John Deere 6620

V 2.2 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Moin Moin
I hereby submit to you my 6620 for disposal.
I've made some changes, for example. New Features
The model is slightly modified.
I've installed panel attacher for IC.
The permit and are available from Desperados93 820power.

The log is error-free.

Please only use the original link!
Keep the original download link!

6620Power mfg / / Saschi


Modell: Arnold und Ls-Works, editiert von Desperados93 und 6620Power
Reifen: KsatriaHU, editiert von 820Power
Frontlader: Mf390, Ingame und Kleinigkeiten by Tobii
Umgebaut und Scipte verpasst by 820Power
3. Edit by 6620Power

  • 13 Nov 14:59
    Version 2.2


checksum: 98eea414eb30169e310303c083a0ec35
Version: 2.2
multiplayer ready? no
Author: 820Power, Desperados93, Tobii und 6620Power
price in shop: 1 LS
name in shop: John Deere 6620
description in shop: Modell: Arnold und Ls-Works, editiert von Desperados93 und 6620Power
Reifen: KsatriaHU, editiert von 820Power
Frontlader: Mf390, Ingame und Kleinigkeiten by Tobii
Umgebaut und Scipte verpasst by 820Power
3. Edit by 6620Power

13.11 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.58 / 19 Votes


nach 10 Stimmen

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V 2.2
Farming Simulator 2011
21.2 MB 11337
13. 11 2011 11,337

2 Comments for John Deere 6620

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  1. pisten600 21. 02 2012

    cooler mod lob an den MODER

  2. tautvydas 07. 12 2011

    Very good John.:)) Thx for uploader!
