MAN TGM 15.293 Autoload

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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MAN TGM 15.293 Platform with Palletautoload function

Requires Palletautoload specialization MOD

price: 40.000

color selection

custom plarform


by LesiTheDogg

  • 01 Feb 07:41


01.02 2022
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Farming Simulator 22
15.4 MB 1228
01. 02 2022 1,228

1 Comments for MAN TGM 15.293 Autoload

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  1. criss20ster 01. 02 2022

    Load mod: FS22_TGM_15293_Platform
    2022-02-01 10:28 Error: Specialization 'tensionBelts' already exists for type 'vehicle'!

    E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/tgm_15293.i3d (132.77 ms)
    2022-02-01 10:29 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/Man_tgm.xml): I3D file offers '2' objects, but '1' components have been loaded!
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Daylight, only 0 children given
    2022-02-01 10:29 LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (100) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (407) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/xml/XMLFile.lua (263) : closure
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (403) : iterate
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (820) : loadI3DMapping
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Index not found: 0>0|2|0|0|0
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Failed to find child 0 from node Daylight, only 0 children given
    2022-02-01 10:29 LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (100) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/xml/XMLValueType.lua (61) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Dashboard.lua (450) : getValue
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Dashboard.lua (394) : loadEmitterDashboardFromXML
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Dashboard.lua (333) : loadDashboardFromXML
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Dashboard.lua (128) : loadDashboardsFromXML
    dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (19)
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (962) : raiseEvent
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Index not found: 0>0|2|0|0|0
    2022-02-01 10:29 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/Man_tgm.xml): Missing node for emitter dashboard 'vehicle.dashboard.default.dashboard(0)'
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Failed to find child 4 from node visuals, only 2 children given
    2022-02-01 10:29 LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (100) : checkChildIndex
    dataS/scripts/xml/XMLValueType.lua (61) : indexToObject
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (24) : getValue
    dataS/scripts/utils/ObjectChangeUtil.lua (313) : loadObjectChangeFromXML
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Wheels.lua (569) : updateObjectChanges
    dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (19)
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (962) : raiseEvent
    dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Index not found: 0>0|10|4
    2022-02-01 10:29 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/contiCrossTracHS3/R22_5_contiCrossTracHS3.i3d (42.62 ms)
    2022-02-01 10:29 data/vehicles/landini/seriesREX4/sounds/seriesREX4_loop.gls version 14 (0.17 ms)
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error: Index not found: ptoBack
    2022-02-01 10:29 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/Man_tgm.xml): Pto output needs to have either a valid 'outputNode' or a 'skipToInputAttacherIndex' in 'vehicle.powerTakeOffs.output(0)'
    2022-02-01 10:29 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/Man_tgm.xml): Animation 'wiperFrontAnimation' not defined for wiper 'vehicle.wipers.wiper(0)'!
    2022-02-01 10:29 Error (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_TGM_15293_Platform/Man_tgm.xml): Missing player collision mask bit '20' for tension belt trigger.
