featuredWelcome to the core city "Real"
Hello ModHoster Community,
After the v2.52 was so well received and I have long played with ideas for bringing the core city with something special out, now here the core city "Real".
Since I have changed a lot in the map, she has nothing more to do so itself with the v2.5.
But why "real" you wonder ?! Since I find it very sad in the LS is always equal to starts at the beginning of a beautiful large yard and everything can use the same and thus the game fun drops quickly, I've been thinking how can I deal with you longer ^^. Then I comb the idea for the full Grossenhof to make buyable.
So you Starts as a small farmer up in Tannenhausen on because small courtyard, with small fleet and six small fields. Do you have the attitude by assets and can you work for big business high?
Much work is now on.
-Kaufbarer court
> Land must be purchased
> Individual objects Buyable
> BGA Buyable
> Forest Enterprise Buyable
> Taxation, operation, maintenance costs
> Three forest areas
> 42Kaufbare fields
Small industry Now that the brewery and the bakery is built on the map.
required mods
Map buyable Object
Forestry Mod
Slurry manure and lime Mod v2.01
MapDoorTrigger v4.0
Recommended mods
helper tools
Stock price display V 4.2.9
Course Play 3:41
Bank of Hagenstedt
PDA MOD (v0.05)
Multi Sprayer herbicide Mod V 2.1
As for me, the map runs without problems and also the log is clean, I ask you with problems first clean up your modfolder.
A thank you goes out to my testers the many hours have it all possible tested.
Also thanks to all the modders whose objects I could block.
I ask you this map Only on Modhoster to shop! Supports No other links!
I hope that her many hours playing with the map habt.Natürlich I can not make any law it. For one pleases not stop that and the other.
Pointless comments I will delete this immediately times.
This will also be the last map version of me in LS 13 go first in summer break ^^. Thanks to all for the great time in LS13 and looking forward to show you in LS15 new maps.
Mfg Kastor
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Futterhalle mit Kran: Modell + Textur :PaPaScripte und Ingame :Alex2009
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15 Sep 22:45Version 3.02
Einige kleine fehler Behoben.
Kaufbare Stromtrasse angelegt mit der man Geld verdienen kann.
Manuel´s BGA Eingebaut(auch kaufbar)
01 Sep 07:23Version 3.0
by kastor_Ger
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checksum: | 5f6c5304a2a0546cc0818bbc1bfa2ae3 |
Version: | 3.02 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Kastor_ger |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | KernStadt_Real_3.0 |
description in shop: | Willkommen auf der KernStadt. |
6 Comments for Core city Real
Are you doing a FS15 version?
I hope so!
I'd like to know your PC specifications if you can run this map at 45-55 FPS?
I've got a i5 processor and a AMD R9-290 graphics card and the maps runs at 15-25, sometimes less.
Aufmerksamkeit übersetzt mit Google
Karte wunderschön, aber haben, Steine ??zu werfen! Müde von all der Zeit, um Korrekturen vorzunehmen!
1. Felder 1,2,7,8,17 gesammelt 5900t Zuckerrüben - wie es verkaufen? Die Antwort ist - NEIN! Leistungsleitungen 800 = 2400t pro Stunde + die Tatsache, dass in den Anhänger und alles!
2. FPS - extrem niedrig ist, bei 15 fps kurspley ausreichend funktioniert. Das Problem ist die falsche Parametrierung klipDistantse führte Korrektur in einem Anstieg der FPS 10-15 auf 35-40. Entfernen Sie die Racks mit einer Million Flaschen! Vergessen Sie nicht, dass das Spiel für Intel + Nvidia geschrieben! AMD Radeon Besitzer + PhysX nie davon geträumt!
3. Silos ganz andere Geschichte. Mehr Kurven Gruben nirgendwo anders gesehen.
4. dynamischen Spalten neben der Straße - auf Wiedersehen FPS ...
5. von Ihnen vorgeschlagenen Fahrzeugpack_for_Kernstadt_by_Ifko ist nicht stichhaltig, sind einige Kulturen gibt keine, und 200 Ballen töten keine Hardware.
Und das ist noch nicht alles ...
Why don't you do an MR version?
This is basically an empty version of the original map. There isn't a great deal of change at all apart from the odd cosmetic enhancement.
What would be great Kastor is if you could include this mod... the weed mod in the next version.
Apart from that I still love your map. Keep up the good work!
Great map but i dont appear to own any fields at the start??