Manual Cutting for Wood Harvester

V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Today, I present you a Mod before who like realistic games will especially please the people want.


As the name implies, the automatic cuts will be deactivated for all timber harvesters. From now on always the sawing button has to be pressed when a tree should be cut.

The script also the MaxCutRadius changes - that is, you have in your xml harvester change anything about my strong timber to recycle.

Just this mod in your modfolder copy and all harvesters have these two functions!



Thank you dear, thanks to hits IFKO [nator] who released this script for me! I have the whole extract and adjust only one other script!




Script: Ifko[nator] überarbeitet von t0xic0m

  • 17 Apr 10:56
    Version 1.2

    Nun ist es möglich alle Baumarten zu Fällen, also auch Laubbäume

  • 15 Apr 07:16
    Version 1.1

    Baumzähler verbaut
    Nun haben alle Harvester die selben Längen und müssen nicht mehr in der xml des Harvesters geändert werden.


checksum: 3699e2d2cd3dd8e276901b8f36d7840a
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Ifko[nator] überarbeitet t0xic0m
price in shop: LS
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11.04 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.85 / 40 Votes


nach 39 Stimmen

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V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
11.6 KB 4644
17. 04 2016 4,644
V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
10.7 KB 1652
15. 04 2016 1,652

4 Comments for Manual Cutting for Wood Harvester

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  1. w1der 08. 06 2016

    No no no ...
    Why did I install the new update of this mod!?

    I had my harvester set up to cut from 0.001 to 8.001 in increments of 4m.
    (This made it possible to move the tree back and forward without cutting it.)
    Installing the new version of the MOD made it go from 1 to 11 (or what ever) in increments of 1 meter ... and now I can´t get it reversed even that I reinstalled the old version of this mod.

    Please help!

    2 replies

  2. Jurkkis 17. 04 2016

    Tried this awesome mod today on dedicated server and it doesn't seem to work.
    Harvester will cut standing tree, fell it and feed to set length but will not cut the log to lenght?

    1 replies

  3. Jurkkis 12. 04 2016

    Awesome!! been waiting since FS2015 release and its so little of code. I need learn LUA too :D
    Is it possible in future to have backwards feeding with slower animation too? Now its just instant.

  4. Vespel 12. 04 2016

    Thank you t0xic0m and Ifkonator,very nice idea and very useful.
