The newest version of the Trailgroomer has lots of new features than the older version. I have planned two trails and a lift-animation for the two milling machines. The two trails are realized but the animation has just until now some little mistakes. But I’m sure; with the community i can find a solution for this problem. For a complete list of the new features please have a look at the “Handout”. This PDF-Handout contains all new Features of the project so please have a look at it:
üNew looking (new textures)
üNew grooming function (there will be two trails prepared)
üadapted work behave (groomers stay permanently on
ümemory size decreased (faster download and loading time in game)
üautomatic Installationsexe for easy install and uninstall
üother things like new schema picture, new price and real
operating costs
Contains automatically installation setup for all windows users (for those who didn’t use windows or have problems with the installation exe please have a look at the ‘Installation support’).
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And now have a lot of fun with this mod!
Copyright by SpeedsimulationsAll rights reserved
25 Jan 16:06Version 2.3 Updated
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