This is the default skin for male avatars in Sinespace. This zip file contains all the relevant texture .PNGs, normal maps, spec maps and material for use in Unity to make variations of the skin. Owned by, but can be used freely for any purpose in the Sinespace virtual world. Once you made variations, you can upload the variation to Sinespace via Unity and our Editor Pack. Please read the License included in this zip file for usage rights.
How to get started in Sinespace
The tutorials bellow will help you get started:
Get Started
How to Install Unity
For more information on how to set up the skin for use in Sinespace, please see our Skins page on our wiki, and also see the Virtual Goods page for how to upload the skin to the Sinespace Shop.
You will need to have downloaded our Sinespace client from here, and also have Unity installed and our Editor Pack. To be able to use our Editor Pack, you will need to sign up as a creator on our website here.
Please do not upload this skin to any other platform.
27 Jul 00:23Version 1.0
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