Kelsa Lightbars for DAF XF 105 & 106 v1.1 [...

V update auf 1.50 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Kelsa Lightbars for DAF XF 105 & 106 v1.1 for Ets2 1.28.x game version


The focus of this pack is to provide the Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6.

All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers / positions.

Everybody is fit for it's truck.


New parts in v1.1:

HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)

VisorBar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar


Parts included:

HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)

HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)


LoBar (different for 105/6)

Sidebar for XF 105 (stockside skirts for 4x2 only)

Sidebar for XF 106 (stockside skirts for 4x2 only)


Extra download:

SCS hookup fix

A simple def edit to allow SCS smalllights on roofbars, sidebars. Etc.

Thanks Reef for the notice.


Modell: obelihnio
Textur: obelihnio
Script: obelihnio
Idee / Konzept: obelihnio
Tester: obelihnio
Sonstige: obelihnio

  • 24 May 05:07
    Version update auf 1.50

    Kelsa Lightbars for DAF XF 105/106 [1.50]

    – Support for 1.50 game version

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)


  • 09 Nov 02:57
    Version update auf 1.49

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.49

    Support for 1.49 game version

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)


  • 17 Jul 20:02
    Version update auf 1.48

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.48

    Support for 1.48 game version

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)


  • 03 Apr 23:58
    Version update auf 1.47

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.47

    Update: 3 Apr
    Support for 1.47 game version.

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)


  • 16 Dec 03:20
    Version update auf 1.46.1

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS V2.2.2 - 1.46

    This mod adds various light bars (lightbars) Kelsa for DAF XF 105 and 106 (Euro 6). All parts resemble their real copies, including slot numbers/positions. Each part is suitable for the corresponding truck.


    - HiBar DH04 (SC cabin);
    - HiBar DH06 (SC cabin);
    - HiBar DH07 (SC cabin);
    - HiBar DH08 (SSC cabin);
    - HiBar DH11 (SSC cabin);
    - HiBar DH12 (SC cabin);
    - VisorBar (SSC cabin);
    - Eurobar;
    - Minibar;
    - MultiBar;
    - MultiBar XL;
    - Eurobar;
    - LoBar (for 105/106);
    - Side panel for XF 105 (for side skirts only for 4×2 chassis);
    - Side panel for XF 106 (for side skirts only for 4×2 chassis);
    - Airbar (4 options);
    - Bakbar (cabins with spoilers only).
    - BeaconBar (SSC cabin);
    - Illuminated LED plates (SSC cabin).

    Version 2.2.2 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.46.x):

    - Compatibility update with 1.46.1

  • 11 Dec 22:08
    Version update auf 1.46

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.46

    Added support for 1.46 game version.

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)


  • 09 Oct 04:31
    Version update auf 1.45.2

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.45.2

    Airbar (4 variants)
    Bakbar (Only cabins with spoilers), Bakbar High Mount (SSC cabins)
    Hibar: DH04, DH06, DH07, DH08, DH11, DH12
    LedBar (XF 106 only)
    MultiBar XL
    Visorbar (SSC cabins)
    LED illuminated plate for SSC cabins (separate for each truck – make sure you pick the right one!)
    High power reverse work lamps for the Bakbars

    Adapted for 1.45x

  • 08 Jul 22:12
    Version update auf 1.45

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS - 1.45

    The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6. All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
    Every part is custom fit to it’s respective truck.

    Parts included:
    BeaconBar (SSC cabs only)
    Bakbar (cabins with spoilers only)
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only)
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC Cabins); can be used with DH04 & DH07 HiBars
    HiBar DH07 (SC Cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC Cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar

    LedBar (XF 106 only)
    MultiBar XL

    Chassis & truck cables:
    Airbar (4 variants)
    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    SideBar (4×2 chassis only)
    WingBars (XF 105 only)

    High power reverse work lamps for the Bakbars.
    Illuminated LED name boards (both trucks, SSC cabs only)

    To add custom lights to the airbar add the suitable_for[]: “exhaust_m” to the definitions, the Bakbars use the standard roof grill locators.


  • 27 Apr 00:31
    Version 2.2

    DAF XF 105 & 106 KELSA LIGHTBARS V2.2 [1.44.X]


    Support for 1.44 game version.

    Game version: [1.35.*] - [1.44.*]+

    What is this?
    The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6. All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
    Every part is custom fit to it's respective truck.

    Parts included:

    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH06 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH07 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH11 (SSC cabins)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins)

    MultiBar XL

    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)

    Airbar (4 variants) Mid exhaust slot.
    Bakbar (Cabins with spoilers only) Roof grill slot
    Bakbar High Mount (SSC Cabins only) Roof grill slot
    High power reverse light for the Bakbars (2 variants)

    ChassisBar (both trucks)
    Wingbars (XF 105 only)
    LedBar (XF 106 only)

    BeaconBar (SSC cabins only)
    Illuminated, skinable LED plates (SSC cabins only)

    Some SCS skins will conflict with the airbar template- can't test/fit everything perfectly
    The Bakbar for the XF106 is higher than IRL - clipping issues with truck parts
    Missing Bakbar for the XF106 Space Cab (no spoiler) - NOT A BUG, maybe in a future update

  • 18 Nov 00:46
    Version 1.21

    What is this?
    The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6. All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
    Every part is custom fit to it’s respective truck.

    New in 1.21:
    Compatibility with ETS2 1.30
    Added a fix to allow placing the SCS marker lights on every part in the mod.

    New in 1.2:
    MultiBar XL
    All parts have a painted variant for skinning (refer to the template for exact locations – in the archive)

    New in 1.1:
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    Visorbar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar

    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4×2 only)

    Installation: Copy the downloaded .zip archive to your mod folder and activate the mod in the Mod manager.

    Will there be more and when?
    When I have time.

    Will you make parts for x/y/z truck?
    Not unless I want to.

    Does it work with the DAF Tuning Pack DLC?

    obelihnio, SCS Software

  • 15 Oct 19:20
    Version update 15.10.17

    What is this?
    The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6. All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
    Every part is custom fit to it's respective truck.
    Parts included:
    HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
    HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
    LoBar (different for 105/6)
    Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)
    Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)
    HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
    VisorBar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar
    MultiBar XL
    All parts have a painted variant.
    Does it work with the DAF Tuning Pack DLC?
    Changes: Added a fix for scs lights for the sidebars.

  • 03 Sep 02:59
    Version 1.1

  • 3526471
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    ago over 7 years
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    ago over 7 years
  • 834172
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    ago over 7 years


03.09 2017
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