The Mega Combo Pack V6.0 (for ETS2 v1.30)
(Questions, idea's, suggestions, errors: please contact by (English or dutch) Preview pictures:
Please do not reupload the Mega Combo Pack without my permision. Feel free to promote this mod on youtube/flickr/facebook etc.
• Skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline for ca. 26 companies;
• Available company plugins: A2B-Online, Bring, Ceva, Dachser, De Rijke, Duvenbeck, Ewals, DSV, DHL, DB Schenker, Post Kogeko, Kuehne- Nagel, P&O logistics)
(Only one plugin file at the time.)
• Default scs. Trailers are repainted.
• Improved mod structure. (large mod, short loading time).
• Repainted lightbox for the Volvo FH16 for: A2B online, Bring Logistics, Dachser, DB Schenker, de Rijke, DHL, DSV, Ewals, Kuehne+Nagel, P&O, Post Kogeko & TNT.
• AI trailer pack (ca. 200 high quality trailers)
• Company trailers, sorted out by company:
• Company buildings:
– BCP -> GLS (Default scs. trailers);
– Euro Acres -> Daily Fresh ( Sorority off all kind of fresh transport);
– FCP -> Kuehne Nagel ( Mainly Kuehne + Nagel trailers (15p.);
– ITCC -> Raab Karcher (Default/repainted scs. trailers);
– NBFC -> Shell (Default/repainted scs. trailers);
– Posped -> Norbert Dentressangle (Mainly Norbert Dentr. Trailers (15p.);
– Quarry -> Caterpillar (Default scs. trailers);
– San Builders -> BAM international (Default scs. trailers);
– Scout -> Skoda (Default repainted scs. trailers);
– Stokes -> DHL (Mainly DHL trailers (6p.)(Repainted comp. building );
– Tradeaux -> DB schenker ( Mainly DB Schenker trailers (15p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Transinet -> DSV (Mainly DSV trailers (15p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Trameri -> Rhenus (Various trailers);
– Tree-ET -> Ferguson (Ferguson trailers and default scs Log trailers);
– WGCC -> Total (Default scs. trailers);
– Kaarfor -> Aldi
– Sellplan -> Spar
Notice: Some company plugin files may change the company in another company as described as above.
The MCP V6.0 Plugin Company file contains:
– Repainted distribution centres for LKWlog & Eurogoodies in the appearance of the company of your choice;
– Ca. 20 new trailers of the company of your choice, always available at the company distribution centres.
Use Only one plugin file at the time.
In the mod manager, order the files in this position:
01 MCP V6.0 Part 1 (Company of your choice plugin)
02 MCP V6.0 Part 2
03 MCP V6.0 Part 3
When you are using this mod for the first time, it will take a few “game ours” before the company trailers will appear in the job marked.
The truck skins will be available just above the default colours in the paint shop.
Warning: Due to the extensive changes necessary to make this work, the game will consider this as “game changing”
and will cancel any current jobs and return you to your main garage. Please make sure you finish your current delivery BEFORE installing/removing this mod.
You can switch a company plugin file during your game. Please make sure you will finish your current job!! The game will give a mod changing warning, just accept
this message. Switching a plugin file during a game is on your on risk, please make sure you have a backup save game if something goes wrong!
Works with Promods, TSM and Jazzycat packs.
Credits and a big thank you to:
Ralph (AI Pack), Yamato9 (Bug fix red buildings and plugin pack Stragatrans)
ETS Studio team, MDmodding, Matdom1988 & Rommi TZ.
And all people who helped out testing the MCP V6.0
Greetz Rudy
01 Mar 20:40Version 6.0
18 Jan 17:02Version 5.0
The Mega Combo Pack V5.0 (for ETS2 v1.24 & v1.25)
Doesn't work under v1.26, update is in progress!!
Hi guys,
After weeks of preparations and many hours of hard work by MCP team, we are proud to present our latest version of the Mega Combo Pack: Version 5.0(Questions, idea's, suggestions, errors: please contact by (English or dutch) Preview pictures:
So what’s new about V5.0?
* New company plugins available:- Bring Logisitics
- Duvenbeck (Man, Scania (RJL), Mercedes)
- P&O logistics (Man, Mercedes)
- Stragatrans. (By Yamato9) (Man, Scania (RJL), Mercedes)
- De Rijke
- A2B Online* AI Trailer pack with ca. 170 new trailers, specially designed for MCP. Perfectly balanced, without interfering the company trailers at the warehouses. (By Ralph & Rudy)
* Available company plugins: A2B-Online, Bring, Ceva, Dachser, De Rijke, Duvenbeck, Ewals, DSV, DHL, DB Schenker, Post Kogeko, Kuehne- Nagel, P&O logistics & Stragatrans.
(Only one plugin file at the time.) (By Rudy)
* Default scs. Trailers are repainted.
* Improved mod structure. (large mod, short loading time).
* Some small extra’s, like new trailers for DSV, extra truck paints etc.
* Repainted lightbox for the Volvo FH16 for: A2B online, Bring Logistics, Dachser, DB Schenker, de Rijke, DHL, DSV, Ewals, Kuehne+Nagel, P&O, Post Kogeko & TNT.
*Tandem pack for Stratagans (By Yamato9)
The MCP V5.0 base files contains:
• Skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline for ca. 26 companies;
• AI trailer pack (ca. 200 high quality trailers)
• Company trailers, sorted out by company:
• Company buildings:
– BCP -> GLS (Default scs. trailers);
– Euro Acres -> Daily Fresh ( Sorority off all kind of fresh transport);
– FCP -> Kuehne Nagel ( Mainly Kuehne + Nagel trailers (15p.);
– ITCC -> Raab Karcher (Default scs. trailers);
– NBFC -> Shell (Default scs. trailers);
– Posped -> Norbert Dentressangle (Mainly Norbert Dentr. Trailers (15p.);
– Quarry -> Caterpillar (Default scs. trailers);
– San Builders -> BAM international (Default scs. trailers);
– Scout -> Skoda (Default scs. trailers);
– Stokes -> DHL (Mainly DHL trailers (6p.)(Repainted comp. building );
– Tradeaux -> DB schenker ( Mainly DB Schenker trailers (15p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Transinet -> DSV (Mainly DSV trailers (15p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Trameri -> Rhenus (Various trailers);
– Tree-ET -> Ferguson (Ferguson trailers and default scs Log trailers);
– WGCC -> Total (Default scs. trailers);
– Kaarfor -> Aldi
– Sellplan -> Spar
Notice: Some company plugin files may change the company in another company as described as above.
The MCP V5.0 Plugin Company file contains:
– Repainted distribution centres for LKWlog & Eurogoodies in the appearance of the company of your choice;
– Ca. 20 new trailers of the company of your choice, always available at the company distribution centres.Manual:
Use Only one plugin file at the time.
In the mod manager, order the files in this position:
01 MCP V5.0 Part 1 (Company of your choice plugin)
02 MCP V5.0 Part 2
03 MCP V5.0 Part 3For the Volvo FH16 activate the 01 MCP V5.0 company Lightbox Volvo FH16 (one at the time). Order the files in this position:
01 MCP V5.0 Part 1 (Company of your choice plugin)
01 MCP V5.0 company Lightbox Volvo FH16 (Company of your choice plugin)
02 MCP V5.0 Part 2
03 MCP V5.0 Part 3For the Stratagan Tandem pack, activate: 01 MCP V5.0 Stragatrans Tandems
– When you are using this mod for the first time, it will take a few “game ours” before the company trailers will appear in the job marked.
The truck skins will be available just above the default colours in the paint shop.Warning: Due to the extensive changes necessary to make this work, the game will consider this as “game changing”
and will cancel any current jobs and return you to your main garage. Please make sure you finish your current delivery BEFORE installing/removing this mod.You can switch a company plugin file during your game. Please make sure you will finish your current job!! The game will give a mod changing warning, just accept
this message. Switching a plugin file during a game is on your on risk, please make sure you have a backup save game if something goes wrong!Works with Promods, TSM and Jazzycat packs.
Credits and a big thank you to:
Ralph (AI Pack), Yamato9 (Bug fix red buildings and plugin pack Stragatrans)
ETS Studio team, MDmodding, Matdom1988 & Rommi TZ.
And all people who helped out testing the MCP V5.0Enjoy!!!
Greetz Rudy
07 Apr 22:30Version 4.0
The Mega Combo Pack V4.0, Plugin pack v2.0 By Rudy (Tested version 1.22.x and 1.23.x)
NEW: Kuehne + Nagel Plugin & Post kogeko Plugin!
This version will make it a lot easier to make combo’s , it’s more realistic and it contains much more company trailers. It is also the base which I will use for so called company plugin files
(this will be explained further on in this readme). This new method makes it possible to make more companies, without overloading the job marked with new trailers.The highlights:
– Realistic truck & trailer skins;
– Real company buildings & logo’s (DHL, DSV, DB Schenker etc);
– Some warehouses are in the appearance of the company style;
– Company trailers are sorted out by the company they belong to;
– LKW-log & Eurogoodies (can be changed in a company off your choice, each company is provided with ca. 15 a 20 different company trailers. More companies will be available soon, only playable in combination with this mod.More pictures and previews :
If you want, feel free to sponsor this project on paypal! Thank you in advance:
The Mega Combo Pack v4.0 contains 3 different types of files:
– MCP V4.0 Base 1 & 2 file. (contains all the basic files in order to use MCP V4.0)
– MCP Plugin Company file. (This plugin file will allow you to change LKWlog & Euro goodies into the company of your choice) USE THE PLUGIN FILE ONLY ONE AT THE TIME!
– This version contains the plugin files for the companies: Ceva, Dachser, DSV, DHL, DB Schenker, Ewals.
– Other company plugin files ) will be uploaded in the next weeks. In order to use the plugins, the MCP V4.0 Base1.scs & MCP V4.0 Base2.scs must be activated.For example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with Kuehne + Nagel as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 Kuehne Nagel plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsFor example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with DSV as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 DSV plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsThe MCP V4.0 base files contains:
• Skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline for 22 companies;
• New trailers, sorted out by company:
• Company buildings:
– BCP -> GLS (Default scs. trailers);
– Euro Acres -> Daily Fresh ( Daily fresh & Tip trailers );
– FCP -> Kuehne Nagel ( Mainly Kuehne + Nagel trailers (6p.);
– ITCC -> Raab Karcher (Default scs. trailers);
– NBFC -> Shell (Default scs. trailers);
– Posped -> Norbert Dentressangle (Mainly Norbert Dentr. Trailers (5p.); (Repainted comp. building );
– Quarry -> Caterpillar (Default scs. trailers);
– San Builders -> BAM international (Default scs. trailers);
– Scout -> Skoda (Default scs. trailers);
– Stokes -> DHL (Mainly DHL trailers (6p.)(Repainted comp. building );
– Tradeaux -> DB schenker ( Mainly DB Schenker trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Transinet -> DSV (Mainly DSV trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Trameri -> Rhenus (Various trailers);
– Tree-ET -> Ferguson (Ferguson trailers and default scs Log trailers);
– WGCC -> Total (Default scs. trailers);
– Kaarfor -> Aldi
– Sellplan -> SparNotice: Some company plugin files may change the company in another company as described as above.
– LKW-Log & Eurogoodies -> Players choice:
-Kuehne + Nagel
-DB Schenker
-Post KogekoThe MCP V4.0 Plugin Company file contains:
– Repainted distribution centres for LKWlog & Eurogoodies in the appearance of the company of your choice;
– Ca. 20 new trailers of the company of your choice, always available at the company distribution centres.– When you are using this mod for the first time, it will take a few “game ours” before the company trailers will appear in the job marked. The truck skins will be available just above the default colours in the paint shop.
Warning: Due to the extensive changes necessary to make this work, the game will consider this as “game changing” and will cancel any current jobs and return you to your main garage. Please make sure you finish your current delivery BEFORE installing/removing this mod.Enjoy this mod
Greetz Rudy
Credits and a big thank you to:
ETS Studio team, MDmodding, Matdom1988 & Rommi TZ.
And my testing team: willy1962 & Obi!
Works with: Promods, TSM, Jazzycat mods, etc. -
07 Apr 20:22Version 4.0. plugin 2.0
The Mega Combo Pack V4.0, Plugin pack v2.0 By Rudy (Tested version 1.22.x and 1.23.x)
NEW: Kuehne + Nagel Plugin & Post kogeko Plugin!
This version will make it a lot easier to make combo’s , it’s more realistic and it contains much more company trailers. It is also the base which I will use for so called company plugin files
(this will be explained further on in this readme). This new method makes it possible to make more companies, without overloading the job marked with new trailers.The highlights:
– Realistic truck & trailer skins;
– Real company buildings & logo’s (DHL, DSV, DB Schenker etc);
– Some warehouses are in the appearance of the company style;
– Company trailers are sorted out by the company they belong to;
– LKW-log & Eurogoodies (can be changed in a company off your choice, each company is provided with ca. 15 a 20 different company trailers. More companies will be available soon, only playable in combination with this mod.More pictures and previews :
If you want, feel free to sponsor this project on paypal! Thank you in advance:
The Mega Combo Pack v4.0 contains 3 different types of files:
– MCP V4.0 Base 1 & 2 file. (contains all the basic files in order to use MCP V4.0)
– MCP Plugin Company file. (This plugin file will allow you to change LKWlog & Euro goodies into the company of your choice) USE THE PLUGIN FILE ONLY ONE AT THE TIME!
– This version contains the plugin files for the companies: Ceva, Dachser, DSV, DHL, DB Schenker, Ewals.
– Other company plugin files ) will be uploaded in the next weeks. In order to use the plugins, the MCP V4.0 Base1.scs & MCP V4.0 Base2.scs must be activated.For example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with Kuehne + Nagel as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 Kuehne Nagel plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsFor example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with DSV as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 DSV plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsThe MCP V4.0 base files contains:
• Skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline for 22 companies;
• New trailers, sorted out by company:
• Company buildings:
– BCP -> GLS (Default scs. trailers);
– Euro Acres -> Daily Fresh ( Daily fresh & Tip trailers );
– FCP -> Kuehne Nagel ( Mainly Kuehne + Nagel trailers (6p.);
– ITCC -> Raab Karcher (Default scs. trailers);
– NBFC -> Shell (Default scs. trailers);
– Posped -> Norbert Dentressangle (Mainly Norbert Dentr. Trailers (5p.); (Repainted comp. building );
– Quarry -> Caterpillar (Default scs. trailers);
– San Builders -> BAM international (Default scs. trailers);
– Scout -> Skoda (Default scs. trailers);
– Stokes -> DHL (Mainly DHL trailers (6p.)(Repainted comp. building );
– Tradeaux -> DB schenker ( Mainly DB Schenker trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Transinet -> DSV (Mainly DSV trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
– Trameri -> Rhenus (Various trailers);
– Tree-ET -> Ferguson (Ferguson trailers and default scs Log trailers);
– WGCC -> Total (Default scs. trailers);
– Kaarfor -> Aldi
– Sellplan -> SparNotice: Some company plugin files may change the company in another company as described as above.
– LKW-Log & Eurogoodies -> Players choice:
-Kuehne + Nagel
-DB Schenker
-Post KogekoThe MCP V4.0 Plugin Company file contains:
– Repainted distribution centres for LKWlog & Eurogoodies in the appearance of the company of your choice;
– Ca. 20 new trailers of the company of your choice, always available at the company distribution centres.– When you are using this mod for the first time, it will take a few “game ours” before the company trailers will appear in the job marked. The truck skins will be available just above the default colours in the paint shop.
Warning: Due to the extensive changes necessary to make this work, the game will consider this as “game changing” and will cancel any current jobs and return you to your main garage. Please make sure you finish your current delivery BEFORE installing/removing this mod.Enjoy this mod
Greetz Rudy
Credits and a big thank you to:
ETS Studio team, MDmodding, Matdom1988 & Rommi TZ.
And my testing team: willy1962 & Obi!
Works with: Promods, TSM, Jazzycat mods, etc. -
04 Mar 23:08Version 4.0
The Mega Combo Pack V4.0 By Rudy (Tested version 1.21.x and 1.22.x)
This new version will make it a lot easier to make combo’s , it’s more realistic and it contains much more company trailers. It is also the base which I will use for so called company plugin files (this will be explained further on in this readme). This new method makes it possible to make more companies, without overloading the job marked with new trailers.
The highlights:
- Realistic truck & trailer skins;
- Real company buildings & logo’s (DHL, DSV, DB Schenker etc);
- Some warehouses are in the appearance of the company style;
- Company trailers are sorted out by the company they belong to;
- LKW-log & Eurogoodies can be changed in a company off your choice, each company is provided with ca. 15 a 20 different company trailers. More companies will be available soon, only playable in combination with this mod.
If you want, feel free to sponsor this project on paypal! Thank you in advance: me/ Manual:
The Mega Combo Pack v4.0 contains 3 different types of files:
- MCP V4.0 Base 1 & 2 file. (contains all the basic files in order to use MCP V4.0.)
- MCP Plugin Company file. (This plugin file will allow you to change LKWlog & Euro goodies into the company of your choice) USE THE PLUGIN FILE ONLY ONE AT THE TIME!
- This version contains the plugin files for the companies: DSV & Ceva.
- Other company plugin files (DHL, DSV etc.) will be uploaded in the next weeks. In order to use the plugins, the MCP V4.0 Base.scs & MCP V4.0 New Truck skin.scs must be activated.
For example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with CEVA as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 Ceva plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsFor example, I want to play MCP V4.0 with DSV as the company of my choice, then activate the files:
MCP V4.0 DSV plugin.scs (plugin always the highest priority!)
MCP V4.0 Base 1.scs
MCP V4.0 Base 2.scsThe MCP V4.0 base files contains:
• Skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline for 22 companies;
• New trailers, sorted out by company:
• Company buildings:
- BCP -> GLS (Default scs. trailers);
- Euro Acres -> Daily Fresh ( Daily fresh & Tip trailers );
- FCP -> Kuehne Nagel ( Mainly Kuehne + Nagel trailers (6p.);
- ITCC -> Raab Karcher (Default scs. trailers);
- NBFC -> Shell (Default scs. trailers);
- Posped -> Norbert Dentressangle (Mainly Norbert Dentr. Trailers (5p.); (Repainted comp. building );
- Quarry -> Caterpillar (Default scs. trailers);
- San Builders -> BAM international (Default scs. trailers);
- Scout -> Skoda (Default scs. trailers);
- Stokes -> DHL (Mainly DHL trailers (6p.)(Repainted comp. building );
- Tradeaux -> DB schenker ( Mainly DB Schenker trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
- Transinet -> DSV (Mainly DSV trailers (7p.) (Repainted comp. building );
- Trameri -> Rhenus (Various trailers);
- Tree-ET -> Ferguson (Ferguson trailers and default scs Log trailers);
- WGCC -> Total (Default scs. trailers);
- Kaarfor -> Aldi
- Sellplan -> Spar
Notice: Some company plugin files may change the company in another company as described as above.The MCP V4.0 Plugin Company file contains:
- Repainted distribution centres for LKWlog & Eurogoodies in the appearance of the company of your choice;
- Ca. 20 new trailers of the company of your choice, always available at the company distribution centres.
- When you are using this mod for the first time, it will take a few “game ours” before the company trailers will appear in the job marked. The truck skins will be available just above the default colours in the paint shop.IF YOU ARE USING OLDER VERSIONS OF THE MEGA COMBO PACK, PLEASE DEACTIVATE BEFORE USING V4.0.
Warning: Due to the extensive changes necessary to make this work, the game will consider this as “game changing” and will cancel any current jobs and return you to your main garage. Please make sure you finish your current delivery BEFORE installing/removing this mod.
Credits: Rudy
Enjoy this mod
Credits and a big thank you to:
ETS Studio team, MDmodding, Matdom1988 & Rommi TZ.
And my testing team ? : willy1962 & Obi!Works with: Promods, TSM, Jazzycat mods, etc.
More pictures and previews :
05 Jan 23:50Version 2.1
Mega Combo Pack incl. RJL Scania!
28 Nov 13:40Version 2.0
by Rudy jans
ago about 7 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 8 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago almost 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
by Rudy jans
ago about 9 years
1 Comments for Mega Combo Pack
Hi Rudy,
nice to see that you still maintain this mod. I already had a bit of panic because I hadn't seen this on ets2 . lt anymore. I really like the quality of your skins, which just make driving more realistic in-game. But I also have to join the crowd that says they' re having problems with the addon. No matter which addon I load, the company to be replaced remains with "Missing Textures". If you could handle that, it would be extremely cool. But I will definitely use your suggestion mail and submit one or two designs ^^.