Moin Moin,
General information
Latest version: 1 approx 106 Mb
Multiplayer Compatible: Yes
Error-free (in the [lexicon] log.txt [/ lexicon]): Yes
Required Mods: MapDoorTrigger, MapHoseRefStation, GuelleMistMod lime
Completely new designed scenery
Crops: wheat, barley, canola, corn, beets, potatoes, grass
Animals: cows, sheep, chickens
Sale of eggs at the Regional Trade
Sale of wool at the Regional Trade
Large land trade with unloading points for potatoes, sugar corn, canola, barley, wheat
Brewery for barley and canola
Biogas plant
Large central courtyard with lots of storage space
Large selection of launch vehicle on your farm
Gas station at the court
Mobile fuel car can be filled at petrol stations
Various other features of the LS13 ...!
Required Mods
GuelleMistMod- (must be unzipped, then move on Mod and in Modsordner)
Wind turbine sound
This version is without VerfaulenKontakt Facebook Fanpage: Mod / Map may, without prior approval from us (LSM-modding), be placed on any other sites to download. To let We reserve the right to remove any links that do not rely on the original download link verweisen.Wir us., In all cases on copyright law Here are some important Paragraphen.§ 12 Publication Law (1) The author shall have the right to determine whether and how his work is to be published. (2) The copyright is reserved to inform the content of his work publicly, or to describe, as long as neither the work nor the substantive content or a description of the work published with his consent ist.§ 14 disfigurement of WerkesDer author has the right to prohibit any distortion or any other impairment of his work, which is suitable for his legitimate intellectual or personal interests in the work to gefährden.§ 23 edits and restructuring arrangements or other transformations of the work may be published or used only with the consent of the author of processed or transformed plant. If it is a film adaptation of the work to the execution of plans and projects of a work of fine arts in order to demand the reconstruction of a work of architecture or to the adaptation or transformation of a database work already producing the adaptation or transformation of the consent of the Urhebers.Quelle and other laws excerpts: Copyright Act - Unofficial InhaltsverzeichnisWir ask comply with these laws, as they are legally in with this sign. Have fun with the mod wünschtLSM Modding
LSM´-Modding: Lsfreak09Danke fürs testen Chris1988
Herzliches danke schön an alle Modder deren objekte ich verwendet habe
05 Oct 20:21Version 1.1_fix
Das Problem das man keine Gülle tanken konnte lag am fehlenden Trigger :(. Jetzt gehts wie gewohnt neben das Entladerohr fahren und auftanken.
by LSM MoDDinG
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by LSM MoDDinG
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by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
by LSM MoDDinG
ago over 10 years
checksum: | e10599545860a9a43c5dfb16b4181c68 |
Version: | 1.1_fix |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Lsfreak09 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Lindenau |
description in shop: | Dies ist die Beispiel Mod Map. |
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