
V 1.0.0 mod for SnowRunner

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Welcome to METEOR : The Great Taymyr Impact!

Fictional story | вымышленная история

The meteorite impact known as the Great Taymyr Impact destroyed one area of the Taymyr Peninsula in the early 19th century. The mysterious, radioactive meteorite has been lying in the soft soil of Taymyr ever since. Efforts by the Soviet military to find and lift it in the early 60s failed. Not much has changed in the area since then, only the nature has conquered the area - until now!

Help the Taiga Oil Company to develop the crater, build the meteor base and explore the many secrets and tasks around the crater! Collect samples, find more craters, expand the infrastructure and help the local people and companies in the area with their tasks.

Добро пожаловать в МЕТЕОР: Великий Таймырский удар!

Соударение метеорита, известное как "Великое Таймырское столкновение", разрушило часть Таймырского полуострова в начале 19 века. Таинственный, радиоактивный метеорит с тех пор лежит в мягкой почве Таймыра. Попытки советских военных найти и поднять его в начале 60-х годов потерпели неудачу. С тех пор в этой области мало что изменилось, только природа покорила эту область - до сих пор!

Помогите нефтяной компании "Тайга" разработать кратер, построить метеоритную базу и исследовать множество секретов и задач вокруг кратера! Соберите образцы, найдите больше кратеров, расширьте инфраструктуру и помогите местным жителям и компаниям в районе в выполнении их задач.

(translated with )


  • full size: 2000m x 2000m
  • 1x Garage
  • 2x Service Station
  • 3x Fuelstation
  • various places to discover
  • 20x missions to discover
  • 30x company contract missions
  • 1x time challenge
  • large main quest with full story line
  • >>15h game time
  • custom sounds
  • connections to other mod maps (as soon as this feature gets released)
  • various additional vehicles and trailers to find
  • terrain made with ESA Digital Elevation Model datasets


If you are one of those players for whom the game can't be hard enough or if you like particularly immersive simulation, then I have a bonus for you. The road map you can see in the preview pictures is high res ( 4032x4032) and can be <<downloaded>> and used for navigation instead of the ingame map - either printed or on a second screen. Have fun!


I've spent a solid month and around 150h+ on this map that is the most complex and detailed map I have ever made. Constructive critics if you liked or didn't like something or just a few nice words are welcome and will help me to improve the map further.

The map will receive patches if needed and updates for upcoming features and new content.


  • multiplayer for mod maps is not released yet- devs, we are waiting!
  • mission Quid pro Quo I sometimes doesn't give you full access to the watchtower, saving and reloading the map might help

Have fun!

If you like my work, have a look at my other mods too:

Special thanks to Tazmanyak for all the testing and feedback!


  • 01 Oct 00:07
    Version 1.0.0

    initial release


30.09 2020
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 1 Votes


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1 Comments for Meteor

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  1. Lokpower 08. 11 2020

    Supercoole Map. Hab sie schon komplett durch und habe manche Stunde dazu gebraucht. Hab aber alle Missionen erfüllen können und warte nun auf vielleicht weitere Missionen. Vielen Dank fürs erstellen hat Spass gemacht sie zu spielen.
