Now that I have started to build a map for LS2013, Fiehl cause me to many buildings and objects uv error.
Now I have been looking for ways to overcome them.
Unfortunately, I discovered that it is easier to build new buildings and objects (at least if you have never worked with a 3-D program as I do: D)
So I started me to create my own objects.
in Pack Includes:
1 power house
1Poller (as black as he is found in pedestrian areas)
1 fence element (picket fence on brick wall with brick pillars)
Nothing is earth shattering, but in the form I've found nothing nich.
I hope you like them and help mappers to create their map.
It is permitted to link to the mod on other sites.
It is not allowed to upload the new mod or modify without my permission and then upload.
Modelle und Texturen:manni_112Hilfe bei der Umsetzung: team
02 Dec 17:26Version 1.0
by manni_112
ago over 12 years
by manni_112
ago over 12 years
by manni_112
ago over 12 years
by manni_112
ago over 12 years
by DerSirOliver
ago over 12 years
by DerSirOliver
ago over 12 years
by DerSirOliver
ago over 12 years
by DerSirOliver
ago over 12 years
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