MB trac 1100 - 1800 with various configurations
Original model: schlueterfan1977 / model oak
Conversion LS19, conversions, botch: Unguided, PeJay
Conversion LS22: OscarZulu (Instagram: AgroPicsOst)
This MB Trac was made live by Unguided & PeJay for the 19er and has already been published.
But since I liked it so much, I decided for myself
to get it into the 22er and convert all script-based things to the 22er standard as far as I was able.
That means in turn he is the way I wanted him to be for ME
As soon as SimpleIC is available, it will of course be updated.
Support and possible bugs please under the channel mbtrac-support on the Simufreunde Discord
And now to the essentials.
MB Trac 1100-1800
various design configuration: standard | MB Trac Edition | silver thistle | silver | Black & Silver | Schuco special model | Stotz | 1800 Intercooler Museum | Agro Pics East | armed forces
various tire configurations
different exhaust configurations
Rear weight: 300 kg | 600 kg | 900 kg
wheel hub cover
Windscreen: Standard | exhibition disc
Rear window: Standard | exhibition disc
exhaust color
Clearance from schlueterfan1977 was given to Unguided and he gave it to me for the 22 before anyone wants to run anywhere (correspondence available)!
Publication in modified form, including links or on websites is PROHIBITED.
This is intended exclusively for the Discord of SimuFreunde, passing on the link to friends is of course allowed.
Have fun!
OscarZulu (AgroPicsOst)
Unguided, PeJay (FS19) OscarZulu (FS22)-
10 Mar 21:18Version
2 Comments for MB TRAC 1100 - 1800
Wenn wird die update mit simple ic kommen?
Liebe dieses Traktor und simple ic wird es komplett und perfekt machen :)
(entschuldigung fur mein vielleicht schlechtes Deutsch, ich bin Niederländisch)
Super geile mod vielen dank dafür :) , meine frage ist ; Wär es möglich eine farbauswahl zu bekommen?