Since many of us have asked if we can not get into the LS13 Kamen Ls11 map, we said, "Yes, we do."
We have Kamen reprint, however, had to be replaced because it worked a lot in LS13 NOT.
Nevertheless, one must not completely reorient earlier example where The shop was he still is today.
There were also new things again installed it previously did not exist, this more later.
It is in Kamen for all farmers like what.
There are straight, square and round boxes.
There are fields on and around the mountain.
The farm is centrally located so that even single player have fun with the part, long distances are desired, so that one also has something to drive in MP.
Thus one finds oneself cope more easily, most places on the map where they were before because in Ls11 also.
Kamen is not a backwater of nowhere.
It is located in the beautiful North Rhine-Westphalia, just off the A1 and A2 motorway. The Kamen intersection should probably know some.
No, this is not a replica, only the road network and key points have put on some recognition.
Who knows Kamen, might say: "Yes, I was here to talk."
Kamen is ideal for small and large farmers, as it has enough fields and green spaces.
The map is suitable for SP or MP, especially in the single player game right on the farm, the first 4-5 fields to successfully reach
to be.
All skill levels have been tested and I have to say that sometimes the focus on one or the other
Can slip sales price in the red zone.
This has been deliberately chosen so that the professionals do not always make a profit.
01 * complete new map (no import from LS 11)
02 * Complex road network with long distances
03 * A total of 33 fields with a total size of 113.38 acres. Of 0.1 ha - 12.4 ha, and more.
To provide 04 * Enough meadows and green spaces for the animals
05 * 2 fields that are created as fields, so it would be 35 fields.
Newly installed 06 * All animal areas
07 * pig mod of Mahru installed.
Installed 08 * Mod by water Mahru
09 * Adjusted AI traffic including milk - Truck
10 * Adjusted horseshoe (who seeks, finds.)
11 * Adjusted range missions
12 * New Pallets for the Missions
13 * Adjusted Mähmissionen of Bio-grass plant to quickly make money.
14 * 2 eggs collection
15 * Enough free space to set up placeable mods
16 * Optical Fruit - Silo View on courtyard
17 * 2 washes for washable mods. (Thanks to book sculptor for permission to install!)
18 * Adjusted PDA including signage
19 * Hall-field-purchase a vehicle dealer
20 * Ausmistbare cow zone
21 * mixed feed stock
22 * Various conveyors for Fruits
23 * Fruits Standart + oats, agricultural hemp, sunflower, rye, slurry manure + sale
24 * 2 villages, 1 plant breeding (pigs), 6 outlets
25 * Pog - Reward (at one end of the rainbow ;))
26 *-functioning traffic lights.
27 * Custom trigger info v1.3 (latest version, first published with this map!)
28 * PDA Map Trigger (written specifically for this map!)
29 * launch vehicles adapted to the ModPack
30 * New grass texture
31 * Eggs treadmill: D
Map of the total construction including test's about 8 weeks.
Places on the Map:
01 * yard with washer and space for greenhouses
02 * BGA with a larger capacity
03 * zones for animal feeding (WasserMod)
04 * plant breeding (pigs)
05 * organic grass plant (Mähmissionen, water loading point)
06 * Baywa car dealer
07 * Fields department store to a vehicle dealer
08 * Horse farm
09 * Butcher (for pigs)
10 * Fruit Farm
11 * Egg Farm
12 * FS Brau (brewery)
13 * FSL Center (Mill)
14 * Garden Center
15 * 2 villages
16 * Various Chill Zone
Empholende mods:
- KamenLS13 ModPack -> DOWNLOAD
- Trailer for pigs -> DOWNLOAD
- Wassermod trailer -> DOWNLOAD
- MapAmpelMod -> DOWNLOAD
Thanks to all modders whose work we have installed, because without it, the map would NOT have been possible.
It should be said one who likes the map, they should invite who do not, it is to let it go.
Before any re-weighted: Yes, the map is great. (Quality takes place)
The is indeed huge but for that you also get something to watch!
Cleans your mods folder!
We take NO RESPONSIBILITY for errors which may be caused by other mods or which affects the function of the Map!
We can not meet every taste maybe but we like the map.
We played for hours on this map, WITHOUT PROBLEMS!
Although we have found no problems but that should occur, we will be happy to help - if we can.
Depending on the PC, the charging time may like to take a while!
Hint, look at the videos please, there is shown where you what - Sell / Produce - can!
The map may not be altered or re-uploaded!
Kamen LS 2013 v0.9 BetaFSM-Team 2013
Diverse Models : Giants
PDAInfoTriger : [FSM]Chefkoch
Pumpenhaus : [FSM]Chefkoch
Schilder : [FSM]Chefkoch
klo : [FSM]Chefkoch
Radio ,Gum Automat : [FSM]Chefkoch
Gabione, : [FSM]Chefkoch
Wald,Teer,Wasser,Zebrastreifen, :
Gullideckel,Div.Sounds,uvm.. : [FSM]Chefkoch
Optische Fruit :
SiloFüllstandsAnzeige v2 : [FSM]Atabogo
WaschanlagenHaus : [FSM]Atabogo
Pferdehof,FSM_Mill,Donuthole BGA,:
SiloWände,Diverse Gebäude :
Farmhaus, : [FSM]Atabogo
HofSilo : Model [FSM]Chefkoch
: Textur [FSM]Atabogo
Farm Gebäude : Ni-Modding
GehWegSet : FrankWienberg[GER]
Händler : KundS Modding
Hof-Tankstelle : Tessman85
Himmel : Tessman85
Texturen,Wiese,Fruits : Tessman85,[FSM]Chefkoch
BHKW : Tessman85
AmpelnSet : Bluebaby210
MPAmpelnSet : Dieter316
: Modelle: Sigie
StrassenSet : Fatian
GrainKlappe : GEMapping
Cow/WaterMod : Maruh
SchweineZuchAnlage : Maruh
Feldwege : Patii
Brauerei : Bernie scs/OGF
Oberleitung : Ekkehard
ICE : "
Rolltor : grafik-edv
Schrottanhänger,Div.Zäune : Thuruk
Old Models : thecsfun
Futterlager : frisco0177
Farmer : Devilkw
JägerZaun : Feros
Waldtiere : haselhorst
Steinbrücke : Blackburner
Waschanlage/Script : buchhauer
Mapbau : [FSM]Atabogo
MapFruit einbau : [FSM]Chefkoch
MapTest Sp/Mp : [FSM]Chefkoch /[FSM]Atabogo
Bauzeit 8 Wochen
Und Weitere die ich nicht ausfindig machen kann..!!
Sollte ich doch jemand vergessen haben, möge er sich melden.
12 Jun 09:46Version 0.9 Beta by FSMTeam
by Chefkoch_LS2011
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago over 11 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
by Atabogo
ago almost 12 years
checksum: | e43899728bb21b828cdf7258de14db62 |
Version: | 0.9 Beta by FSMTeam |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | spider100 |
price in shop: | 100 LS |
name in shop: | Alte Mühle |
description in shop: | Eine Muehle für deine Map. |
2 Comments for Came
I still can not download this map! what to do?
hello, is it possible to have another download link on another hébérgeure? please