– The city of Omsk and the nearest settlements (Marianivka, Lyubin, Krasny Yar, Lusino, Druzhino, Entrance).
– Federal roads P402, P254, as well as roads of local importance.
– A functioning economy based on defaulted companies (in the future it is planned to create custom companies for the map).
– Several complex interchanges made by hand, without the use of default prefabs.
– Several unique custom objects.
– Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
– Many bugs with traffic, markup, terranes and other things that the author did not manage to catch.
– Two dealers – Iveco and Reno.
ATTENTION: The map is started by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module
The author of SibirMap is very grateful to the authors of RusMap and SouthernRegion projects for the opportunity to implement the SibirMap project.
Installation procedure:
– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– SouthernRegion (Map & Def, Model)
– Sibirmap (Map, Def, Model)
Model1 –
Model2 –
The map is compatible with the traffic-pack from Jazzycat.
The map version: 1.27 1.28.
All the published map dlc (GE, Scandinavia, Viva la France) are needed.
A huge request – keep the original links to the files! Thank you.
Modell: 10Avoid
Textur: 10Avoid
Script: 10Avoid
Idee / Konzept: 10Avoid
Tester: 10Avoid
Sonstige: 10Avoid
27 May 03:47Version 2.8.1
SibirMap 2.8.1 UE - 1.50
Adaptation for version 1.50.
The city of Ishim has been expanded.
Ishim-Golyshmanovo (R-402) and Golyshmanovo-Berdyuzhye roads have been added.
Minor edits have been made throughout the map.
The package of high-quality graphic design elements for companies from Dragon’s Design studio has been expanded.Credits
??????? 10AVOID -
01 Apr 12:36Version 2.8
SibirMap 2.8 UE - 1.49
Changes on the map in version 2.8.0:
– Added a section of the route from Isetsky to the ring near the village of Yuldus, as well as from the ring to Kurgan and to the city of Shadrinsk.
– Added cities of Kamensk-Uralsky, Shadrinsk, settlement. Kargapolye, Barkhatovo, Miasskoe.
– Added a section of the route from Kamensk-Uralsky to M-5.
– Added a section of the route from Shadrinsk to Shumikha.
– Added a section of the route from Shadrinsk to R-254 near the settlement. Miasskoe.
– Added a section of the route from Shadrinsk to the interchange on the P-351 highway.
– Minor edits have been made throughout the map.Credits
Map author - Valery 10AVOID -
02 Dec 02:27Version 2.7.0
Map of Siberia v2.7.0 - 1.49
Adaptation to version 1.49.
The R-351 highway from Tyumen to Yekaterinburg has been added, as well as the localities of Asbestos, Bogdanovich, Beloyarsky, Pyshma.
The city of Kazan has been expanded. Added a check-in to the city of Kazan in the Mamadyshsky tract area.
The M-7 Kazan-Arsk road has been added for further connection with the KirovMap project.
Argayash settlement in the Chelyabinsk region has been added
The skin pack from Danila Tanchuk has been expanded
Minor corrections throughout the mapCredits
10AVOID ; Co-authors of the project: Victoria Victoria Denis Denlog Valery 10 Avoid Artyom SimKA Horizon (PM) -
17 Sep 23:15Version 2.6.1
Map of Siberia v2.6.1 - 1.48
Map of Siberia for ETS2
Changes in version:
Adaptation for version 1.48.
A section of the P-254 highway from Chastoozerye to Ishim has been added (the outskirts of the city and the interchange P254-P402 have been implemented, the city itself will be made later).
A new skin pack from Danila Tanchuk has been integrated.
Minor edits have been made throughout the map.Credits
10Avoid -
22 May 16:26Version 2.6.0
Map of Siberia v2.6.0 - 1.47
Map of Siberia for ETS 2
Changes in the map in version 2.6.0:
Added Route R-254 from Kurgan to Tyumen, as well as Chervishevo and Isetskoe settlements.
The city of Tyumen was added. Chervishevskaya and Moskovskaya interchanges, the TKAD was partially made. The development is not completed and will be continued in other versions.
Northern part of the Yekaterinburg Ring Road and Beryozovsky settlement were added, the Yekaterinburg Ring Road is looped and the development of Yekaterinburg itself is completed. Development of Yekaterinburg suburbs is planned.
Gabdulla Tukai International Airport in Kazan has been added. The next version will be a partial implementation of M-7 and the city of Kazan, as well as a connection to the map of Kirov.
Renovated all the gas stations on the map, replaced by prefabs and models, gas stations use realistic brands instead of BPM and Gazmer.
Many minor fixes throughout the map, including fixing terrain, replacing textures, and adding lighting points and sounds.
10Avoid -
17 Apr 01:48Version 2.5.0 - 1.47
Map of Siberia v2.5.0 - 1.47
Territories of severe Siberia. At the moment, a very decent space has already been implemented, through which you can carry goods.
Detailed study of the area
Custom objects
Building on panoramas and satellite images
Correct substrate and docking of the card.
Compatible with RusMap, SouthernRegion, VolgaMap maps
All DLC maps are required to work and the New Map-Base for Maps mod is highly desirable.Changes:
added fix for patch 1.47 - fixed issues with missing materials and pink textures
put the fix immediately above the map file of Siberia version 2.5.0
fully under 1.47 it is planned to make a map release 2.6.0Installation:
Unzip the archive and copy the files to the mod folder
In the mod manager, put map files below all other maps
The card can work offline:Create a separate profile
In the Mods tab, add mod installation files in .scs format
In the module tab select siburmap.mdb
For game version 1.46.x, 1.47.xAuthors: Valery 10AVOID, Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC
Fix authors: Sergey Zubarev and Mikhail Kuznetsov
18 Jan 02:39Version 2.5.0
Map of Siberia v2.5.0 - 1.46
Added part of the M-5 highway from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, and the city of Yekaterinburg itself (partially, namely, the southern part of the EKAD, Moscow, Polevskaya, Chelyabinskaya, Aramilskaya, Koltsovskaya, Traktovaya interchanges, as well as the areas of Koltsovo, Industrial Park, the VIS microdistrict near the shopping center MEGA). Yekaterinburg will be completed in the next versions, this is not the final configuration of the city in fashion.
A part of the R-239 highway from Almetyevsk to Laishevo has been added.
Corrections have been made to previous territories (M-5 Ural highway, markings and some traffic problems have been fixed, KB truck spawn in Europe has been fixed and other bugs have been fixed).Installation:
Put the card below all other cards.Credits
10AVOID Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC Technical support: Mitriy124, Roman KZ_09, Artyom Polynsky (SimKA), Sanya Ribka. Special thanks: Leonid Chernousov, Sergey Zubarev, Julia Tkachenko. -
14 Nov 00:29Version 2.4.1
Map of Siberia v2.4.1 - 1.46
Installation Order:
– SibirMap FIX
– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– SouthernRegion (Only Model files) (with the obligatory replacement of the SRmap__Model3_.scs file, the download link is below in the text. If crashes, disable the SRmap_Map & Def.scs file)
– SibirMap (Map, Def, Model 1,2,3,4)ATTENTION: the map is launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
ATTENTION! WITHOUT Rusmap AND SouthernRegion MAP SIMPLY DO NOT START!The map is compatible with Jazzycat traffic pack.
10AVOID The author of objects: Denis DENLOG, Alexander Odintsov. Technical support, tests: Alive55, Artyom Kazantsev, Artyom Polynsky, Yulia Tkachenko -
01 Oct 04:34Version 2.4.0 - 1.45 - RELINK
Map of Siberia v2.4.0 - 1.45 - RELINK
SibirMap - this map adds to the simulator new territories of our country that have not yet been mastered by modders. The center of the project was the city of Omsk - one of the largest cities not only in Siberia but also in Russia as a whole.In addition to Omsk, the neighboring territories, the villages of Maryanovka, Lyubino, Krasny Yar, Luzino, Druzhino, Entrance, the P402 and P254 highways, as well as the road network connecting the settlements of the new map together, have been implemented.
Features SibirMap:
- Detailed landscapes of Western Siberia;
- Expanding geography - now there are two regions on the map, the Omsk and Tyumen regions;
- Several complex interchanges made by hand, without the use of default prefabs;
- More than 350 custom objects, including steles, houses, etc;
- Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map;
- All dealerships on the map;
- requires all maps DLC's: Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea
Changes in v2.4.0:
– Added high m-5 "Ural" m-5 "Ural", plot from Ashi to Chelyabinsk (direct connectable Western maps card (Bashkiria, Tatarstan) with east (Chelyabinsky and the Kurgan region);
– Cities Sim, Ust-Katav, Yuruzan, Zlatoust, Miass;
– Pereaban Airport in Orsk.Install Procedure
Installation Procedure:
- SibirMap 2.3 MapDef- SibirMap 2.3 Model
- Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion
- GreatSteppe
- VolgaMap
- ATTENTION: The map is can be launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the siburmap.mdb module.
- Map is compatible with the traffic pack from Jazzycat. Do not forget to upgrade the traffic pack to compatible with version 1.44!
11 Sep 21:49Version 2.4.0
Map of Siberia v2.4.0 - 1.45
Map updated! (11.09.2022)
Version – 2.4.0 (last update):
— New territories of the Chelyabinsk region (along the M-5 Ural highway from Asha to Chelyabinsk).
— New cities (Sim, Ust-Katav, Uruzan, Zlatoust, Miass).
— Airport rework (Orsk).Version – 2.3.2:
– Adaptation for version 1.45.
— Airport rework (Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Magnitogorsk).
— Rework of the territories of the Kurgan region (to match the realities of 2022). Minor optimization of the Kurgan location.
— New territories of the Kurgan region (along the R-254 highway to Makushino).Map changes in version 2.3.1:
– Adaptation for version 1.44, including corrected fonts in the Bashkir language.
– The map is sounded with the sounds of nature and human activity (rivers, birds, noise of factories).
– Optimization has been improved, the range of grass rendering in open areas has been increased.
– Added new objects from patch 1.44 (HoR).
– Minor technical fixes.
– Temporarily disabled weights, this is normal.Added:
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Ufa expanded, the Shaksha microdistrict was also added, Oktyabrsky was added, as well as the Ufa-Magnitogorsk highway, with the cities of Inzer and Beloretsk).
– the territory of the Chelyabinsk region (Asha)
– the territories of Tatarstan (Bavly, Bugulma, Almetyevsk).Map changes in version 2.2.0:
– Adaptation for game version 1.43.
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Salavat, Sterlitamak, Ufa (airport area).
– the territory of the Kurgan region and the city of Kurgan.
[/spoiler]Map changes in version 2.1.2:
-Added: territories of Bashkiria and Orenburg region (Tyulgan, Isyangulovo). A beautiful area is the mountainous Urals.
-Expanded Chelyabinsk, added a new city district and district Chelyabinsk (owed money from the last release). Conditions have been created for development in the direction of Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg.And thanks to everyone who supported the project!
The Map of Siberia project is being revived, now it is a project for the default module (europe), at a default scale of 1:19.
Docking with the classic set of projects RusMap + SouthernRegion + GreatSteppe + VOLGAMAP.Otherwise, the principles are unchanged:
– Detailed study of the area
– Custom objects
– Construction on panoramas and satellite images
– Correct backing and docking of the maps.Map showing progress: … sp=sharing
Installation Procedure:– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– GreatSteppe
– Volgamap
– SouthernRegion
– SibirMap 2.0UE AllinoneREADY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The map is can be launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the siburmap.mdb module.DISCLAMER: ATTENTION!
The version of the game for the map: 1.45.
Necessary map dlc: ALL (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea, Iberia).Official community map:
Youtube-channel of the author of the map, where recordings of streams on mapping are available for you: to the map:
Map Author: Valery 10AVOID
Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC
Technical support: Mitriy124, Roman KZ_09, Artyom Polynsky (SimKA), Sanya Ribka.
Special thanks: Leonid Chernousov, Sergey Zubarev, Julia Tkachenko, Sergey Korostelev. -
04 Aug 00:11Version 2.3.2 [fixed]
Map of Siberia v2.3.2 [fixed] - 1.45
Map of Sibir v2.3.2 fix
Fixed broken map sector
Changelog 2.3.2
Adaptation for 1.45
New territories of the Kurgan region
Airport reworked (Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk)
A small alteration of the Kurgan regionCompatible with Rusmap, Southernregion, Volgamap
You must have all maps DLC
10AVOID, Denis DENLOG, Alexander Odintsov. -
01 Aug 16:49Version 2.3.2
Map of Siberia v2.3.2 - 1.45
Version – 2.3.2 (last update):
– Adaptation for version 1.45.
— Airport rework (Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Magnitogorsk).
— Rework of the territories of the Kurgan region (to match the realities of 2022). Minor optimization of the Kurgan location.
— New territories of the Kurgan region (along the R-254 highway to Makushino).Map changes in version 2.3.1:
– Adaptation for version 1.44, including corrected fonts in the Bashkir language.
– The map is sounded with the sounds of nature and human activity (rivers, birds, noise of factories).
– Optimization has been improved, the range of grass rendering in open areas has been increased.
– Added new objects from patch 1.44 (HoR).
– Minor technical fixes.
– Temporarily disabled weights, this is normal.Added:
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Ufa expanded, the Shaksha microdistrict was also added, Oktyabrsky was added, as well as the Ufa-Magnitogorsk highway, with the cities of Inzer and Beloretsk).
– the territory of the Chelyabinsk region (Asha)
– the territories of Tatarstan (Bavly, Bugulma, Almetyevsk).Map changes in version 2.2.0:
Adaptation for game version 1.43.
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Salavat, Sterlitamak, Ufa (airport area).
– the territory of the Kurgan region and the city of Kurgan.Map changes in version 2.1.2:
Added: territories of Bashkiria and Orenburg region (Tyulgan, Isyangulovo). A beautiful area is the mountainous Urals.
Expanded Chelyabinsk, added a new city district and district Chelyabinsk (owed money from the last release). Conditions have been created for development in the direction of Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg.INFORMATION:
The Map of Siberia project is being revived, now it is a project for the default module (europe), at a default scale of 1:19.
Docking with the classic set of projects RusMap + SouthernRegion + GreatSteppe + VOLGAMAP.Otherwise, the principles are unchanged:
– Detailed study of the area
– Custom objects
– Construction on panoramas and satellite images
– Correct backing and docking of the maps.Map showing progress: … sp=sharing
Installation Procedure:– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– GreatSteppe
– Volgamap
– SouthernRegion
– SibirMap 2.3.0 MapDef
– SibirMap 2.3.0 ModelREADY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The map is can be launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the siburmap.mdb module.DISCLAMER: ATTENTION!
The version of the game for the map: 1.43.
Necessary map dlc: ALL (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea, Iberia).Official community map:
Youtube-channel of the author of the map, where recordings of streams on mapping are available for you: to the map (two files MAPDEF AND MODELFILE):
Map Author: Valery 10AVOID
Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC
Technical support: Mitriy124, Roman KZ_09, Artyom Polynsky (SimKA), Sanya Ribka.
Special thanks: Leonid Chernousov, Sergey Zubarev, Julia Tkachenko. -
23 May 00:35Version 2.3.1
Map of Siberia v2.3.1 (1.44)
Map updated! (22.05.2022)
Version – 2.3.1Map changes in version 2.3.1 (last update):
– Adaptation for version 1.44, including corrected fonts in the Bashkir language.
– The map is sounded with the sounds of nature and human activity (rivers, birds, noise of factories).
– Optimization has been improved, the range of grass rendering in open areas has been increased.
– Added new objects from patch 1.44 (HoR).
– Minor technical fixes.
– Temporarily disabled weights, this is normal.Added:
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Ufa expanded, the Shaksha microdistrict was also added, Oktyabrsky was added, as well as the Ufa-Magnitogorsk highway, with the cities of Inzer and Beloretsk).
– the territory of the Chelyabinsk region (Asha)
– the territories of Tatarstan (Bavly, Bugulma, Almetyevsk).Map changes in version 2.2.0:
Adaptation for game version 1.43.
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Salavat, Sterlitamak, Ufa (airport area).
– the territory of the Kurgan region and the city of Kurgan.Map changes in version 2.1.2:
Added: territories of Bashkiria and Orenburg region (Tyulgan, Isyangulovo). A beautiful area is the mountainous Urals.
Expanded Chelyabinsk, added a new city district and district Chelyabinsk (owed money from the last release). Conditions have been created for development in the direction of Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg.INFORMATION:
The Map of Siberia project is being revived, now it is a project for the default module (europe), at a default scale of 1:19.
Docking with the classic set of projects RusMap + SouthernRegion + GreatSteppe + VOLGAMAP.Otherwise, the principles are unchanged:
– Detailed study of the area
– Custom objects
– Construction on panoramas and satellite images
– Correct backing and docking of the maps.INSTALLATION:
Installation Procedure:– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– GreatSteppe
– Volgamap
– SouthernRegion
– SibirMap 2.3.0 MapDef
– SibirMap 2.3.0 ModelREADY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The map is can be launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the siburmap.mdb module.DISCLAMER: ATTENTION!
The versions of the game for the map: 1.43/1.44
Necessary map dlc: ALL (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea, Iberia).Links to the map (two files MAPDEF AND MODELFILE):
And thanks to everyone who supported the project!
Map Author: Valery 10AVOID
Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC
Technical support: Mitriy124, Roman KZ_09, Artyom Polynsky (SimKA), Sanya Ribka.
Special thanks: Leonid Chernousov, Sergey Zubarev, Julia Tkachenko. -
14 May 23:10Version 2.3.0
Map of Siberia v2.3.0 (1.44)
Map updated! (13.05.2022)
Version – 2.3.0Map changes in version 2.3.0 (last update):
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Beloretsk, Oktyabrsky, Ufa (more).
– the territory of the Tatatstan region and cities (Almetievsk, Bugulma, Bavly).Map changes in version 2.2.0:
Adaptation for game version 1.43.
– territories and cities of Bashkiria (Salavat, Sterlitamak, Ufa (airport area).
– the territory of the Kurgan region and the city of Kurgan.Map changes in version 2.1.2:
Added: territories of Bashkiria and Orenburg region (Tyulgan, Isyangulovo). A beautiful area is the mountainous Urals.
Expanded Chelyabinsk, added a new city district and district Chelyabinsk (owed money from the last release). Conditions have been created for development in the direction of Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg.INFORMATION:
The Map of Siberia project is being revived, now it is a project for the default module (europe), at a default scale of 1:19.
Docking with the classic set of projects RusMap + SouthernRegion + GreatSteppe + VOLGAMAP.Otherwise, the principles are unchanged:
– Detailed study of the area
– Custom objects
– Construction on panoramas and satellite images
– Correct backing and docking of the maps.Map showing progress: … sp=sharing
Installation Procedure:– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– GreatSteppe
– Volgamap
– SouthernRegion
– SibirMap 2.3.0 MapDef
– SibirMap 2.3.0 ModelREADY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The map is can be launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the siburmap.mdb module.DISCLAMER: ATTENTION!
The version of the game for the map: 1.43.
Necessary map dlc: ALL (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea, Road to Black Sea, Iberia).Links to the map (two files MAPDEF AND MODELFILE):
And thanks to everyone who supported the project!
Map Author: Valery 10AVOID
Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOG, Victoria VIC
Technical support: Mitriy124, Roman KZ_09, Artyom Polynsky (SimKA), Sanya Ribka.
Special thanks: Leonid Chernousov, Sergey Zubarev, Julia Tkachenko. -
08 Sep 23:24Version 1.0 test
Map of Siberia v1.0 test [1.35.x]
Recognizable landscapes of Western Siberia (steppes, forest-steppes, taiga)
Cities and large towns
Detailed study of the area (according to panoramas and satellite images)
Zoomed-in map for the sensations of a really long trip and displaying the necessary details
City walks, federal highways, and local roads
Custom map objectsNow on the map are two regions - Omsk and Tyumen regions
- Map scale 1 \ 3.
- A functioning economy, custom companies regional, federal, international (Baikal-Service, Magnit, Omsk Bacon, Gazprom, Agriculture, Ikea, Nizkotsen, Krasnoe & Beloe, etc.).
- Several complex interchanges made by hand, without the use of default prefabs.
- Added the city of Ishim, modeled on panoramas, very close to reality.
- More than 500 (!) Custom objects, including stellas, houses, etc.
- A few small Easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
- All car dealerships on the map!
- Two garages.- Significant expansion of the city of Omsk
- A section of the P254 highway from Omsk to Kalachinsk
- Locations: Kormilovka
- New firms
- Added a lot of objects
- Multiple minor fixes made
- Optimization and a small revision of the old sections of the map -
22 Jul 20:28Version 0.4.1
Sibir Map Alpha Version v0.4.1 [1.35.x]
Change log:
- Map version for the 1.35 version of the game.
- Significant expansion of the city of Omsk (Lukashevich street from Volgogradskaya to Bridge at the TV-centre).
- The section of the highway R254 from Omsk to Kalachinsk.
- Localities: Kormilovka, Kalachinsk, Rakitinka.
- New firms (LENTA, Morozovskaya Poultry Farm, Omsk Regional Elevator, Ecoservice, and also gas stations for the delivery of ADR).
- Added a lot of objects.
- Made numerous minor fixes.
- Optimized and a small revision of the old sections of the map.INSTALLATION:
Installation Procedure:
- SibirMap FIX
- Rusmap! (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion 7.9.0 (Only Model files) (with a mandatory replacement of the SRmap__Model3_.scs file, download link below in the text. If departures, disable SRmap_Map & Def.scs)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model 1,2,3,4)READY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The card is launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAMER: ATTENTION! The map used objects of the projects RusMap and the Southern Region. All rights to the models belong to their authors.
The card is compatible with the traffic pack from Jazzycat. Do not forget to upgrade the traffic pack to compatible with version 1.35!
ATTENTION! Packs on trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap! Weather mods seasons may be unstable! Disable random events, they do not work correctly! Do not trust the navigator, he can make mistakes, trust your own skills of orientation in road conditions.The version of the game for the map: 1.35.
Necessary map dlc: (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia, Beyond Baltic Sea).RusMap
SR 7.9.0:
19 Jan 22:40Version 0.4.0 (upd. 19.01.19)
Sibir Map v0.4.0 by 10AVOID (1.33.x)
Description of the map:
- Detailed landscapes of Western Siberia.
- Expanding geography - now there are two regions on the map, the Omsk and Tyumen regions!
- Functioning economy, custom regional, federal, international companies (Baikal-Service, Magnit, Omsk Bacon,
Agriculture, Ikea, Low Price, Red & White and others).
- Several complex interchanges made by hand, without the use of default prefabs.
- More than 350 custom objects, including steles, houses, etc.
- Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
- All dealerships on the map!Changes in v0.4.0:
- various changesNew Changelog v0.3.2:
- The official version of the card for the 1.32 version of the game.
- The section of the P254 highway from Maryanovka to customs with Kazakhstan (a little more than 100 real km).
- Localities: Moskalenki, Isilkul.
- A small section of the P402 highway and local roads near Ishim (Bezrukovo, Ershovo).
- New firms, such as Siberian Delicacy, Siberian Sausages and Transneft (with the ability to load ADR and custom trailers based on default).
- Added a lot of objects.
- Traffic trajectories are actively involved, which makes it possible, among other things, to draw the “correct” marking at the ramps from the highways.
- Made numerous minor fixes, including a bug with a bright glow of signs-pointers.
- Optimized and a small revision of the old sections of the map.Install help:
Installation Procedure:
- SibirMap (Traffic)
- Rusmap 1.7.5 or 1.8! (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion 6.5.2 (Only Model files) (with the mandatory replacement of the SRmap__Model3_.scs file,
download link below in the text. If departures, disable the SRmap_Map & Def.scs file)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model)READY TO READ:
The map is launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to
create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.DISCLAMER: ATTENTION!
The map used objects of the projects RusMap and the Southern Region.
All rights to the models belong to their authors.
The card is compatible with the traffic pack from Jazzycat.
Do not forget to upgrade the traffic pack to compatible with version 1.33!ATTENTION!
Packs on trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap!
Fashion for the weather \ seasons may be unstable!The version of the game for the map: 1.32.
Necessary map dlc: (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia).REFERENCES:
Map included
Def file included
Model1 included
Model2 included
Model3 included
SRModel3File (for compatibility between SOUTH and SIBERIA) included
File with fixes of traffic and textures, we set necessarily, (IMPORTANT) STAND OVER OTHER mods:
Yandex Wallet for donations and support for the author of the modification: 410014397417095Paypal for donations and support for the author of the modification:
alternative link:
09 Dec 23:44Version update auf 1.33
Map of Sibiria by 10avoid 1.33.x
- The section of the P254 highway from Maryanovka to customs with Kazakhstan (a little more than 100 real km).
- Localities: Moskalenki, Isilkul.
- A small section of the P402 highway and local roads near Ishim (Bezrukovo, Ershovo).
- New firms, such as Siberian Delicacy, Siberian Sausages and Transneft (with the ability to load ADR and custom trailers based on default).
- Added a lot of objects.
- Traffic trajectories are actively involved, which makes it possible, among other things, to draw the “correct” marking at the ramps from the highways.
- Made numerous minor fixes, including a bug with a bright glow of signs-pointers.
- Optimized and a small revision of the old sections of the map.Installation Procedure:
- SibirMap (Traffic)
- Rusmap 1.8.1! (Map, Def, Model)
- Southern Region 6.5.2 (Only Model files) (with mandatory replacement of the SRmap file __Model3_.scs. If departures, disable the SRmap_Map & Def.scs file)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model)ATTENTION: The map is launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAMER: ATTENTION! The map used objects of the projects RusMap and the Southern Region. All rights to the models belong to their authors.
Installation - we leave the Southern Region (6.5.2 (Only Model files)), download 1.8.1 Rusmap, we replace the def file with the one in the archive. Everything else that is in the archive, also with the replacement in the mod folder.
13 Oct 20:38Version 0.3.2
SIBIR MAP V0.3.2 1.32.X
Map for ETS2 – SibirMap – alpha version 0.3.2.
SibirMap Author: Valery 10AVOID
SibirMap objects creator: Denis DENLOGChange log:
– The official version of the map for the 1.32 version of the game.
– The section of the P254 highway from Maryanovka to customs with Kazakhstan (a little more than 100 real km).
– Localities: Moskalenki, Isilkul.
– A small section of the P402 highway and local roads near Ishim (Bezrukovo, Ershovo).
– New firms, such as Siberian Delicacy, Siberian Sausages and Transneft (with the ability to load ADR and custom trailers based on default).
– Added a lot of objects.
– Traffic trajectories are actively involved, which makes it possible, among other things, to draw the “correct” marking at the ramps from the highways.
– Made numerous minor fixes, including a bug with a bright glow of signs-pointers.
– Optimized and a small revision of the old sections of the map.INSTALLATION:
Installation Procedure:
– SibirMap (Traffic)
– Rusmap 1.7.5 or 1.8! (Map, Def, Model)
– SouthernRegion 6.5.2 (Only Model files) (with the mandatory replacement of the SRmap__Model3_.scs file, download link below in the text. If departures, disable the SRmap_Map & Def.scs file)
– SibirMap (Map, Def, Model)READY TO READ:
ATTENTION: The map is launched by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAMER: ATTENTION! The map used objects of the projects RusMap and the Southern Region. All rights to the models belong to their authors.
The card is compatible with the traffic pack from Jazzycat. Do not forget to upgrade the traffic pack to compatible with version 1.32!
ATTENTION! Packs on trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap! Fashion for the weather seasons may be unstable!The version of the game for the map: 1.32.
Necessary map dlc: (Going East, Scandinavia, Viva la France, Italia). -
05 Aug 23:48Version 0.3.1
Sibir Map v0.3.1 by 10AVOID (1.31.x)
Description of the map:
- Detailed landscapes of Western Siberia.
- The city of Omsk and the nearest villages (Marianivka, Lyubin, Krasny Yar,Lusino, Druzhino, Entrance, Bekishevo, Tyukalinsk, Krutinka, Abatskoe, Tushnolobovo).
- Functioning economy, custom companies regional, federal, international(Baikal Service, Magnet, Omsk Bacon, Agroculture, Ikea, etc.).
- Several complex interchanges made by hand, without using default singlemodel-prefabs.
- More than 150 custom objects, including stellas, houses, etc.
- Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
- Correct most bugs of the first version.
- All auto dealers on map!Changelog 0.3.1
- A new section of the P402 route from Tushnolobovo to the Ishim Anglomania was added, including the villages of Ravnets, Jubilee, Lozovoye, and the denouement to Kurgan (Ishim city itself is planned in the next versions).
- Changed interchanges near Kryntyki and clover on P254 (corrections, switching to Italian prefabs, adding lighting, etc.)
- Added new objects.
- New firms have been added, including agrofirm Avangard and agroholding Yubileyny (Tyumen region).
- Bug fixes of the previous version are corrected (the road-killer Lyuban-Maryanovka is corrected, the bumps at the route Loris-Melikovo-Tyukalinsk are recycled).
- Fixed interaction of the map with DLC_Schwarzmüller, added custom skins for trailers.New Changelog:
- A new section of the P402 route from Krutinki to the border of the Ishim and Abatsky districtsof the Tyumen region was added, including new settlements - Zimino, Abatskoe and Tushnolobovo.
- Added a section of the 52K-14 route from Tyukalinsk towards Nazyvaevsk,including new settlements (Nalimovo and Loris-Melikovo villages).
- The site P254 from the clover interchange to the village of Marjanovka has been converted tonew quality standards and further to the impasse.
- Added about 100 new objects.
- Many corrections of objects and sections of highways in the city of Omsk.
- Corrections in traffic, economy.INSTALL HELP:
Installation procedure:
- Rusmap 1.7.5 or 1.8! (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion 6.5.2 (Only Model files) (with the mandatory replacementof the file SRmap__Model3_.scs, the download link is below in the text .
If the departures - disable the file SRmap_Map & Def.scs)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model)ATTENTION: The map is started by a separate module!
To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before
starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAIMER: ATTENTION! On the map, project objects RusMap and Southern Region were used.
All rights to the models belong to their authors.
The card is compatible with the traffic-pack from Jazzycat.
Do not forget to update the traffic-pack up to version 1.31 compatible!
ATTENTION! Packs on trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap!
The game version for the map is: 1.31.
Necessary map dlc: (GE, Scandinavia, Viva la France).
DLC Italia for the game is not needed!
Fashion on the weather \ seasons can be unstable! -
16 Jun 20:15Version 0.3.0
Sibir Map v0.3.0 by 10AVOID (1.31.x)
Description of the map:
- Detailed landscapes of Western Siberia.
- The city of Omsk and the nearest villages (Marianivka, Lyubin, Krasny Yar,Lusino, Druzhino, Entrance, Bekishevo, Tyukalinsk, Krutinka, Abatskoe, Tushnolobovo).
- Functioning economy, custom companies regional, federal, international(Baikal Service, Magnet, Omsk Bacon, Agroculture, Ikea, etc.).
- Several complex interchanges made by hand, without using default singlemodel-prefabs.
- More than 150 custom objects, including stellas, houses, etc.
- Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
- Correct most bugs of the first version.
- All auto dealers on map!New Changelog:
- A new section of the P402 route from Krutinki to the border of the Ishim and Abatsky districtsof the Tyumen region was added, including new settlements - Zimino, Abatskoe and Tushnolobovo.
- Added a section of the 52K-14 route from Tyukalinsk towards Nazyvaevsk,including new settlements (Nalimovo and Loris-Melikovo villages).
- The site P254 from the clover interchange to the village of Marjanovka has been converted tonew quality standards and further to the impasse.
- Added about 100 new objects.
- Many corrections of objects and sections of highways in the city of Omsk.
- Corrections in traffic, economy.INSTALL HELP:
Installation procedure:
- Rusmap 1.7.5 or 1.8! (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion 6.5.2 (Only Model files) (with the mandatory replacementof the file SRmap__Model3_.scs, the download link is below in the text .
If the departures - disable the file SRmap_Map & Def.scs)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model)ATTENTION: The map is started by a separate module!
To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before
starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAIMER: ATTENTION! On the map, project objects RusMap and Southern Region were used.
All rights to the models belong to their authors.
The card is compatible with the traffic-pack from Jazzycat.
Do not forget to update the traffic-pack up to version 1.31 compatible!
ATTENTION! Packs on trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap!
The game version for the map is: 1.31.
Necessary map dlc: (GE, Scandinavia, Viva la France).
DLC Italia for the game is not needed!
Fashion on the weather \ seasons can be unstable! -
04 Jan 13:32Version 0.2.1
SIBIRMAP V0.2.1 (UPD. 01.01.18) [1.30.X]
The map is adapted for version 1.30!Recognizable landscapes of Western Siberia (steppes, forest-steppes, taiga)
Cities and large settlements;
Detailed study of the terrain (according to panoramas and satellite images);
Increased scale of the map for the sensations of a really long trip and displaying the necessary trifles;
City tours, federal roads and local roads;
Custom objects for the map.
The project is free.Updated v0.2.0:
- Added a section of the P-402 route from the parking lot near Ermak to Krutinki (over 100 real km). Which means that the length of the roads on the map of Siberia has doubled.
- Added about 150 (!) Completely new and unique objects created specifically for the map Siberia (stella, house, cafe). Many thanks to the author of the Denlog models.
- Added villages: Bekishevo, Malinovka (without a base), Tyukalinsk, Krutinka.
- Added car dealerships: Scania, Man, Volvo, Daf. Now, together with Iveco and Reno, there are 6 car dealers out of 7 on the map.
- The values ??of regional speed limits have been changed.
- The next correction was the economy. Full replacement of default firms by custom, such as Magnit, Baikal-Service and others, including regional ones. For firms developed trailers and some places, facilities for bases. I draw your attention to the fact that the cargo has not yet been finalized, it is possible that you will carry a truck with electronics or frozen beets from the oil processing plant. At the moment, the economic component of the game is in the development stage and will change with time.
- Fixed many bugs, replaced objects to reduce the redness of the log. Fixed bugs such as an error with the number of the wagon (just buy a new tractor), or a problem with the lack of cargo on the bases. Fixed friezes near Omsk and in the parking lot in Malinovka. Many bugs are added, or left from previous versions, the author does what he can.ATTENTION: The card is started by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module
Installation procedure:
- Rusmap 1.7.5 or higher! (Map, Def, Model)
- SouthernRegion 6.5.0 (Map & Def, Model) (with mandatory replacement of the file SRmap__Model3_.scs, download link below)
- SibirMap (Map, Def, Model) -
10 Dec 02:20Version 0.2.0
Map for ETS2 – SibirMap – alpha version 0.2.0.
The author of the map SibirMap: Valery 10AVOID
Author of SibirMap objects: Denis DENLOGDescription of the map:
– Detailed landscapes of Western Siberia.
– The city of Omsk and the nearest villages (Marianivka, Lyubin, Krasny Yar, Lusino, Druzhino, Entrance, Bekishevo, Tyukalinsk, Krutinka).
– Functioning economy, custom companies regional, federal, international (Baikal Service, Magnet, Omsk Bacon, Agroculture, Ikea, etc.).
– Several complex interchanges made by hand, without using default singlemodel-prefabs.
– More than 150 custom objects, including stellas, houses, etc.
– Several small easter eggs that can be found by carefully examining the map.
– Correct most bugs of the first version.
– Salons Scania, Man, Volvo, Daf, Iveco and Reno.
– The project is free!Change-log:
Officially: scale of the map: 1: 4 for the route, 1: 2 for the city.
– Added a section of the P-402 route from the parking lot near cafe Ermak to Krutinka (over 100 real km). Which means that the length of the roads on the map of Siberia has doubled.
– Added about 150 (!) completely new and unique objects created specifically for the SibirMap (stellas, houses, cafes). Many thanks to the author of the models – Denlog.
– Added villages: Bekishevo, Malinovka (without a bases), Tyukalinsk, Krutinka.
– Added car dealerships: Scania, Man, Volvo, Daf. Now, together with Iveco and Reno, there are 6 car dealers out of 7 on the map.
– The values ??of regional speed limits have been changed.
– The next correction was the economy. Full replacement of default firms by custom, such as Magnit, Baikal-Service and others, including regional ones. For firms developed trailers and some places, facilities for bases. I draw your attention to the fact that the cargo has not yet been finalized, it is possible that you will carry a truck with electronics or frozen beets from the oil processing plant. At the moment, the economic component of the game is in the development stage and will change with time.
– Fixed many bugs, replaced objects to reduce the redness of the log. Fixed bugs such as an error with the number of the truck (just buy a new truck), or a problem with the lack of cargo on the bases. Fixed friezes near Omsk and in the parking lot in Malinovka. Many bugs are added, or left from previous versions, the author does what he can.INSTALLATION: as well as version 0.1.1, all requirements are unchanged. The consequences for an existing profile should not be. Before the upgrade, complete the delivery of the goods, you will be sent to the garage!
ATTENTION: The card is started by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module.
DISCLAIMER: ATTENTION! On the map, project objects RusMap and Southern Region were used. All rights to the models belong to their authors.
– Rusmap 1.7.4 (Map, Def, Model)
—-> fix on SR (for version 1.28)
– SouthernRegion (Map & Def, Model)
Map is compatible with the traffic-pack from Jazzycat.
ATTENTION! Packs of trailers can replace the original skins for companies on the map SibirMap!
The map version: 1.28(!) (at 1.30 WILL CRASH! carefully, do not forget to roll back to 1.28 version!)
All the published map dlc (GE, Scandinavia, Viva la France) are needed.
Fashion on the weather seasons can be unstable!REFERENCES:
Map –
Def file –
Model1 –
Model2 – CONTENT:
The aero-trailer with a new stylish skin –
Physics, adapted for the map of SibirMap, author Artem Kazantsev –
Trailer with SibirMap logo, author Maxim Kuznetsov – THE AUTHOR:
A huge request – keep the original links to the files! Thank you.
Link to Donate under the avatar of this group, you can specify any amount, at least 10 rubles, even 1000, how many do not feel sorry for the support of the project.
The Yandex purse of the author is 410014397417095. Paypal –
Be sure to write your nickname or surname!More info:
10avoid, Denlog -
25 Sep 19:43Version 0.1.1
I release the version of SibirMap – alpha 0.1.1
– Construction and test cards now only on version 1.28. (Which does not mean that the card will not start at 1.27 if all installation conditions are met).
– Fixed more than 30 terrain errors, including those based on your bug reports.
– Omsk has undergone a major correction:
1. Fixed a crossroads to Chukreevka. Now this is a T-shaped intersection, as in reality.
2. The location of the Baucenter has been fixed. The access road is now without continuous marking. Added logo. The pointer is reduced, now it looks more aesthetically.
3. The entrance to the city from the Tyumen route, as well as the streets of Bagnyuk and Kondratyuk were “deteriorated” in the quality of the roadway, which brings the state of the city roads closer to reality.
4. The number of trees has been reduced, which should contribute to a slight increase in FPS.
5. Minor corrections in the form of adding wires, decals, signs and so on.– Fixed many crossings on the map. Here and there a collision has been added. Also on the map fixed “recumbent cops”. Slow down the speed.
– Many parking lots and roads have been developed throughout the map – now asphalt is dirtier on them, and pits and bumps have appeared in some places. In the village of Lyubin, the road is also slightly worsened.
– A major change in the economy and gaining experience:
1. Experience is now earned faster. Increased experience points for complex parking. Increased experience points and percentage of payment for the delivery of undamaged goods and so on. Earn money and pump the profile became a little easier. With an increase in the number of kilometers on the map, corrections will be made to balance the development of your profile.
2. Reduced the amount of fines, now they are close to real.
3. The currency “Ruble” was added, at the rate of 70 to 1 to Euro. You can select it in the gameplay settings.– Easter eggs version 0.1.0. from now on are available on the map manager. Visit the site for recreation on the OKAD and the picturesque shore of the Irtysh at the recreation center of Politicalotdel.
Small edits of advisor cards. The author continues to experiment with them. Progress is far from final.
Available for driving section of the route P-402 in the direction of Ishim, to the parking near the cafe Ermak.
Many small fixes and edits.
INSTALLATION: as well as version 0.1.0, all requirements are unchanged. The consequences for an existing profile should not be.
ATTENTION: The map is started by a separate module! To do this, you will need to create a new profile and connect the mods before starting the game by selecting the sibir.mdb module
The author of SibirMap is very grateful to the authors of RusMap and SouthernRegion projects for the opportunity to implement the SibirMap project.
Installation procedure:
– Rusmap (Map, Def, Model)
– SouthernRegion (Map & Def, Model)
– Sibirmap (Map, Def, Model)The map is compatible with the traffic-pack from Jazzycat.
The map version: 1.27 1.28.
All the published map dlc (GE, Scandinavia, Viva la France) are needed.A huge request – keep the original links to the files! Thank you.
Def file –
Model1 –
Model2 - info:
10Avoidyou have to download all 3 files!!!!!!!
19 Sep 17:08Version 0.1.0
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0 Comments for SibirMap Alpha Version v0.1.0 (1.28.x)