LIZARD Forage Pickup

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 22

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Designed to ease the emptying of silage pits, the FP-2M can load all types of forage materials from the ground directly into a nearby trailer automatically.
Shop Category: Forage Wagons
Price: 75,000 $
Required Enginepower: 90 HP
Max. working speed: 20 km/h
- Supports silage, grass, hay, straw and chaff.
- Base colour and design colour configuration options.
- Arm controls for feeder door, feeder housing, pipe rotation and pipe end.
- Bulk configuration option for loading of all material types.
Advanced usage:
If the FP-2M is full of a material which you wish to unload, you have the option to unload directly to the ground.
If the 'Unload here' option does not show up in the help menu, ensure you are away from any trailers and use the arm controls to point the pipe end towards the ground.



  • 10 May 15:32
    Version 1.0


10.05 2022
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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 22
3.55 MB 988
10. 05 2022 988

1 Comments for LIZARD Forage Pickup

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  1. TeeSee64 14. 05 2022

    Thank you for this mod!

    howto lower the pickup? because the pickup s not low enough to pickup silage from the ground
