Good morning / afternoon / evening / night love Omsi 2 bus drivers and Modhoster community.
Here I present you my standard repaint
Stadtwerke Wilhelmshaven (SWWV for MB O530 from alterr available, I hope you like it and maybe Wilhelmshaven're doing that sometimes the way I want to ride the buses of our transport company.
Have fun with the repaint!
LG Raxxtor
ps I ask you this mod does not upload or reproduce on other sites !!!!!
The edit and change my repaints is only allowed on request !!!!
INSTALLATION (for who do not know how it works)
1) Invite you download the latest version of the repaint.
2.) adds the 4 files that are included in the .rar file under
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ OMSI 2 \ Vehicles \ MB_O530 \ Texture \ rep
3.) Starts Omsi 2 selects the MB O350 and the repaint
4) Enjoy;-)
11 May 18:53Version 1.1
Sitztexturen in die originalen sitze umgewandelt
10 May 18:54Version 1.0
by Raxxtor
ago almost 10 years
by Raxxtor
ago almost 10 years
by Raxxtor
ago almost 10 years
by Raxxtor
ago almost 10 years
0 Comments for MB O530 Stadtwerke Wilhelmshaven