This mod is brand new and unique.
Here are some pictures.
This mod Beinhabet after the unpacking the KV-1 Black Shadow folder.
A German instructions for Insterlieren the mods.
In 1-3 steps successfully
This Skin Mod Insterlieren)
This is a mod of [NDS] Germany ModHoster of our team modded and was scripted.
We hope that you like this style !!
It was not easy.
But team Kolegen: [NDS] NR.Sellers & [NDS] cybork777
Have it after 12 hours geschaft a thank to these gentlemen.
[Clan] - [GPD] GermanPanzerDivison2014 have this skin mod.
Tested with success !!
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
There were installed:
85 mm cannon tube.
Sound system renewed:
so it is also very good PC, s
With Very good Quallität achieve a real shooting and driving fun.
Logos & cover images: were inserted for fresh ausehen.
Lackiereung: Shimmering Black-Metallig Complet.
Information that are important !!!!
This Mod Can not without our consent where otherwise Publishing, or be Changed.
PS: I wish you much fun with this skin mod.
Our partner website: has-skins-hangar-downloads.html more
Wir das [NDS]Deutschland Gmbh ModHoster Team.Persönlich.
02 Sep 02:32Version 0.9.2
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