ETS2 - MHAPro EU 1.27 (Support version with 1.27.x None-steam and Steam and higher):
1. new city Amiens (F) (back on map)
- company Posped
- company Transinet
- company Europa
- company LKW
- company nos_pat_cf
2. new high around Amiens (F)
3. new big cross to Amiens (F)
4. fixed company TNT - texture
5. new city Žyrardow (PL)
- company TNT
- company BHV
- company car_service
- company McDonalds
6. big update of ALL Models and Prefabs which I use (3 weeks work on that)
- around 320 Models and Prefabs
7. Rebuilt whole map in new 1.27 update after 6 days fight with game
8. pull out all Trameri comapnies in 1.26.5 version
9. put back all Trameri companies in 1.27 version and updated
10. fix many small problems which came with 1.27 update
11. fixed all new updated companies by SCS side
12. new road from company Fastrans in Brion (F)
13. new city Selles-sur-Cher
- company Nord_crown
- boisserie
- bhv
14. Paris
- company Leclerc
15. models fixed
16. more problems fixed on map
17. 15.4.2017 - fixed new problems with parking places in companies
18. changed roads from Dijon (F) to Switzerland border + new gas stations
19. changed roads from Dijon (F) to Lyon (F) + new gas station
original links:
or use this two links above (you have to download both!!!)
Modell: Heavy Alex
Textur: Heavy Alex
Script: Heavy Alex
Idee / Konzept: Heavy Alex
Tester: Heavy Alex
Sonstige: Heavy Alex
15 Nov 01:05Version update auf 1.48.5
MHAPRO EU [1.48.5]
MHAPro for ETS2 1.48.5
The page shows that the update is 1.48.5, but that version also works on Beta 1.49.Credits
Help at work: siga_75
Adaptations and bug fixes: AJIEHA -
13 Jan 18:27Version update auf 1.46
MHAPRO EU [1.46]
Map of Europe, this map rebuilds and enriches the standard map, adding new cities and towns.
New unusual companies, new facilities, interchanges and roads.
Compatible with many maps that do not affect the standard, such as RusMap, EAA, PJ Indo Map, etc.Mod features:
22 Countries
300 cities
199 Companies
All map DLCs are required for it to work properly.Credits:
Help at work: siga_75
Adaptations and bug fixes: AJIEHA -
08 Jan 01:00Version update auf 1.33.X #2 (07.01.19)
Map MHAPRO EU (upd. 07.01.19) 1.33.X
1. project Munchen (D)
- new big cross on highway 8 - 9 - 99
- new crosses on enter to city Munchen
- new Environment
- because of big crosses whole city is removed a little bid to south
2. fixed some my small mistakes on map
3. 61 new signs in Germany
4. new look from highway A96 to Innsbruck (A) - normal road
5, new look on highway A99 around Munchent (D)
6. new look highway frim Bregenz (A) to Munchen (D)
7. new cross on west side of Salzburg (A) -hw A1
8. all new signs for that cross on A1
9. new look around Hamburg (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
- new company MHA service
- new company concargo
- old companies are back in city
10. new look road from Hamburg (D) to Magdenburg (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
11. new city look Luneburg (D) - back in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
12. all new roads around Bremen (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
13. new company for Bremen (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
14. new Kiel (D) in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
15. new roads and connections around Kiel (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
16. new roads and connections around Rostock (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
17. new Rostock (D) in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
18. new Detour around Berlin (D) - manually placed in the map MOD
19. new look Berlin (D) in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
20. new detour around Hamburg (D) in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
21. ferry place Travemunde (D) is in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
22. ferry place Kapellskar (SWE) is in map MOD - manually placed in the map MOD
23. Bremen (D)
- new company nos_pat_brg
24. new roads in Hamburg (D)
25. connection around Olsztyn (PL) to DLC Baltic on two places
26. old companies in Olsztyn (PL) are back on old places
27. new look on Poland Russian border
28. last connection from Poland to Russian is done
29. fixed ferry in Hull (UK)
30. new road connection near Rostock (D) from highway to normal road direction Szczecin (PL)
- all new signs on that big cross
31. new higway 103
32. new highway connection with number 105
33. tunnel on nord of Rostock (D) under water on highway 105
34. Special Transport
- route Bratislava (SK) WGCC to Graz (A) FCP
- route Linz (A) ITCC to Brno (CZ) San Builders
- route Dijon (F) STOKES to Geneve (CH) TRADE AUX
- route London (UK) San Builders to LKW at Felixstove (UK)
35. overlook NW Germany
- Kiel and highway to Denmark
36. overlook Goteborg (SWE)
- new parking places in companies
- new Billboards etc
- new company McDonalds
37. city Gedser (SWE)
- company Concargo is back
38. overlook highway from Goteborg (SWE) to Malmo (SWE)
39. fast Baltic roads overlook iin DLC Baltic and cities
- Kaliningrad (RUS)
- Kaunas (LT)
- Vilnius (LT)
- Klaipeda (LT)
- Liepaja (LV)
- Ventspils (LV)
- Mažeikiai (LV)
- roads between those cities
- companies have parking places
- other parts will be ready in next updateSupport version with 1.33.x None-steam and Steam and higher
22 Nov 15:39Version update auf 1.33.x
MAP MHAPRO EU v1.32.1 [1.33.X]
Changelog in 1.32.1
Compatible with 1.33
Corrections and upgrades in Germany.The map rearranges almost the entire structure of the standard map:
adds new cities and towns, objects, companies, service stations, garages, gas stations, roads, intersections, cafes and much more.You must have all the extensions DLC.
17 countries
210 Cities
133 CompaniesConnection in the manager:
3_MHAPro_1_32_map_MOD_for_ETS2_v1_32_xFree.scsCompatible with other maps that do not affect the standard map.
04 Nov 13:47Version update auf 1.32.x
MAP MHAPRO EU V1.32.1 updated [1.32.X]
Changelog in 1.32.1
Corrections and upgrades in Germany.The map rearranges almost the entire structure of the standard map:
adds new cities and towns, objects, companies, service stations, garages, gas stations, roads, intersections, cafes and much more.You must have all the extensions DLC.
17 countries
210 Cities
133 CompaniesConnection in the manager:
3_MHAPro_1_32_map_MOD_for_ETS2_v1_32_xFree.scsCompatible with other maps that do not affect the standard map.
3: -
27 Dec 14:56Version update auf 1.30.x
MHAPro for ETS2 v1.30.x you must have all big DLC maps (East, North, France, and Italy). Without those DLC's map, MOD will not work for sure.
Added new cities
Rework of North Italy
Compatible to DLC Italylinks:
21 Apr 18:30Version update auf 1.27
by mods80
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ago about 7 years
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ago about 7 years
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ago almost 8 years
by roefe1955
ago almost 8 years
0 Comments for MHAPRO EU card [1.27.X]