Core city multi fruit

V 2.51 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Core city V2.0


Dear MH Community ,

it's finally here now V2.0 for you.


! ! Please read the description ! !



Since in the region of the core city , the economy is great, the EU has given you millions in funding . This enabled the court to be completely modernized. Furthermore, two new villages were created. Bachfeld and Tannenhausen. In the latter there is still a small courtyard .


- some of the fields are planted and ready for harvest

Standard , spelled, oats, rye, millet , sunflower , onions and carrots are installed

- Pig , cattle fattening , Wassermod , Woolpalettecollector

-3 New outlets : Industrial complex , horse farm , slaughterhouse

New Bga with a capacity of each 480000l per silo

Patch 2.0 Ready



Required Mods:



Recommended Mods:

Course Play

Pda fix v2.5.2

vehicle Pack



I have spent much time in this version and tried many things to implement what was desired. Please remember that but I just can not please everyone it .


Big thanks to all who have helped me but also to those who have given to me in a normal tone tips and suggestions.

A special thanks goes out to my testers , without this , the map determines not that Toll would become . THANK YOU! ! ! !

# # See here





! ! At the complainers ! !


Since there are plenty of them here at MH and it almost always are the same who at almost every move only what bad , please let be easy , usually never a mod made myself but others go down . Say opinion is ok and also desired. But then to go below the belt is pathetic.

before her nölt again :

- I have no trees removed ( have come more to this )

Trenches are still there

- the dealer is still in the village

Electricity pylons still run across the fields


! ! So when disturbed they do not need only to load ! !

The map I have according to my ideas started to rebuild , and they wanted with the Com. share . One can just not right for everyone . I let anyone tell me how to build my map.

If ye can better take you the original urban core and building them yourselves to .

As already few questions and problems come hiermal few infos about this .


# Questions / Answers #


# why have you installed so many trees ? #

- I find the nature in LS13 is one of them , have already removed the coli so that it does not remain hanging


# why not a train track ? #

- a normal train in LS 13 is a rigid object when it moves to ne curve he turns aufen center . Dauf are curves on the core city but no use to me this kind of train nix.Bin at it because to do so he wagon train Mobile for wagon in the curve moves .


# my FPS are far down ? #

- which was my tester and I did not notice I build and test the map on lepi , as they are approximately at 22-28 . I 've always wondered also when beta tests like the performence is , it was all IO.

For the Map you need so ne good graphics card ;-)


# is off the wither ? #

yes as well as in other versions or the original urban core of BigDaddy


# Why are not pigs when I travel lining, as in because old versioen #

- these are new mast systems , you have to buy before the animals



So now I hope you have fun playing. I hope you like it .

I would be very happy about your own review.

mfg kastor_ger




version Overview

# Version 2.0

( Continued construction of v1.1 )


# Version 2.0Low

( For people with weak computers)



Your like dürft the map on other sites uploading, but only

with Left From ModHoster ! !

! Please Respect the work of modern and mappers !


alle verbauten sachen findet ihr unter:

  • 10 May 08:58
    Version 2.51

    #Fruchtplane aufen kleinen hof schwebt in der luft behoben!

    #Rep. Rampe aufen kleinen Hof Weis behoben!

    #Schwebene Bäume an der gepflasterten straße beim güterbahnhof behoben!

    #XML Warning von der futterhalle behoben!

    #Bunker in der futterhalle jetzt sichtbar behoben!

    #Ertrag von neue früchten verringern behoben!

    #Verkaufpreis von schweinen und rindern anpassen behoben!

    #Bei feld 20 die wiese ist jetzt feld 42( feld definition) um für cp das scannen zu ermöglichen. Danke Fuechsel

    #Problem mit Mischfutter laden behoben!

    #rinder werden genau so schnell produziert wie schweine

  • 22 Feb 08:38
    Version 2.0 Low

    textur Fehler behoben.


checksum: cc32cea358739cfa6d6dd56a3d4036d1
Version: 2.51
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: martinbigM500 Germany Community Group
price in shop: 680 LS
name in shop: Feldwasserhydrant
description in shop: Um sich lange Fahrzeiten zu ersparen, kann man diesen auf Felderplatzieren oder am Rand eines Feldes um Wasser aufzutanken zu können.

12.09 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.31 / 144 Votes


nach 149 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 2.51
Farming Simulator 2013
392 MB 23746
10. 05 2014 23,746
V 2.0 Low
Farming Simulator 2013
370 MB 6177
22. 02 2014 6,177

12 Comments for Core city multi fruit

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  1. Odoaker 18. 08 2014

    how do you get a kalk ?

  2. KwgUK 04. 06 2014

    For example Paradise 2.0 runs at 45-55 fps on my PC

  3. KwgUK 04. 06 2014

    I love your map Kastor, but it runs at 20 FPS with no mods. I've got a 8gb PC with a AMD Radeon R9 290 graphic card so it isn't underpowered.
    Sort it please

  4. Yankee 08. 05 2014

    I have tried downloading two times. Will not show up in game. Will this mod work in the USA version of farming simulator. If so why will it not work. I down loaded the latest update for the game. Update 2.1 Map looks great and really want to play it. Computer has 16 Gigs ram,Phenom 955 x 4 processor,Windows 7 64 Bit,Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 video card. So not a problem with my computer. PLEASE PLEASE HELP

  5. Ray000 13. 04 2014

    After playing this map for several days with a number of pigs and beef slowly increasing, they all disappeared. The pigs and beef now are no longer available to buy. The pda no longer displays any pig or beef statistics. Cows, sheep and chickens are there. The pig and beef stations are empty and the doors to the pig station will not open. Neither will accept rations or water. I downloaded this game again and running it fresh from the start, the pigs and beef are still missing. I'm lost on this one. Can anyone help.

  6. Ray000 04. 04 2014

    I recently discovered Kernstadt 2.0 map. It's a great map and I enjoy it very much. Big problem, I cannot get the pigs and beef to load in the trailer. I have tried 5 different trailers but I cannot get any to load. Two of these trailers I used in another map and it worked fine. I do not know if I am missing a key stroke or the trailer is backed into position and it loads automatically. Either way I cannot get it to work. Any suggestions is appreciated.

    1 replies

  7. sbaffo 18. 03 2014

    kastor nur entschuldigen, ich habe einige Zeichen nur Früchte geschrieben übersetzt
    aber die Karte nicht für mich im Multiplayer-Server nitrado, wo ich falsch haben zu arbeiten?

  8. jeymini 05. 03 2014

    bonsoir, superbe carte, bravo pour le travail effectuer.
    j'ai un probleme impossible de decharger ma moissoneuse de carotte dans une remorque, remorque acceptant les carottes biensur. que me conseillez vous?

    Guten Abend, fabelhafte Karte, bravo für die Arbeit(Werk), auszuführen.
    Ich habe einen unmöglichen probleme, von meinem moissoneuse von Möhre in einem Anhänger, einem Anhänger zu decharger, der Möhren zu biensur. annimmt, daß beraten Sie mir?

    1 replies

  9. onezero 26. 02 2014

    Is there a storage silo, or somewhere to store Mixed Rations? The main silo's at the farm do not accept it, and cannot find anywhere to store excess. Also, there are three upright silo's near the sheep and cow barns, it will accept grass from what I can tell, but they do not show up on any stats, and they do not dispense back out, what are they intended for?

    1 replies

  10. kaktus77 21. 12 2013

    Hallo an alle,

    habe mich jetzt, um einen kommentar zu schreiben sogar extra registriert :-)

    also LS spiele ich seit ca. einer woche .... habe billig ein pack mit Giants LS 09 und 11 bekommen und angetestet .... und mir dann direkt LS13 titanium gekauft da mich 09 und 11 schon etwas überzeugte mir das anzuschauen.

    Nun Spiele ich seit ca. 1 Woche LS13 und war nun auf der suche nach einer anderen map, habe hier viel gelesen im MH - da ich derzeit nicht so die internetbandbreite habe um mir alle möglichen mods und maps zuzulegen.

    Habe mich entschlossen die Kernstadt runterzuladen und habe diese seit heute morgen ca. 4 stunden lang gespielt und bin für's erste recht positiv beeindruckt also recht zufrieden.

    (bis auf die bekannte sache, das die fahrzeuge auf der straße langsamer fahren als ausserhalb - das ist schon sehr irritierend :-) )

    okay, viel mehr testen konnte ich auch noch nicht, vorallem interessiert mich, ob die ganzen lagersachen auch funzen .... also lagern der ganzen fruchtsorten (auch gras etc. und entnahme) .... mal sehen :) ....

    ich werde also noch ein paar stunden mit der map verbringen.

    Lange rede kurzer sinn, ich wollte dem modder der map, trotz das ich die map nur angetestet habe ersteinmal ein danke aussprechen da ich weiss, das hier immer viele leute nur rummeckern :-)

    kopf hoch und mach weiter :-)

    gruß kaktus

    PS. aus verzweiflung da die meisten maps nicht das boten was ich so suchte, laut beschreibung, war ich schon am anfangen zu recherchieren wie man selber maps erstellt ... und habe dabei bemerkt, ist doch nicht ganz so ohne :-)

    1 replies

  11. ludo59820 24. 09 2013

    très belle carte, selection multi fruit très compléte, dommage que le PDA ne s'affiche pas et que l'action d'une machine (touche F1) s'affiche 20 fois, sinon elle est superbe et très grande comme j'aime, vivement la prochaine version, félicitation pour ce travail.

  12. Wookietex 19. 09 2013

    nice map love the kern stadt maps.only problem i see is i caint buy chickens but there is an egg sell point.
