LPG state agricultural

V 2.01 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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offer you my map here LPG is now Thuringia gewurden for agricultural GmbH since the turn already ne now is here

it starts in a hilly landscape in southern Thuringia

the fields are small to medium, and the map is more for a single player game

in pictures, I describe the features of the map slightly

you need patch 2.0

the gates to be, should also stay out of the door where I have installed this trigger go with "o" on

rot is from

Stable and pig fattening must be cleaned out and may be stored on the dunghill

sheep, chickens, cows what what you need on the water hose (the country trade or dealer) or at the pump house (on the hill in front of pig bach)

change of version 1.1

silage silos changed

Fixed small bugs

corn texture


lot of fun while playing


Lexion_780, KundS Modding, HatzFan, martinbigM500, Katsuo, Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, mariodieck, Typho0n, frisco0177, Pearf, lecra, SkyFall|Kai, vanillaice83, mailman, Nick98.1, KIK, Eribus
und danke an alle auch die ich vllt vergessen habe

  • 23 Dec 22:33
    Version 2.01

    fenster geändert
    einige collis geändert
    paar bilder datein geändert

  • 06 Dec 21:59
    Version 2.0 mit Mist Wasser Woolcollector Schweine und Kälbermod

    neues dorf hinzu gekommen
    strassen überarbeitet
    kälberställe hinzu gefügt
    texturen angepasst

  • 26 Oct 22:39
    Version 1.1 mit Mist Wasser Woolcollector und Schweinemod


checksum: bebb64a944de3bbb6f40070a7d2020f9
Version: 2.01
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Chris
price in shop: LS
name in shop: LPG Thüringen
description in shop: Willkommen im wunderschönen Thüringen bei der LPG Oberland.

26.10 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.03 / 58 Votes


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V 2.01
Farming Simulator 2013
146 MB 3869
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V 2.0 mit Mist Wasser Woolcollector Sch...
Farming Simulator 2013
145 MB 4127
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V 1.1 mit Mist Wasser Woolcollector und...
Farming Simulator 2013
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