Modell: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
Textur: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
Script: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
Idee / Konzept: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
Tester: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
Sonstige: jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut, Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software
07 Mar 12:16Version 3.9
Addons for DLC Cab v3.9 by Jeyjey-16 [1.43.x]
Changes in 3.9
Fixed animation of small pennants.
Replaced texture on objects requiring texture
Little Pennant: ETS2 Texture
Pentaglane check box: MINER38RUS texture (can not be used)
Mug: White texture with fuel sensor
Big Pennant: Inscription Empty
Added support Fashion KAMAZ 5490NEO from Simka and Kamaz 5490/54901 PackAddon adds new slots and objects to the interior for DLC “Cabin Accesories”.
Pak adds 30 scarves, 30 autonomous pennants, 3D objects,
New dashboard sets for all standard trucks.
Adds mugs, cigarettes, ashtray, iPhone and other items.
Adds Slots for Trucks Trucks DAF, MAN, Scania, Volvo, Iveco, Mercedes, Renault
Compatible with Sisl Mega PackFor the following fashion trucks:
Scania T from RJL,
Scania RS from RJL,
SISU R500 from RJL,
Man TGS.
Big Star Actros and Acros SLT by Thunderhawk
Scania Megamod from Vinzel
Scania R from Fred
DAF Euro 6 from Ohaha
Volvo FH16 2009 from Ohaha,
Volvo FH 2013 from Ohaha
Volvo VNL 670,
Mercedes MP4 Plastic Parts,
MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 from Taina95Authors: Jeyjey-16, Alexeyp, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, Jgut (Ashtray), Van Graff, Colo1627, Furkan61, Moders Team Poland, Toster, Seraoki, Kirill.mladshev, Ton, SCS Software.
Update Mikhail.belkov220520 -
26 Jan 19:37Version 3.8.3
Addons for DLC Cab v3.8.3 by Jeyjey-16 [1.36.x]
Hello. This mod is an addon for DLC Cab accessories. This addon add 3D objects, new dashboard and glass slots for all base trucks and some modded trucks.
Finaly, here it is! > V3.8.3 For ETS2 1.36
This mods add +/- 30 scarfs, +/- 30 pennants, 3D objects, News slots glass for all trucks, new sets dashbord for all trucks.
This mod work with all base truck + Mercedes Antos by DANZ, Mercedes Actros MPIII by MTP, Scania t and rs by RJL, Sisu R500 by RJL, DAF XF by 50Keda, Man TGA, Man TGS, Man TGX E5 and E6 by MADster, DAF E6 and VOLVO FH16 by Ohaha, Volvo VNL, Mercedes Actros and Arocs SLT, Scania V8 and fred scania
New in V3.8.3 > FIX for 1.36.X version of ETS2
Completely rework the mod, news names def, hookup and many more, Delete all objects and mores relative to olders versions to prevent red line in log.
I delete many 3D objects and tables for trucks, remove iveco rework, remove curtains
Add compatibility for new PMG format
Add compatibility for Renault T and scania R by Fred
Why this version look like a backup compare to olders versions? > Because of many 3D objects are outdated, restart with something clean for future update.
Full compatible with SiSL megapack.
For more 3D objects I recomand you to use SiSL Megamod and truck tables by racing.
Warning! This version sound like a new mod, sell all stuff from old version one by one in game before updating to prevent red line in gamelog
jeyjey-16 -
20 Mar 23:03Version 3.8.2
Addons for DLC Cab v3.8.2 by Jeyjey-16 [1.30.x]
This mods add +/- 30 scarfs, +/- 30 pennants, several 3D objects, News slots glass for all trucks, new sets dashbord for all trucks, some trucks have new curtains.
This mod work with all base truck + Mercedes Antos by DANZ, Mercedes Actros MPIII by MTP, Scania t and rs by RJL, Sisu R500 by RJL, DAF XF by 50Keda, Man TGA, Man TGS, Man TGX E5 and E6 by MADster, DAF E6 and VOLVO FH16 by Ohaha, Volvo VNL, Mercedes Actros and Arocs SLT, Scania V8
This mod also rework iveco hiway (remove sideskirt on 4*2, added set dashboard..) and iveco stralis (added set dashboard)
There are only one version, English people must addapt and see what is compatible or not, in next version I try to fix slots for english cab’ All slots glass working for English cab
For the table on truck, I know it’s whorehouse but I can’t make otherwise.
Why not add curtains for all trucks? Because some trucks have stock curtains, they look ugly when I added new curtains.
New in V3.8.2 > FIX for 1.30.X version of ETS2
Add compatibility for new PMG format
Add compatibility for Scania 2016
This mod is still WIP but actually I don’t have time to modding
Made with blender
To customize your pennant or mug open the archive> jeyjey_custom>…..>
jeyjey-16, Eugene,AlexeyP, Bogdan Kasalap, daf1, SrqN, HEMPAM Group, daftruckcool, Robertas,Grepo, Elaman, Shanson, Vlasta, Solaris36, Niksarli, jgut(Ashtray), Van graff, colo1627, furkan61, Modders Team Poland,TosteR, Seraoki, Kirill.Mladshev, Ton, SCS Software -
22 Sep 20:54Version 3.8.1
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 5 years
by mods80
ago about 5 years
by mods80
ago about 5 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
does it work with v1.30x ?