Landkreis_Reihnlandpfalz by team Rheinlandpfalz
I ask all those who want to invite Map down only to read the description. Who the Map does not like it should not load down too!
If her criticism of the Map you please in friendly tone expressed for no mapper or modder wants to hear something like "oh you see the shit or something but no one wants." Because that is the reason why keep some mapper or modder their Map's or Mod's only for themselves.
For Map
The Landkreis_Reihnlandpfalz is a 4x Map with 59 fields
In the beginning you have 3 boxes (box 2.8 and 37).
You start at the farm with a small fleet. Besides all the fieldwork ye also to supply several industries (Note the way there may be far)
and there is a very large forest courtyard where there is also a smaller sawmills in this sawmill gets her then delivery of logs wood chips and wood pallets. There is a large sawmill where their trunks can cast and only chips gets out.
Sawmill small: delivery of wood chips and trees edition wooden pallets and wood chips Sawmill large: delivery of trees output chips flour mill: discharge of barley, wheat and rye. Output flour Schlachter: delivery of beef, pork and chicken.
Output meat Erasco: delivery of meat, onions and potatoes stew edition coleslaw factory Delivery of red cabbage, white cabbage and carrots
Output coleslaw and compost Riding: dispensing oats, mixed feed and straw (can be sold at the port) output horse refinery
Delivery of rapeseed and oil
Issue Bio Diesel for the farm and forestry Hof petrol diesel engine oil
Baker: delivery of rye, flour, eggs and sugar output bread sugar factory: delivery of sugar, water, wood chips and compost output sugar Winery: delivery of water, fertilizer, compost and seeds
Issue of Wine Brewery: delivery of water, hops and barley
Edition beer all economic activities must be supplied with all else they do not run.
Mods you need and the man with us receives a package in the forum.
Recommended mods
krone Big
EDEKA Trailer Pack V 1.1
Kotte Universal Pack V2.51
Fliegl transportation Pack Update V1.5
Marhu, Giants, Blacky_BPG, Farmer_Andy, Mannie313
Nils23, webalizer_ls, Maurer Matze, Raptor5 Jauch Paule, Nick98.1, Manuel, mario Dieck
atze1978, Bluebaby210, Steinklopfer, Funky
RC-Devil, Kastor, tobiasgo, Alex2009, herrl, El_Cid
I thank all the people whose stuff I could use !!!! If I have forgotten someone can / should simply register.
have fun playing Markus
Visit us in the forum;
04 May 13:15Version 1.1
Hi zusammen,Bin mal wieder fleißig gewesen und hab mal bissel was neues
Was geänedert wurde .Kuhweide vergrössert
neue feldwege angelegt
die holzsilos an der kuhweide ausgetauscht
ballenhalle bei der kuhweide eingebaut mit kran
Schafsweide vergrößert
neue Felder(felder bearbeitet)
neue früchte mohn,kohlrabi,erdbeere,rice
bilder der früchte alle gesetzt (log sauber)
hafen eingebaut
neue stadt
MixKasten getauscht gegen fabrikMixKasten
3 neue felder eingebaut (bei der biogasanlage , und bei der reisfarm)
neue gewächshäuser (Salat,tomaten,blumenkohl)
Kompostier_Anlage ausgetauscht gegen CompostMaster2k16 und CompostFillingPlant_placeable
fahrzeugShop ausgetauscht
Betonwerk mit Sandgrube Streingrube und eine waschanlage für kiess eingebaut
hafenstadt eingebaut
mehlmühle raus genommen und am hafen eine neue eingebaut verkauf von getreide und ankauf von mehl
Knaeckewerk rausgenommen und eine neue bäckerei eingebaut
Bäume ausgetauscht
bei den Gaststäde noch weitere sachen zum verkauf eingefügt
biogazanlage am berg ausgetauscht jetzt kann mann auch mit hänger abladen
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago almost 9 years
by TeamRheinlandpfalz
ago about 9 years
by BauerAndi2005
ago over 8 years
by BauerAndi2005
ago over 8 years
by BauerAndi2005
ago over 8 years
by membran
ago about 9 years
by membran
ago about 9 years
by membran
ago about 9 years
checksum: | a0f312a72ff013656ec36069fba8e9d2 |
Version: | 1.1 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | |
description in shop: |
checksum: | a0f312a72ff013656ec36069fba8e9d2 |
Version: | 1.1 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Mod: Farmer_Andy / Script: Marhu |
price in shop: | 8000 LS |
name in shop: | |
description in shop: |
1 Comments for County Rheinlandpfalz
why post a map with out the main files with it does not make any since really need to take this off if your not going to give use any thing with this or if there is a place were we can download the files so we can play the map you should at less put a link to it ????????????
PS map is not playable with out the file ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Landkreis_Reihnlandpfalz