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This ship has a 4 shot revolving torpedo bay just hit the timer to start and it will fire all 4 torpedos one after the other then reload itself, or it has a single shot option too where it will build one new torpedo every shot, MAKE SURE AFTER FIRING NOT TO SHOOT AGAIN UNTIL CYCLE IS COMPLETE,
Ship also features a crew escape pod that can carry 5 engineers and has it's own launch sequence just push up on the d-pad in the pods cockpit and gravity gens will throw the pod from the ship. Note Help steer the pod out of the ship once away from the ship push down on the dpad to turn on thrusters. If you have a GPS coordinate programmed into its remote control you can push right on the dpad to turn auto pilot on and have it fly you there.
30 Sep 15:42Version 1.0
30.09 2020
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