Map of Hungary [1.35.x]

V 0.9.31 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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New Update for Hungary Map 0928a by Indian56 for Ets2 1.35.x game version 


The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.35 of ETS 2!


Install help:

Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the "mod" 

folder and then activated in the "Mod manager" of profile.


After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs 

and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!




Unfortunately, I have not managed to fix all the "freaks" caused by the new developments 

on the map, so you can get in touch with a police officer or worker working on the road, 

but they do not have a collision surface, you can safely go over them! 



Under DX11 is currently not working !!!


Modell: Frank007, indian56
Textur: Frank007, indian56
Script: Frank007, indian56
Idee / Konzept: Frank007, indian56
Tester: Frank007, indian56
Sonstige: Frank007, indian56

  • 21 May 00:05
    Version 0.9.31

    Hungary Map v0.9.31 Updated by Indian56 (1.50.x)

    Hungary Map - this modification adds a large map with a huge number of cities for ETS2 players. To the eyeballs is filled with picturesque places. Very realistic and rich in objects. Standalone map modification for Euro Truck Simulator 2, containing a work-in-progress, 1:3 scaled representation of the Hungarian road system as it existed around circa 2002. The map now looks very impressive and is a full-fledged product. Everything is done with the soul and therefore it is very interesting to explore the territory. Each section has been worked out in detail, many thousands of kilometers of the track are decorated with additional details, the whole area is drawn in great detail so you will not find two identical sections during the trip. The towns are made in the characteristic style of small settlements that can be seen in Hungary.

    Hungary Map for ETS2

    Features Hungary Map:
    - The map is built on a scale of 1:3;
    - About 300 large and small cities;
    - Thousands of kilometers of roads;
    - Unique interchanges and other objects;
    - Own companies in which it will be rather difficult to unload;
    - Traffic and pedestrians;

    - Authentic Hungarian terrain, roads, and cities;

    - Cities including Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, and Miskolc, with detailed cityscapes and landmarks;

    - Realistic Hungarian road signs and traffic lights;

    - Realistic scenery, such as buildings, bridges, and vegetation;

    - Customized road network, with accurate routing and junctions;

    - Improved navigation, with better signage and easier-to-follow routes.

    Changes in v0.9.31:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50;
    - Minor terrain tweaks and fixes.

    Note: The map — with the exception of the reconstructed vegetation —, can be considered a step backwards in some respects, because the reconstruction did not start on the last one, but on a previous map that I sent, so for example along the roads or the BDF trucks parked at the sites have returned to the basics (Scania, DAF, MAN TGX). You may also encounter grass clumps, flowers on the asphalt surface of sites or roads, or perhaps the "terrain" texture that extends above them! I am constantly trying to improve these!

    - Mapping: Frank007
    - Models: Indian56, Retoucher, Gumikacsa, SCS Software
    - Prefabs: FLD, SCS Software

    Tested on game version 1.50.x


  • 21 Jan 23:47
    Version 0.9.30 - 1.49.3

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.49.3)

    Changelog from 20.01.24
    Made further corrections to the Hungary Map (e.g. frost at Budaörs, etc.)

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.

    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!


  • 04 Jan 02:41
    Version 0.9.30 - 1.49.2

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.49.2)

    Changelog v0.9.30 upd 02.01.24
    Fixed the freezing that occurred at Csepel
    Fixed bags

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.

    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Indian56, Frank007

  • 29 Dec 15:25
    Version 0.9.30 - 1.49.1

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.49.1)

    Changelog v0.9.30 upd 27.12.23
    Fixed bags
    Fixed garages problem

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.
    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs, and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Indian56, Frank007

  • 04 Dec 02:48
    Version 0.9.30 - 1.49

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.49)

    Changelog v0.9.30
    Update for 1.49

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.
    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Indian56, Frank007

  • 14 Aug 07:23
    Version 0.9.30 - 1.48

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.48)

    The map is built on a scale of 1:3
    About 300 large and small cities
    Thousands of kilometers of roads
    Unique interchanges and other objects
    Their own companies, in which it will be quite difficult to unload

    Version 0.9.30:
    – Adapted to patch 1.48.x

    Frank007, Indian56, Retoucher, Gumikacsa, SCS Software, FLD. Update: indian 56

  • 18 Apr 21:19
    Version 0.9.30

    Hungary Map v0.9.30 Updated by Indian56 (1.47)

    Changelog v0.9.30

    Update for 1.47

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the "mod" folder and then activated in the "Mod manager" of profile.

    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Credits: Indian56, Frank007


  • 15 Nov 23:01
    Version 0.9.28e

    Hungary Map v0.9.28e Updated by Indian56 (1.46)

    Changelog v0.9.28e
    Update for 1.46

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.
    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Indian56, Frank007


  • 02 Aug 14:56
    Version 0.9.28d2

    Hungary Map v0.9.28d2 Updated by Indian56 (1.45)

    Changelog v0.9.28d2 for 1.45
    This is a compatibility update that does not yet include new areas, only minor refactorings: e.g. In Pusztaszabolcs, the area around the church(s) and the railway station, in Pusztavacs (between Örkény and Albertirsa), the “Signal Tower” marking the center of the country, and many minor repairs.

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the “mod” folder and then activated in the “Mod manager” of profile.
    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Indian56, Frank007


    1 - DOWNLOAD:

    2 - DOWNLOAD:

  • 29 May 18:44
    Version 0.9.28d1

    Hungary Map v0.9.28d1 Updated by Indian56 (1.44.x)

    Changelog v0.9.28d1
    Fixed position of the other players on the map is not visible in “Convoy” mode!
    Fixed bugs
    1.44 compatibility update

    The map is built on a scale of 1: 3, beautiful, very realistic and detailed
    Many beautiful places and interchanges, your companies in some still need to try to unload.
    Attention: the map is standalone. When creating a profile, select a game module – Hungary.mbd. (if you had this card, then it is not necessary to create a new profile)

    Indian56, Frank007




  • 15 May 23:53
    Version 0.9.28d

    Hungary Map v0.9.28d Updated by Indian56 (1.44.x)

    Changelog v0.9.28d

    Fixed bugs
    1.44 compatibility update!
    The map is built on a scale of 1: 3, beautiful, very realistic and detailed
    Many beautiful places and interchanges, your companies in some still need to try to unload.

    Attention: the map is standalone. When creating a profile, select a game module – Hungary.mbd. (if you had this card, then it is not necessary to create a new profile)

    Indian56, Frank007




  • 24 Feb 19:24
    Version 0.9.28b update für (fix + update)

    Map of Hungary v0.9.28b update for

    Changelog v0.9.28b for 1.36
    Update for 1.36 and DX11 compatibility!
    innovations, improvements and fixes
    In addition, have corrected countless minor-major errors
    It may still contain bugs, but hopefully only those that won't hinder the game!

    The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.36 of ETS 2!
    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the "mod" folder and then activated in the "Mod manager" of profile.
    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs), only these are needed, all can be deleted!

  • 07 Dec 21:56
    Version 0.9.28a update für (fix + update)

    New Update (07.12.2019):
    - fixed the problems that caused game crash after Ets2 update to game version.

    The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.36 of ETS 2!

    Before I get started, I'd like to draw your attention to some (very) important things about installing and using Hungary Map!

    Hungary Map is a separate map module, so it requires a separate profile and cannot be linked to any other map!
    Not usable with profile created for Europe Map !!!

    Follow the steps below to create a new profile!
    Click on the "New Preofile" button, but before you fill out any new panel, you should first enter
    the "Mod Manager" with the icon in the upper left corner, then activate the
    HM 3 db .scs file and confirm the changes, which will you will be returned to the profile panel!
    Find the "Game Module" right now and select "hungary.mbd", then fill out the form and create a profile!

    The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.36 of ETS 2!

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the "mod" folder
    and then activated in the "Mod manager" of profile.

    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs),
    only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Unfortunately, I have not managed to fix all the "freaks" caused by the new developments
    on the map, so you can get in touch with a police officer or worker working on the road, but they
    do not have a collision surface, you can safely go over them — I am constantly working on their repair! ! ;)

    *I've fixed the traffic light problem!

  • 05 Dec 19:54
    Version 0.9.28a update für 1.36

    Hungary Map v0.9.28a-Hotfix [1.36.x]

    New Update for Hungary Map 0928a by Indian56 for Ets2 1.36.x game version
    (New update 05.12.2019)

    The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.36 of ETS 2!

    Before I get started, I'd like to draw your attention to some (very) important things about installing and using Hungary Map!

    Hungary Map is a separate map module, so it requires a separate profile and cannot be linked to any other map!
    Not usable with profile created for Europe Map !!!

    Follow the steps below to create a new profile!
    Click on the "New Preofile" button, but before you fill out any new panel, you should first enter
    the "Mod Manager" with the icon in the upper left corner, then activate the
    HM 3 db .scs file and confirm the changes, which will you will be returned to the profile panel!
    Find the "Game Module" right now and select "hungary.mbd", then fill out the form and create a profile!

    The package contains the complete Hungary Map, adapted to version 1.35 of ETS 2!

    Unzipping the .7z file will result in 3 .scs files, which will be copied to the "mod" folder
    and then activated in the "Mod manager" of profile.

    After reducing the 4 files used so far to 3 files (hungary_base.scs, hungary_model.scs and hungary_def.scs),
    only these are needed, all can be deleted!

    Unfortunately, I have not managed to fix all the "freaks" caused by the new developments
    on the map, so you can get in touch with a police officer or worker working on the road, but they
    do not have a collision surface, you can safely go over them — I am constantly working on their repair! ! ;)

    *I've fixed the traffic light problem!

  • 12 Jun 00:02
    Version 0.9.28a update für 1.35

  • 3581807
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12.06 2019
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V 0.9.31
Eurotruck Simulator 2
11.8 MB 375
21. 05 2024 375
V 0.9.30 - 1.49.3
Eurotruck Simulator 2
4.77 MB 288
21. 01 2024 288
V 0.9.30 - 1.49.2
Eurotruck Simulator 2
14.8 MB 229
04. 01 2024 229
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