Hungary Map Addons v1.7.34 by Igor Nitch 1.34.x

V 2.2.35 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Hello, this mod is a complete overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007. 

It is the next step of my old mod ''Real Hungarian Companies''.

This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game. 

You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start 

a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start !


Quick description :

-Fix 99% of the errors from the Ai Indian Fix (thanks a lot to him for keep alive the map)

-Complete overhaul of Ai traffic 

-Complete overhaul of Economy

-Logo company skin.

-Trailers company skin.

-New traffic trailers. 

-Logo player company skin.

-Ai Traffic Logo company skin.

-Trucks company skin.

-Real Hungarian drivers names.

-And much more.


Companies names:

– HungaroCamion

– HunCargo

– Waberers

– Duran-Trans

– Szemerey

– Transsped

– SioTrans

– Fazekas

– B3 Sped Dombovar

– Farkas-Transz

– Horvath Tranport

– Penny Market

- Auchan

– Gemini Kft

– Agro-Alfa Kft

– Spar

– Mol

- Busped


By Igor Nitch


Thoses mods are included in my mod and adapted to Hungary map :

-Real Traffic Density by Cipinho

-Real Ai logo brand by Jazzycat

-HN Immersive Symbols V2.0 by Habdorn

-Realistic Building Lights v2.4 by Grimes

-Some trailers, prefab and gps texture by Jano


Credits: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano


Load order :

From top to bottom:


1 Hungary_Addons <<----- my mod


2 HM_new_AI_test_1.33.x_byIndian56 <<----- fix by Indian56


3 HM_def_hotfix_0.9.28a_1.33.x_byIndian56 <<----- fix by Indian56


4 hungary_model <<----- original mod by Frank007


5 hungary_base <<----- original mod by Frank007


I recommend you to use the mod Project Next Gen by DamianSVW for better graphic.



You need to uninstall all your map dlc addons

You need to install Krone and Schwarzmuller trailers dlc





Modell: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano
Textur: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano
Script: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano
Idee / Konzept: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano
Tester: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano
Sonstige: Igor Nitch, Cipinho, Jazzycat, Hadborn, Grimes, Jano

  • 08 Sep 23:50
    Version 2.2.35

    Hungary Map Addons v2.2.35 by Igor Nitch 1.35.x

    Changes in 2.2.35
    added normal economy addon
    improve dlc map addon compatibility
    merged 'hungary_trucks_trailers_skins' in 'hungary_addons'
    updated for actros tunning pack
    more skins for owned trucks and trailers
    improve traffic fluidity and spawn
    adjusted traffic sound
    less police/emergency
    less trains
    longer trains
    more tram
    improve weather
    adjust weather to september
    low rain probability adjusted for hungary map timescale
    improve rain glass
    fix rate interest bank load
    lowered cost for hired drivers
    change color of street lamps (more yellow than white)

    Hello, this mod is an overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007.
    It is the continuation of my old mod ‘Real Hungarian Company’.
    This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game.
    You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start.

    -Overhaul of Economy
    Hard economy
    Skills rewards lowered
    Drivers jobs lowered
    Ferrys longer travel times and higher prices
    Garages prices higher
    Real gas prices
    Police fines realist
    Bank loans smaller and unlock at level 1, 3, 5, 7
    Money start around 80000€ (for buy used truck at start)
    Used trucks to buy at trucks dealers
    Unlock trailers owned at level 1
    Driving time 9h
    Sleeping time 10h

    -Hugarian Company
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics
    Gemini Kft
    Agro-Alfa Kft
    Busped Kft

    -Hugarian Skins and Textures
    Logo company
    Ai Traffic company
    Recruitment agency
    Gps colors and background

    -Others modifications
    Fix errors log
    Remove country names on every map view
    Hugarian drivers names
    Shock damage truck and trailer increase
    Real mirror fov
    Real blinker timing
    Real interior sounds
    Reduce yawn sound

    Hungary_trucks_trailers_skins v2.2.35
    -Hugarian Company Skins for trucks and ownables trailers

    Tom Trans Kft
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics

    Credits: Azannya26, Jano, Igor Nitch

    Hungary_Traffic v2.2.35
    -Overhaul of Ai traffic

    New Ai traffic behavior
    Adjusted frequency of cars, trucks and trailers
    Speed limit adjusted to Hungary
    Spawn ratio ajusted every hours
    Realistic spawn for tram and train
    Tractors in traffic
    Less road event

    -Traffic trailers

    No more double trailers in Hungary
    Schmitz tipper cover trailer in traffic
    Added cover to all Schmitz tipper cargo
    Overweight trailers in traffic
    Chemical cistern trailers in traffic

    Hungary Mods v2.2.35
    Realistic building lights
    Real Ai traffic brands
    Immersive symbols updated to 1.35
    Ai traffic and ui menu sounds
    Hungarian gps sounds

    Hungary_Weather v2.1.35
    New weather for Hungary

    Adjusted bloom
    Adjusted glass config for rain
    Rain sound

    Load order:
    From top
    1 hungary_weather_1.35.x
    2 hungary_mods_1.35.x
    3 hungary_traffic_1.35.x
    4 hungary_trucks_trailers_skins_1.35.x
    5 hungary_addons_1.35.x
    6 hungary_def_1.35.x
    7 hungary_model_1.35.x
    8 hungary_base_1.35.x
    To bottom


  • 01 Sep 23:45
    Version 2.1.35

    Hungary Map Addons v2.1.35 1.35.x

    Welcome to Hungary !!
    Hello, this mod is a complete overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007.
    It is the next step of my old mod ''Real Hungarian Companies''.
    This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game.

    -You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start
    a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start !
    -You can run the mod with Dlc map

    New update:
    -fix all bug reported by players thanks to them
    -compatible with all dlc map
    -more car in small road and village
    -more trucks
    -less traffic night
    -remove tractor
    -less police cars
    -adjust road speed limit (city/village 50km/h , local 70km/h , highway 80km/h)
    -adjust truck max speed limit on highway
    -added ai traffic panda, aleko, granta, riva
    -added overweight boat and forklift trailers traffic
    -added scs insulated traffic trailer
    -improve traffic trailer tank skin
    -less carvan trailer car
    -adjust traffic sound
    -fix sound item data
    -improve glass rain effect
    -lowered inside rain sound
    -fix map view
    -fix Hungarian drivers names for all languages
    -lowered xp progression to fit economy
    -new company omv shell agip
    -fix fazekas trailer owned
    -change opening distance garage doors
    -draw distance increase
    -adjusted mirror fov
    -adjusted interior sound
    -Reduce yawn sound
    -added hungarian gps sound
    -fix missing panorama texture
    -remove some skin truck
    -change mod name hungary texture to hungary mod
    -new ai sound and ui menu sound from soud fixes pack by Drive Safely
    -adjust bank loan interest rate

    For the economy i dont want make a separate addons because it is Hungary and it is hard to earn money..
    But i have made a fix to make economy easier

    Hungary_normal_economy v2.1.35

    Description :

    -Increase earnings money during job for player and hired drivers

    Credits: Igor Nitch

    Load order :

    From top

    1 hungary_weather_1.35.x <

  • 19 Jun 23:24
    Version 2.0.35

    Hungary Map Addons v2.0.35 by Igor Nitch 1.35.x

    Welcome to Hungary !!
    Hello, this mod is a complete overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007.
    It is the next step of my old mod ''Real Hungarian Companies''.
    This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game.
    You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start
    a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start !

    Hungary_Map_Addons v2.0.35

    Description :
    -Overhaul of Economy
    Hard economy
    Skills rewards lowered
    Drivers jobs lowered
    Ferrys longer travel times and higher prices
    Garages prices higher
    Real gas prices
    Police fines realist
    Bank loans smaller and unlock at level 1, 3, 5, 7
    Money start around 80000€ (for buy used truck at start)
    Used trucks to buy at trucks dealers
    Unlock trailers owned at level 1
    Driving time 9h
    Sleeping time 10h

    -Hungarian Company
    Tom Trans Kft
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics
    Gemini Kft
    Agro-Alfa Kft
    Busped Kft

    -Hungarian Skins and Textures
    Logo company
    Ai Traffic company
    Recruitment agency
    Gps colors and background

    -Others modifications
    Fix errors log
    Remove country names on every map view
    Hugarian drivers names
    Shock damage truck and trailer increase
    Hungarian radios (best to listen Slager Fm)

    Credits: Igor Nitch

    Hungary_trucks_trailers_skins v2.0.35


    -Hugarian Company Skins for trucks and ownables trailers

    Tom Trans Kft
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics

    Credits: Azannya26, Jano, Igor Nitch

    Hungary_Traffic v2.0.35


    -Overhaul of Ai traffic

    New Ai traffic behavior
    Adjusted frequency of cars, trucks and trailers
    Speed limit adjusted to Hungary
    Spawn ratio ajusted every hours
    Realistic spawn for tram and train
    Tractors in traffic
    Less road event

    -Traffic trailers

    No more double trailers in Hungary
    Schmitz tipper cover trailer in traffic
    Added cover to all Schmitz tipper cargo
    Overweight trailers in traffic
    Chemical cistern trailers in traffic

    Credits: Igor Nitch

    Hungary_textures v2.0.35


    New textures for Hungary

    Realistic building lights
    Real Ai traffic brands
    Immersive symbols updated to 1.35

    Credits for Realistic building lights: Grimes
    Credits for Real Ai traffic brands: Jazzycat
    Credits for immersive symbols: Habdorn
    Credits for update to 1.35: Igor Nitch

    Hungary_Addons_Sound_Fixes v2.0.35

    Use this addon ONLY if you have the latest version of 'Sound Fixes Pack by Drive Safely'


    -Patch for Sound Fixes Pack by Drive Safely

    Added sound for Indian's trains
    Real mirror fov
    Real blinker timing
    Real interior sounds
    Reduce inside lift axle sound
    Reduce yawn sound

    Credits: Igor Nitch, Drive Safely

    Hungary_Weather v2.0.35


    New weather for Hungary

    Improve Weather Reborn v6 by SGate
    Added new glass config for rain
    Updated to 1.35

    Credits: SGate, Supric
    Credits for glass config and update to 1.35: Igor Nitch

    Thanks to Frank007 and Indian56 for keep this map alive

    Load order :

    From top

    1 hungary_weather_1.35.x <

  • 08 Jun 21:15

    HUNGARY MAP ADDONS V1.9.1.35 1.35.X

    Hello, this mod is an overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007.
    It is the continuation of my old mod 'Real Hungarian Company'.
    This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game.
    You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start.

    -Fix a lot of errors log

    -Overhaul of Ai traffic
    Speed limit adjusted to Hungary
    Spawn ratio ajusted every hours
    Adjusted speed, colors, frequency of cars, trucks and trailers
    Less road event
    Damage truck and trailer increase
    No more double trailers in Hungary
    Realistic spawn for tram and train
    And much more

    -Overhaul of Economy
    Used trucks to buy at trucks dealers
    Unlock trailers owned at level 1
    Money start around 80000€
    Hard economy
    Bank loans smaller and unlock at level 1, 3, 5, 7
    Skills lowered
    Drivers jobs lowered
    Police fines realist
    Driving time 9h
    Sleeping time 10h
    Garages prices higher
    Ferrys longer travel times and higher prices
    Real gas prices
    And much more

    -Hugarian Company names
    Tom Trans Kft
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics
    Gemini Kft
    Agro-Alfa Kft
    Busped Kft

    -Hugarian Skins and Textures
    Logo company
    Trucks company
    Trailers company
    Ownables trailers company
    Ai Traffic company
    Recruitment agency
    And much more

    -Others modifications
    UI fix
    No dead end
    Realistic building lights
    Hugarian drivers names
    New Gps colors
    Movers sounds
    And much more


  • 13 May 21:22

    Hungary Map Addons v1.9.1.34 by Igor Nitch 1.35.x

    Welcome to Hungary !!
    Hello, this mod is a complete overhaul for the Hungary map made by Frank007.
    It is the next step of my old mod ''Real Hungarian Companies''.
    This mod try to be close as the reality as possible on every aspect of the game.
    You can run the mod on a current load game but it is better to start
    a new game to enjoy all the modification from the start !

    Description :
    -Fix a lot of errors log

    -Overhaul of Ai traffic
    Speed limit adjusted to Hungary
    Spawn ratio ajusted every hours
    Adjusted speed, colors, frequency of cars, trucks and trailers
    Less road event
    Damage truck and trailer increase
    No more double trailers in Hungary
    Realistic spawn for tram and train
    And much more

    -Overhaul of Economy
    Used trucks to buy at trucks dealers
    Unlock trailers owned at level 1
    Money start around 80000€
    Hard economy
    Bank loans smaller and unlock at level 1, 3, 5, 7
    Skills lowered
    Drivers jobs lowered
    Police fines realist
    Driving time 9h
    Sleeping time 10h
    Garages prices higher
    Ferrys longer travel times and higher prices
    Real gas prices
    And much more

    -Hugarian Company names
    Tom Trans Kft
    B3 Sped Kft
    Farkas-Transz Kft
    Horvath Tranport
    BC Logistics
    Gemini Kft
    Agro-Alfa Kft
    Busped Kft

    -Hugarian Skins and Textures
    Logo company
    Trucks company
    Trailers company
    Ownables trailers company
    Ai Traffic company
    Gas station
    Recruitment agency
    And much more

    -Others modifications
    UI fix
    No dead end
    Realistic building lights
    Hugarian drivers names
    New Gps colors
    Movers sounds
    And much more

    Also these mods are included in this mod and I adjusted them for Hungary map :
    -Somes textures from Jano_textures_sounds and Hungary_map_new_textures by Jano
    -Realistic Building Lights v2.4 by Grimes
    -HN Immersive Symbols V2.0 by Habdorn

    Credits for mods: Indian56, Jano, Cipinho, Grimes, Hadborn
    Credits for skins: Jano, Azannya26

    *Thanks to Indian56 to keep this map alive

    Load order :
    From top to bottom:

    1 Hungary_Addons_Next_Gen_Graphics <

  • 16 Mar 19:09
    Version 1.7.34

  • 894422
    by mods80
    ago almost 6 years
  • 894421
    by mods80
    ago almost 6 years
  • 894420
    by mods80
    ago almost 6 years
  • 888938
    by mods80
    ago about 6 years


16.03 2019
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V 2.2.35
Eurotruck Simulator 2
313 MB 453
08. 09 2019 453
V 2.1.35
Eurotruck Simulator 2
104 MB 226
01. 09 2019 226
V 2.0.35
Eurotruck Simulator 2
341 MB 306
19. 06 2019 306
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