The Map was made in the Real Area of the Village of Koshmak and its outskirts, which is located in Ukraine, Cherkasy Region, Korsun Shevchenkovsky district
- Standard Crops
- One large Farm
- One Machine and Tractor Fleet
- Animals: Chickens, Pigs, Cows, Sheeps
- 2 Points of Sale of Grain and 1 for Root Crops, 1 own Elevator
- 248 Fields from the smallest and up to the largest (the largest Field is 142 Hectares)
- Two Shops (sale: Wool, Eggs, Milk)
- Two Villages: Koshmak and Miropillia
- Two Points of Sale of Bales
- The Map does not support the Mod Seasons
* Cleaned up the log for Warnings and Errors
* Animated Doors in the Warehouse opposite the Tractor Brigade
* The Problem with the Fulfillment of the Contract by 70% on the 14th Field has been solved
* A Collision has been added for the Pens of Pigs and Sheep
* Added Starting Technique
25 Nov 00:02Version
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