. new signs on roads
    9. new roads around Corona city (NM)
    10. new city Vaughn (NM)
    - company cm_min_str
    - company cm_min_plnt
    - company plaster & sons
    - company BurgerKing
    - company MHAPro service
    11. new signs around companies
    12. new cross with new signs on highway connection to Vaughn (NM)
    13. fixed small problems in map MOD
    14. fixed invisible walls on some places
    15. overlook highway 285 in New Mexico
    16. highway 285 fo West - > Encino
    17. new city Encino (NM)
    - company hms
    - company ed_mkt
    - company McDonalds
    18. new roads around Encino (NM)
    19. road 60 to the West
    20. road 60 from Encino (NM) to Socorro (NM)
    21.highway road 285 from Encino to 40 to the North
    22. highway road 285 from highway 40 to North - Santa Fe (NM)
    23. big parking place on 285 before big cross to Santa Fe (NM)
    24. map MHAPro 1.30 is Updated in new version 1.31. after 3 days or 37 h work
    25. fixed all crosses in new 1.31 version
    26. updated some Models from 1.30 in 1.31 update.
    27. fixed textures in map in 1.31 version
    28. Rebuild and Save whole map in new version 1.31.
    29. fixed many small problems with new update
    30. city Flagstaff (AZ)
    - company MHA service
    31. new cross with new signs in Flagstaff (AZ)
    32. new company Target_mkt (market) in map MOD
    33. Stockton (CA)
    - company Target_mkt
    34. new connection to Oregon (OR) on road 299
    35. new signs around Redding (CA)
    36. new signs in cross near Redding (CA) direction to Portland (OR)
    37. Fresno (CA)
    - company Target_mkt
    - company MHA Service
    38. Phoenix (AZ)
    - company Target_mkt
    39. Farmington (NM)
    - company Target_mkt
    40. the company Food service was changed in Target_whs (warehouse)
    - in Cordova (CA)
    - in Laytonville (CA)
    - in Oakland (CA)
    - in Placerville (CA)
    - in Smoky (NV)
    41. Santa Fe (NM)
    - company Target_mkt

  • 22 Apr 02:36
    Version erstes update auf 1.31

    MAP MHA PRO FOR ATS [1.31.X]

    This map rebuilds and saturates the standard map, adds new cities, roads, interchanges and populated areas.
    New unusual companies, new facilities, interchanges and roads.
    Complicated unloading in some companies (optional)
    New gas stations, parking lots, parking lots, and many other facilities.

    Compatible with many cards that do not affect the standard, for example:
    -Viva Mexico, is also compatible with US 50 & CA 99 add-ons and Cities Expansion, which makes the card even more beautiful

    Version 1.31 for American Truck Simulator (v1.31.x):
    - Upgrade (adaptation) for 1.31
    - New roads and cities do not exist

  • 25 Nov 12:19
    Version update auf 1.29


    PART 1:

    PART 2:

    PART 3:

    - Download all three parts of the mod;
    - Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;
    - Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;
    - Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

  • 11 Jul 18:09
    Version 1.6.5 fix

    fixed minor bugs in Version 1.6.5

    MHAPro ATS 1.6.5. (in support version Compatible with 1.6 Steam and higher):
    1. fixed some small problems ,mistakes and small bugs
    2. new small city McGill (NV)
    - re_train
    - mha_constr
    - roadwork_mha
    3. city Ely (NV)
    - new garage
    - new look
    - new parking places
    - comapny Bruger King
    4. overlook road nbr.6 - Ely - Tonopah
    5. city Carson city
    - new garage
    - company mha roadwork
    - new gas station
    - company McDonalds
    6. new village Topaz Lake (NV)
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company cm_min_qry
    - new look
    7. new village Bishop (NV)
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - hms_con_svc
    - new look
    8. overlook road 395 from
    9. new company Target in map MOD
    10. overlook city Fresno
    - company Target
    - new look
    - roads around city
    11. new look on roads around Huron
    12. fixed prefab Underground company
    13. overlook city Ukiah
    - company Roadwork
    - company sc_frm_grg
    14. new road from Ukiah to south (some 50-70 miles)
    15. fixed some small problem or mistakes on map
    16. overlook city Tonopah
    17. overlook roads nbr. 6 and 95 around Tonopah city
    18. new village Goldfield (NV)
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company cm_min_qry
    - new open road
    19. overlook whole road 95
    20. new city Beatty (NV)
    - company Target
    - company MHA service
    - company ed_mkt
    - new open road
    21. new village Big Smoky (NV)
    - company chm_che_plnt
    - company underground
    - new roads
    22. overlook road 376 from north to south.
    23. overlook road 50 from Ely to west
    24. new city Austin (NV)
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company hms_con_svc
    - company ed_mkt
    - company Roadwork
    25. Hornbrook (CA)
    - company Roadwork
    26. overlook road 305 from Winnemuca to Austin
    27. new garage in Kingman city
    28. new village Vidal Junction
    - company gal_oil_gst
    - company ed_mkt
    29. fixed and cleared small mistakes with grass on roads, some other
    small problems in map
    30. overlook Ehrenberg
    31. overlook road 95 from Ehrenberg to north highway 40

    you have to download all three parts!

  • 07 Jul 20:59
    Version 1.6.5

    Credit : Heavy Alex

    Change Log:

    MHAPro ATS 1.6.5. (in support version Compatible with 1.6 Steam and higher):

    1. fixed some small problems ,mistakes and small bugs
    2. new small city McGill (NV)
    – re_train
    – mha_constr
    – roadwork_mha
    3. city Ely (NV)
    – new garage
    – new look
    – new parking places
    – comapny Bruger King
    4. overlook road nbr.6 – Ely – Tonopah
    5. city Carson city
    – new garage
    – company mha roadwork
    – new gas station
    – company McDonalds
    6. new village Topaz Lake (NV)
    – company gal_oil_gst
    – company cm_min_qry
    – new look
    7. new village Bishop (NV)
    – company gal_oil_gst
    – hms_con_svc
    – new look
    8. overlook road 395 from
    9. new company Target in map MOD
    10. overlook city Fresno
    – company Target
    – new look
    – roads around city
    11. new look on roads around Huron
    12. fixed prefab Underground company
    13. overlook city Ukiah
    – company Roadwork
    – company sc_frm_grg
    14. new road from Ukiah to south (some 50-70 miles)
    15. fixed some small problem or mistakes on map
    16. overlook city Tonopah
    17. overlook roads nbr. 6 and 95 around Tonopah city
    18. new village Goldfield (NV)
    – company gal_oil_gst
    – company cm_min_qry
    – new open road
    19. overlook whole road 95
    20. new city Beatty (NV)
    – company Target
    – company MHA service
    – company ed_mkt
    – new open road
    21. new village Big Smoky (NV)
    – company chm_che_plnt
    – company underground
    – new roads
    22. overlook road 376 from north to south.
    23. overlook road 50 from Ely to west
    24. new city Austin (NV)
    – company gal_oil_gst
    – company hms_con_svc
    – company ed_mkt
    – company Roadwork
    25. Hornbrook (CA)
    – company Roadwork
    26. overlook road 305 from Winnemuca to Austin
    27. new garage in Kingman city
    28. new village Vidal Junction
    – company gal_oil_gst
    – company ed_mkt
    29. fixed and cleared small mistakes with grass on roads, some other
    small problems in map
    30. overlook Ehrenberg
    31. overlook road 95 from Ehrenberg to north highway 40

    you have to download all three parts!!!

  • 28 Mar 19:18
    Version 1.6

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28.03 2017
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5.0 / 1 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V update auf 1.39
American Truck Simulator
327 MB 357
15. 12 2020 357
V update auf 1.38 (30.07.20)
American Truck Simulator
673 MB 348
31. 07 2020 348
V update auf 1.37 (24.05.20)
American Truck Simulator
509 MB 277
26. 05 2020 277
11 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for MHAPRO

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  1. Rondo 12. 07 2017

    is it possible that the map has troubles reading heavy loads? i have a few cities where i can't load heavy load's. and i have a LOT of these ones in my log file ;(
    00:00:02.506 : [zipfs] 1_MHAPro_map_ATS_1_6_5_for_ATS_v1_6_x.scs: Mounted, 4280 entries [0xb2f46841]
    00:00:02.507 : [zipfs] 1_MHAPro_map_ATS_1_6_5_for_ATS_v1_6_x.scs: Unmounted
    00:00:02.511 : [zipfs] 2 - More realistic traffic.scs: Mounted, 7 entries [0x689e3ba8]
    00:00:02.511 : [zipfs] 2 - More realistic traffic.scs: Unmounted
    00:00:02.545 : [zipfs] 2_MHAPro_map_ATS_1_6_5_for_ATS_v1_6_x.scs: Mounted, 957 entries [0x73e2936b]
    00:00:02.545 : [zipfs] 2_MHAPro_map_ATS_1_6_5_for_ATS_v1_6_x.scs: Unmounted
    00:00:02.565 : [zipfs] 3 - Truck Steering fix up to 70ton.scs: Mounted, 116 entries [0x6e3d3962]
    00:00:02.565 : [zipfs] 3 - Truck Steering fix up to 70ton.scs: Unmounted
    00:00:02.571 : [zipfs] 3_MHAPro_map_ATS_1_6_5_for_ATS_v1_6_x.scs: Mounted, 672 entries [0x1957cbe2]
