Welcome to my map LaendlicheIdylle.
This map should show a natural rich landscape, with trenches, many trees, forests and wild growth of plants.
You expect fields of small to medium size, hilly and flat. But surfaces, the open are kept as well as areas that are kept tight.
The fields are not created in the helper style because I think that you also can do a bit by himself. The possibility of using the Mod AutoCombine exists and works well.
The fields are not always even, so it can sometimes be present irregularities. There are houses marked in almost all areas on the map. Many objects have different but no collisions.
In addition, even the fruit oats and rye have been added.
What else you can expect:
Landhandel on which you all will Standartfruechte going and rye and oats.
Furthermore you will be going on the other side from grainstaiontrigger (other side of the country trade) pigs and wool.
It is there to buy the possibility of fuel, seeds, fertilizers and lime.
In garden centers you have the chance to try different things like einzukippen as grain and get Compost.
There you will also rid your eggs and you can buy seedlings for the forest.
The sale triggers for Compost is located on the pig farm.
ATR trading:
There you have the opportunity to sell chips. Furthermore, you can sell there beets and potatoes at Grainstaitontrigger.
There is also the possibility there of wheat, barley, canola, grain corn and straw for sale. This geschiet in the hall which is there.
You can also refuel there.
The pig farm is constructed quite simple. There you can pig breeding, sale of compost, charging and refueling seed.
The farm is to be presented as "new" built-up yard.
The biogas plant, explained I think by itself. It has 3 silos a 900,000 liter full amount. The BGA laueft with the Bgaextensions.Die balance is also installed there, do so you need only if your high drive to right BGA go around.
The barrier is installed there when one starts up, then left, going Although on both sides, but should happen only by a forth.
The retailer used to purchase of vehicles as well as for the purchase of seed and fuel.
The yard. This is your main yard.
Here you have the camp for wheat, barley, canola, Koernermais, oats, rye and potatoes and turnips.
The cows are the same as at the court as well as the chicken. Am Hof ??is also the spawn point for the wool of the sheep.
Fuel, fertilizer and seeds as you can also buy.
The Hofsilo for silage has a capacity of 600,000 liters. The Guellegrube almost a volume of 800,000 liters.
The milk is automatically debited.
Water you get either the main courtyard at the trough at the chicken or spawn of wool, but also on the lawn W2 as well as in field and 38. 39
The trees are not precipitated only those who are in the forest and those are the light green.
Well you need partly driving skills, because there are tight spots.
Signs serve only as a rough guide. At the respective outlets (land trade and ATR) finds her signs whatsoever ye shall there going on.
Your needs following the Map:
- AnimationMapTrigger
-> LS 15: Animation Map Trigger v 1.0.2 scripts Mod for Farming Simulator 15
- GuelleMistMod -> GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15 -
- No_Collision_Camera_FS_2015 (recommended)
-> LS 15: noCollisionCamera v 1.0 scripts for Mod Farming Simulator 15
- ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
-> LS 15: ChoppedStraw v 15.0.05 scripts Mod for Farming Simulator 15
- ZZZ_complexBGA
-> LS 15: BGAextension V 3.03 scripts for Mod Farming Simulator 15
- ZZZ_compostSoil
-> - files upload for free!
- ZZZ_multiFruit
-> LS 15: Multifruit v 3.0 scripts for Mod Farming Simulator 15
- ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard
-> LS 15: Multifruit v 3.0 scripts for Mod Farming Simulator 15
Also here is the recommended Fligl Transport Pack of Ifkonator. This can get you on the side of
The link Considered Originaldownlaodlink and only with this, the map may be offered on other sites.
No re-upload, either with a different link or changed, or the like.
Wish you have a lot of fun while gambling. I am open to criticism and suggestions, as long as it remains objective and not be abusive or similar.
A thank you to all modders and scripters whose objects and scripts I've used.
A big thank you goes to our team of modding world for their active support, assistance and in the tests.
Spirit87/Tj87 Giants El_Cid Ifkonator uvm-
25 Dec 10:56Version 1.0
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
by Tj87
ago about 9 years
checksum: | 1c8edb8cfb3fdc0027f41b341f6ba101 |
Version: | 1.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Spirit87 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Ländliche Idylle |
description in shop: | Ländliche Idylle |
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