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Kuhn Profile 1880

V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello Dear Comunity


First to me I'll start just to modding and mods etc. umzubauenb. Say improvements to this and following mods I have to make sure yet. Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome to Mod.


Why this mod?

I had to be honest no desire for the original Kuhn mixer feeders. Ok yes I know this is the appearance of the originals of Giants. But scripts were excessively're a little what changed. Because as I said I'll start just as with the modding on etc.. The changes are also listed below.


What has been changed to the original?


  1. Now grain can be mixed with (rape, wheat, barley, grain maize)
  2. Root crops can now also be blended with (potatoes, sugar beet)

I just found it more realistic that one grain and root crops can with mixing. Maybe it's a few of you even so and they can use this mod. :)



So well I was able to display the extent% fixed up to the grain that will then come to V1.2.




Yes so now the% display of the grain has been fixed. Here is a big thank you to Barny65. That it should be as far been, unless you can find something on mod;)



Multiplayer capability is available.

Man now needs to make a mixture, because you can not feed the grain separately. This corresponds to the extent even of reality, because since you do eig always a mixture.

So what i mean:

     Silage, grass, hay and straw bales and loose straw and grass can be pur verteillt by car without right mix so
     However, once you want to mix grain and root crops with you have to make a right mix.

Closing Remarks

I hope some of you can order what to do.

Sorry for my bad English.

 #Googletranslate ;)


All rights see Giants therefore should be told everything!

The mod can be found on other sites to download but please mention me as Urmodder the tags!



Giants, JohnDeereFreak94

  • 18 Jul 11:29
    Version 1.2

    So die % Anzeige für das Getreide wurde gefixt. Hier ein großes dankeschön an Barny65
    Sonst ist alles beim alten geblieben.


checksum: 52f31acffc3caaf30fba352d9bd14ec3
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: JohnDeereFreak94
price in shop: 4100 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

15.07 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.45 / 31 Votes


nach 18 Stimmen

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V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
3.87 MB 3239
18. 07 2015 3,239

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