Added two navigation combinations for screen display with more options
The first and second types are officially displayed
The third type is navigation+right rearview mirror
The fourth type of navigation is the right rearview mirror+front camera
The fifth one is to turn off all, black screen
Tar Bayan
Modell: Tar Bayan
Textur: Tar Bayan
Script:Tar Bayan
Idee / Konzept: Tar Bayan
Tester:Tar Bayan
Sonstige: Tar Bayan
21 Oct 04:53Version 1.1
MAN TGX 2020 Improved Navigation Screen v1.1
Changes 1.1
– The dashboard has also been improvedAdded two navigation combinations for screen display with more options
The first and second types are officially displayed
The third type is navigation+right rearview mirror
The fourth type of navigation is the right rearview mirror+front camera
The fifth one is to turn off all, black screenCredits:
Tar Bayan -
19 Oct 01:44Version 1.0
by mods80
ago over 1 year
by mods80
ago over 1 year
by mods80
ago over 1 year
by mods80
ago over 1 year
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