Converted Krone X-Collect 900-3 from the standard game
-Adjustment for Patch1.4.1.0 / reduced wear / color choice / improved effects since V1.0.0.1
Since there is only the standard 2m forage harvester cutterbar and the standard sugar cane harvester for the poplar harvest.
Have I rewritten the Krone X-Collect 900-3 forage harvester cutting system from the LS22 base game for the poplar and sugar cane harvest,
The standard cutting unit is also included in the pack, including a color choice.
The cutter works on all choppers in the game, including mod choppers.
Color choice is also installed.
New icons to distinguish between the headers (see image)
New shop icons
Mod is suitable for multiplayer
Log is free of errors
-Price: 120,000€
-Weight: 4 tons
-Power: 552 KW/750 HP
-Working width: 9m
- Working speed: 10 km/h
I have received approval from Giants for this forage harvester header for public download.
This mod may not be changed without my consent and may not be uploaded to other sites.
Mod Micha-
26 Apr 22:37Version
by Exxitus88
ago almost 3 years
by Exxitus88
ago almost 3 years
by Exxitus88
ago almost 3 years
by Exxitus88
ago almost 3 years
3 Comments for Krone X-Collect 900-3 Poplar and Sugarcane
Mods "ausleihen" geht ja gar nicht... Wer macht denn bitte sowas?! Darf ich auf das echte Original verlinken @tethyssaturn ?!
Ganz dünnes Eis. Wer anderen den Mod klaut darf sich nicht über Uploads auf anderen Seiten beschweren...
Dieser Mod wurde Ohne meine Erlaubnis hier hochgeladen. Wann kapieren diese Spinner es endlich das die Modder entscheiden wo die Modder Ihre Mods veröffendlichen?
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