Lizard pickups modified version
New category image,
Pickup 2017:
Added Interactive Control
Interactive Control for the 1986 pickup
This is a modified version of the pickups from the base game.
Optionally you can use the interactive control
The mod has its own category, engine configurations and much more.
- Engine configuration (2017: -$300/$1245/$2450/$4500 | 1986: -$200/$750/$1200/$3200)
- Color configuration
- Rim color configuration
- Beaconlights configuration ($150/$399 | $65/$135)
- Strobe option ($100)
- Convoy Sign configuration ($350)
- Country Flag Configuration ($50)
- GPS configuration (Matrix 430) ($50)
- Paulaner Spezi bottle configuration ($25)
- Warning strip configuration ($50)
Features pickup 2017:
- Price: $45,000
- Power: 184-396 HP
- Maximum speed: 110-180 km/h
Features pickup 1986:
- Price: $25,000
- Power: 130-244 HP
- Maximum speed: 90-135 km/h
Thanks to (Prefabs):
Slajmon – Beacon Bar
JMZ for the country flags
JMZ for the GPS Matrix 430
AgrarModdingNorthern Black Forest for the LED strobes
Jonas for the speci
3dmxModding for the warning strips
21 May 08:28Version
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