Here is my small wind turbine with 12KW total output.
You will find the system in the shop under "Placeable objects" in the section "Miscellaneous".
<"Strong", "em-br", "em-em", "strong", "em-em", "strong", "em-em", "strong".
In connection with the Seasons Mod the turbine automatically turns in the current wind direction and generates, depending on the prevailing wind speed, different yields, which can be seen from the different speeds of the rotor.
>>em>>span style="font-size: 12pt;">span style="color: #ff0000;">Will mean: no wind=plant stands=no money!>br />>>span>>/em>>>/strong>>>/p> <"Strong", "em-br", "em-em", "strong", "em-em", "strong", "em-em", "strong".
The Seasons Mod is not a must to play with the mod, but it works the same way, just without the above mentioned realistic functions
Perfect for the cold autumn/winter days on your farms
<I hope you enjoy it.
Modell: fendthannes/unimogfan1
Idee / Konzept: fendthannes/unimogfan1
10 Oct 17:51Version 1.0
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
by fendthannes1
ago over 4 years
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