Joskin pumping 25,000 barrels TRS TRIDEM

V 3.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Dear Modhoster community I want to introduce to you today my Joskin Cistern with trailing hose for Farming Simulator 2013!

It works in SP and MP in wonderful it only has 1 UV stop the error but does not affect the game!

The UV error I'd like to fix but since I no Maya or otherwise possess, it is not possible for me to fix that!

Original model and the old texture comes from Daniel11 release occurs thanks for that!

It has:

* lighting script v3.1

* suitable Spotlight

* New tires with tire pressure control systems (non-working) (Agroton155)

* Power detention (SFM)

* all files converted to the better dds format

* New skin for the drum

* Level indicator fully functional

* animated support leg

* Skin Joskin

* new tires installed

* New logo Joskin

* Warning signs

I attended some games on Facebook! :-)

  So of it is about it now, nothing special but I hope you like it is!

So need not be unpacked directly into the Modsordner have fun and be!

Samson Mfg Schlosser


It is forbidden to upload this mod again, not even in a different form!

Please use the original download link!

- It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in altered form at!

Please use the original download link!

- Draudžiama / kelti š / mod v l, net pakitusiu pavidalu?

Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod?

- Zabrania si? WGra? th mod jeszcze, nawet w zmienionej formie!

Prosz? u | ywa? oryginalnego link Thurs pobrania!

- Depending zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve n zm form ?! Prosím použijte povodní odkaz stažení ke!


Johni 6530

  • 03 Jun 15:56
    Version 3.0

    Eifok Güllescript eingebaut, also kann jetzt auch wie das Zunhammerfass befüllt werden einfach links oder rechts Schlauch anschließen!

  • 09 Mar 16:48
    Version 2.0


checksum: 7134356d6439760995016097807ec504
Version: 3.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Simsonschlosser
price in shop: 23670 LS
name in shop: Pumpfass Joskin 25000 TRS TRIDEM
description in shop: Modell/Textur: daniel11/Simsonschlosser
Tridemachse, 25000 ltr, Schleppschlauch Kompressor 2010 erneuert
Zwangslenkung Bereifung 600/55-26.5
ls 2013 : Simsonschlosser

09.03 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.23 / 53 Votes


nach 32 Stimmen

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V 3.0
Farming Simulator 2013
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V 2.0
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