Hallo everyone,
here I am offering my graphics Mod once again, some may still know it from the last FS or the last version, but Giants again used some strange Shader settings, so because of several requests I made the mod ready for FS19 and now gave it another update.
The new update is supposed to make the game look as realistic as possible. It also should make the installation easyer by using relative paths.
· - the Mod is based on Reshade and is completed by changing some scripts and settings
· - graphics are made to look as realistic as possible
· -MP usable !
Only works if game is installed at the original path. Otherwise you have to search for your path e.g. if your drive is D: instead of C:
Normal Version:
· - Download the file and unzip it
· - Take the unzip files (dxgi.dll, …) and put it in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Farming Simulator 2019\x64
Steam Version:
· - Download the file unzip it
· - Take the unzip files (dxgi.dll, …) and put it in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 19\x64
· -Just hit the Scroll-Lock button ingame and you are good to go!
· -Using F10 you get into the mod menu
I appreciate positiv feedback and if you have questions I will be at your disposal!
The Mod can be shared using the original download-link, if not done so, there may be legal consequences!!!
· - Just delete the files!
Script und preset: LoneWarrior
25 Oct 17:26Version 2.0
by GermanWarrior
ago over 4 years
by GermanWarrior
ago over 4 years
by GermanWarrior
ago over 4 years
by GermanWarrior
ago over 4 years
6 Comments for FS 19: Better graphics 2020 - Shadermod 2.0 - by LoneWarrior
muss ich das einfach in x64 oder den FarmingSimulator19Game.exe einfügen?
Danke dir für deine Arbeit <3
Super Arbeit die Grafik ist jetzt durch diese Mod einfach richtig Klasse.
Echt super Mod. Hatte deine alte version aber die hier ist noch geiler!
Schaut super realisisch aus und zieht net so viel Frames wie davor!
Kann man nur empfehlen
also ich sehe keinen unterschied ,und was mich stört ist der text wenn mann das game startet und wenn ich das game beende dann braucht es 10 minuten bis es beendet hat ,das taugt mir nicht ,mfg
Hallo. Kannst du noch dazu schreiben wie sich dieser Mod (grafische Veränderung) auf die Leistung eines PC´s auswirkt!? Nicht jeder hat einen High-End Rechner!