Welcome to METEOR : Region!
Fictional story | вымышленная история
Meteor: Crater
The meteorite impact known as the Great Taymyr Impact destroyed one area of the Taymyr Peninsula in the early 19th century. The mysterious, radioactive meteorite has been lying in the soft soil of Taymyr ever since. Efforts by the Soviet military to find and lift it in the early 60s failed. Not much has changed in the area since then, only the nature has conquered the area - until now!
Help the Taiga Oil Company to develop the crater, build the meteor base and explore the many secrets and tasks around the crater! Collect samples, find more craters, expand the infrastructure and help the local people and companies in the area with their tasks.
Meteor: Port
A challenging coastal region awaits you on the second map. Help Trans Taymyr rebuild the old harbour on the former military site, build a new factory and help renew the huge radar on the mountain. There are also some heavy loads to be moved in the impassable terrain and the old abandoned facilities hold some dangerous surprises to be explored.
To make your work easier you can build another garage, fuel stations, roads and bridges - if you can get enough material for these tasks.
Добро пожаловать в МЕТЕОР: Регион!
Метеор: Кратер
Соударение метеорита, известное как "Великое Таймырское столкновение", разрушило часть Таймырского полуострова в начале 19 века. Таинственный, радиоактивный метеорит с тех пор лежит в мягкой почве Таймыра. Попытки советских военных найти и поднять его в начале 60-х годов потерпели неудачу. С тех пор в этой области мало что изменилось, только природа покорила эту область - до сих пор!
Помогите нефтяной компании "Тайга" разработать кратер, построить метеоритную базу и исследовать множество секретов и задач вокруг кратера! Соберите образцы, найдите больше кратеров, расширьте инфраструктуру и помогите местным жителям и компаниям в районе в выполнении их задач.
Метеор: Гавань
Сложный прибрежный регион ждет вас на второй карте. Помогите Транс-Таймыру восстановить старую гавань на бывшей военной площадке, построить новый завод и помочь обновить огромный радар на горе. Есть также несколько тяжелых грузов, которые необходимо перевезти по непроходимой местности, и старые заброшенные объекты несут в себе некоторые опасные сюрпризы, которые необходимо исследовать.
Для облегчения работы Вы можете построить еще один гараж, автозаправочные станции, дороги и мосты - если Вы сможете получить достаточно материала для этих работ.
(translated with )
Importand note for all who have played Meteor before:
You cannot continue to use your old safegame. This is very unfortunate but sadly there is no other way. Regions were not supported when I released Meteor and single map mods can't be converted to multi map mods. However, you don't have to play the missions again if you don't want to. The new map Port can be played almost independently of Crater! After the first mission you are free to move on to the new map.
- total size of 7km²
- Crater: 2000m x 2000m + Port: 2000m x 1500m
- Russian region with correct shop
- 2x Garage
- various places to discover
- 21 + 21 missions to discover
- 33 + 23 company contract missions
- 1 + 1 time challenges
- three main quests with full story line
- >25h game time
- custom sounds
- custom models
- never seen custom construction missions + IS-2 battle tank salvage mission
- various additional vehicles and trailers to find
- terrain made with ESA Digital Elevation Model datasets
- full translations for: English, German, Russian language
If you are one of those players for whom the game can't be hard enough or if you like particularly immersive simulation, then I have a bonus for you. The road maps you can see in the preview pictures are high res ( 4032x4032) and can be downloaded (see links below, you'll stay on and used for navigation instead of the ingame map - either printed or on a second screen.
I've spent months and around 400h+ on these maps that are the most complex and detailed maps I have ever made. Constructive critics if you liked or didn't like something or just a few nice words are welcome and will help me to improve the maps further.
Hitting thumbs up would be very much appreciated as it really helps the map to stay up in the rankings so other players can see it.
The region will receive patches if needed and updates for upcoming features and new content. A third map is planed for the future.
If you find a bug, feel free to write a comment or send me a PM via or the official Discord, thanks!
Have fun!
Special thanks to Poghrim for his awesome custom models and support (make sure to check out his mods!!), Tazmanyak for all the testing and feedback and the modding community as well as the dev team for support during the build!
27 Dec 23:50Version 1.0.0
initial release
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