V 2.4.3 mod for American Truck Simulator

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Changes in 2.1.10
Fixed all detected invisible walls
All detected bugs fixed

Changes in 2.1.9 from 06/28/19
-Fixed invisible wall on the bridge near the city of Mazatlan (Villa Unión)
-Fixed invisible wall in Canatlan repair shop
- Soil correction in the construction of a building in Vallarta
-Fixed floating grass in Tepic
-Fixing houseboats in Sombrerete.
-Fix traffic in tollbooth
-Fixed floating objects, such as lamps in the construction zone and in cities.
-Fixed traffic blocking in Durango (Durango)
-Fix traffic loss in Vallarta.

Changes in 2.1.9
-Map updated to version 1.35.x, which includes all updates, such as voice GPS, new visual effects, etc.
- The card works with DX11 (same as DX9)
-Main improvements in the landscaping of the states of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Durango, you really need to travel the roads again!
-Included new graphical improvements, such as improved reflection on asphalt, water, various use of textures, new textures from DLC Washington
-New custom models.
-New Mexican bridges, next to the real Mexican bridge, more realism, no crashing over bridges.
Reconstructed Durango-Mazatlan Highway with new bridges and landscape. The same route has been slightly optimized.
- General optimization of the entire project. in the main cities everything should be in order, and many difficult areas in the mountains will still work on a future version to optimize the map without losing quality.
-Fixed a bug where the police escort machine disappeared on a special route from Aguascalientes to Zacatecas
-Fixed a bug due to which you could not unload in the mine of Guanachevi.
-Fixed weather effect under bridges and tunnels, there is no more rain in the tunnels.
-Fixed some texts of road signs.
-New areas for sleeping and refueling.
-Better tracking and some improvements on highway 45, between Fresnillo Durango, see it again.
-Better traffic handling at specific points
-Functional car show Kenworth on the map.
-Correction of flying objects, holes and other small visual effects on the map.
-Roughness on asphalt general correction
-Fix several problems and errors recorded in the last 3 months.
-Main changes in the Mega Resources file for optimization, correction of signals, compatibility with any other mod (for example, C2C)
-Fixed Walbert prefab in Everett, WA
-Fixed some SCS characters (for example, wrong position, color of characters, etc.), There is no longer a replacement for SCS characters in the Mega Resources file.
-Fixed a hole in Yuma, in the Viva Mexico map file.
-Fixed map background in Viva Mexico and Mexico Extremo, so Washington state can be displayed with an inscription.
-Fixed some minor problems on the Mexico Extremo map, such as holes, invisible walls, water level error, -Overlapping trees, etc.
-More optimization in cities, especially in Parral.



Modell: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez
Textur: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez
Script: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez
Idee / Konzept: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez
Tester: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez
Sonstige: Eblem Torres, Raul Martinez

  • 29 Nov 03:00
    Version 2.4.3

    Mexico Extremo Map (Reforma Mexico) v2.4.3 (1.46.x)

    Mexico Extremo Map - the mod is a large expansion of the territory of the Viva Mexico map. Trucking in Mexico is never as straight forward as in the US. Experience windy and dangerous roads, questionable conditions, road blocks, speed bumps and the ever satisfying beauty of the Mexican landscape, all from the comfort of your home. New two states added, Aguascalientes and Nayarit, remodel of Durango state entirely, small portion added south of Chihuahua state, some upgrades made in Zacatecas. Special trasnport DLC support with 7 special transport cargo routes in map.
    *Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado DLC required*

    Features Reforma Mexico:
    - Special transport support (6 routes)
    - Aguascalientes state added.
    - Remodel of durango state entirely.
    - New areas south of chihuahua state (rest of the state is WIP)
    - New deliveir areas from oregon DLC assets (Oregon DLC needed)
    - Remodel of extreme route in Canelas and Tamazula
    - New remodel routes in Durango state, federal road 23, 45, 49 and state road 44.
    - A maze! first in ATS, figurate out in Mapimi area called "Zona del Silencio"
    - New urban and rural junctions in map
    - 17 new cities and remodels in 2.1 "Aguascalientes".
    New cities added
    - DO NOT USE IF USING Reforma 2.4.3

    Changes in v2.4.3:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
    - Unknown other changes.


  • 06 Jun 01:57
    Version 2.3.1

    Mexico Extremo Map (Reforma Mexico) v2.3.1 (1.44.x)

    Mexico Extremo Map - the mod is a large expansion of the territory of the Viva Mexico map. Trucking in Mexico is never as straight forward as in the US. Experience windy and dangerous roads, questionable conditions, road blocks, speed bumps and the ever satisfying beauty of the Mexican landscape, all from the comfort of your home. New two states added, Aguascalientes and Nayarit, remodel of Durango state entirely, small portion added south of Chihuahua state, some upgrades made in Zacatecas. Special trasnport DLC support with 7 special transport cargo routes in map.
    *Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado DLC required*

    Features Reforma Mexico:
    - Special transport support (6 routes)
    - Aguascalientes state added.
    - Remodel of durango state entirely.
    - New areas south of chihuahua state (rest of the state is WIP)
    - New deliveir areas from oregon DLC assets (Oregon DLC needed)
    - Remodel of extreme route in Canelas and Tamazula
    - New remodel routes in Durango state, federal road 23, 45, 49 and state road 44.
    - A maze! first in ATS, figurate out in Mapimi area called "Zona del Silencio"
    - New urban and rural junctions in map
    - 17 new cities and remodels in 2.1 "Aguascalientes".
    New cities added
    - DO NOT USE IF USING Reforma 2.3.1

    Changes in v2.3.1:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44

  • 14 Nov 01:17
    Version 2.1.18

    [ATS] MEXICO EXTREMO V2.1.18 [1.39.X]

    Changelog v2.1.18
    Fixed bugs
    Fixed invisible walls

    Link 1 Map:

    Link 2 Mega Resources 2.1.19:

  • 08 Nov 15:04
    Version 2.1.17

    [ATS] MEXICO EXTREMO V2.1.17 [1.39.X]

    Changelog v2.1.17
    - Update for 1.39

    Link 1 Map:

    Link 2 PazzModMexssimap Patch v2:

    Link 3 Mega Resources:

  • 20 Jul 01:38
    Version 2.1.16

    [ATS] MEXICO EXTREMO V2.1.16 [1.38.X]

    Mexico Extremo Map - Trucking in Mexico is never as straight forward as in the US. Experience windy and dangerous roads, questionable conditions, road blocks, speed bumps and the ever satisfying beauty of the Mexican landscape, all from the comfort of your home. New two states added, Aguascalientes and Nayarit, remodel of Durango state entirely, small portion added south of Chihuahua state, some upgrades made in Zacatecas. Special trasnport DLC support with 7 special transport cargo routes in map.
    *Oregon, Washington, New Mexico DLC needed*

    Features map Mexico Extremo:
    - Special transport support (6 routes)
    - Aguascalientes state added.
    - Remodel of durango state entirely.
    - New areas south of chihuahua state (rest of the state is WIP)
    - New deliveir areas from oregon DLC assets (Oregon DLC needed)
    - Remodel of extreme route in Canelas and Tamazula
    - New remodel routes in Durango state, federal road 23, 45, 49 and state road 44.
    - A maze! first in ATS, figurate out in Mapimi area called "Zona del Silencio"
    - New urban and rural junctions in map
    - 17 new cities and remodels in 2.1 "Aguascalientes".
    New cities added

    Changes in v2.1.16:

    - Update for 1.38
    - You need Oregon, Washington, New Mexico DLC for the map to work

    Load Order:

    --environment mods--
    --road texture mods--
    --garage logo mods--
    --environment sound mods, like Sound Fixes Pack--
    --real company logo mods--
    Background map For use with Mexico, Coast to Coast and CanaDream. DO NOT USE if you aren't using Mexico! - REQUIRES CANADREAM v2.7.1 or later
    ATS Universal Combos Mod v1.1 - an alternative map background by BenganJ, dOOmERdaZe, and Arayas
    Midwest Expansion Beta by Jacemeister.
    CanaDream version 2.11
    Coast to Coast version 2.11.5
    Reforma Mega Resources C2C patch v3
    Reforma Mega Resources version 2.1.12
    Reforma Sierra Nevada version 2.2.24
    US 95 Remake v1.3 PaZzmod compatible
    PaZzMod for Mexico maps, version 1.2.02
    Reforma Mexssimap version 1.6c
    Reforma Chihuahua v2.3.0 beta 3a
    Reforma Mexico Extremo version 2.1.16
    Viva Mexico version 2.5.7
    --ai vehicle mods, such as the Jazzcat mods--
    --wheel packs mods such as Smarty's wheel packs--
    --trailer mods--
    --truck improvement mods--
    --truck mod (singular - one truck is enough)--

    Link 1 Map v2.1.16:

    Link 2 Mega Resources 2.1.12:

  • 22 Apr 02:51
    Version 2.1.12

    [ATS] MEXICO EXTREMO V2.1.12 [1.37]

    Mexico Extremo Map - Trucking in Mexico is never as straight forward as in the US. Experience windy and dangerous roads, questionable conditions, road blocks, speed bumps and the ever satisfying beauty of the Mexican landscape, all from the comfort of your home. New two states added, Aguascalientes and Nayarit, remodel of Durango state entirely, small portion added south of Chihuahua state, some upgrades made in Zacatecas. Special trasnport DLC support with 7 special transport cargo routes in map.
    *Oregon, Washington, New Mexico DLC needed*

    Features map Mexico Extremo:
    - Special transport support (6 routes)
    - Aguascalientes state added.
    - Remodel of durango state entirely.
    - New areas south of chihuahua state (rest of the state is WIP)
    - New deliveir areas from oregon DLC assets (Oregon DLC needed)
    - Remodel of extreme route in Canelas and Tamazula
    - New remodel routes in Durango state, federal road 23, 45, 49 and state road 44.
    - A maze! first in ATS, figurate out in Mapimi area called "Zona del Silencio"
    - New urban and rural junctions in map
    - 17 new cities and remodels in 2.1 "Aguascalientes".
    New cities added

    Changes in v2.1.12:
    - Update for 1.37
    - You need Oregon, Washington, New Mexico DLC for the map to work

    Link 1 Map v2.1.12:

    Link 2 Mega Resources 2.1.8:

  • 09 Nov 21:59
    Version 2.1.11 (all in one download)


    Changelog in 2.1.11
    -Map updated to version 1.36.x for ATS
    -Minor improvements for bug fixes in certain areas
    -Mega resources package updated to 2.1.4


  • 14 Sep 21:27
    Version 2.1.10 (all in one download)

  • 3509194
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14.09 2019
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V 2.4.3
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